Comments on: Poka-Yoking The Method/2013/10/20/poka-yoking-the-method/Making Lives More WonderfulTue, 22 Oct 2013 11:40:50 +0000hourly1 Flavius Stef (@FlaviusStef)/2013/10/20/poka-yoking-the-method/#comment-8237Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:40:50 +0000/?p=3424#comment-8237I know we tend to discourage the use of tooling in favor of physical environments. But perhaps tools could help in the direction you are exploring.

I’m thinking of a tool that asks me: “Your bug count has been increasing lately. You might try to: write clean code [link], adopt ATDD [link] or run a root cause analysis workshop [steps + link].”

By: galleman/2013/10/20/poka-yoking-the-method/#comment-8204Sun, 20 Oct 2013 15:52:58 +0000/?p=3424#comment-8204What a great concept. We work in the DOD Program Management domain, where process abounds. The processes are sound, the people are trained – 2 years at the Defense Acquisition University, and managed by senior uniformed acquisition staff – work for them.
But there is trouble everywhere.
Thanks for the learning opportunity.

By: Ally Gill (@allygill)/2013/10/20/poka-yoking-the-method/#comment-8202Sun, 20 Oct 2013 10:12:12 +0000/?p=3424#comment-8202I’ve always considered that good methods should be implementation neutral – that maybe what we need is an implementation method that could be applied to any method or partial method (or tool, or framework, or model etc). It’s this missing link – which we generally seem to call Change Management – which should focus on the non-technical aspects of your chosen method, namely the key human elements, the stakeholder and relationship management etc. I know their are ‘change management’ frameworks out there but they are often a bit washy washy, and don’t have much traction in the workplace. An ideal change method probably needs to be recursive, which makes it even more difficult to design. Just a thought!
