Comments on: Adherence, Self-Efficacy and the Person of the Therapist/2021/10/04/adherence-self-efficacy-and-the-person-of-the-therapist/Making Lives More WonderfulWed, 01 Feb 2023 15:39:14 +0000hourly1 flowchainsensei/2021/10/04/adherence-self-efficacy-and-the-person-of-the-therapist/#comment-116121Tue, 05 Oct 2021 08:08:11 +0000/?p=6777#comment-116121I have regularly seen folks block the purpose of their organisation based on their own assumptions, beliefs and mores. For example, one client had a admin person who, despite repeated requests from myself and their CEO both, failed to acquire needed equipment in the name of “saving money”.

By: robertday154/2021/10/04/adherence-self-efficacy-and-the-person-of-the-therapist/#comment-116089Mon, 04 Oct 2021 21:32:36 +0000/?p=6777#comment-116089In reply to Jeff Grigg.

Schizophrenic organisations are almost without doubt a Thing.

In the case I have in mind, a friend of mine had considerable caring responsibilities for her elderly mother, who had dementia. Her employer, a red-brick university, had what was considered a highly enlightened set of “family-friendly” personnel policies. Yet when it came to actually applying those policies in the real world, there always seemed to be some impediment against making them work in the way they were supposed to; and it was always local managers who said “No, we can’t let you do that” and always their middle managers who backed them up, even to the point of commencing efficiency measures against my friend when she was forced to put her mother first in emergencies.

I think that in the current case of the Metropolitan Police, we are almost certainly seeing another schizophrenic organization.

By: Jeff Grigg/2021/10/04/adherence-self-efficacy-and-the-person-of-the-therapist/#comment-116083Mon, 04 Oct 2021 20:33:35 +0000/?p=6777#comment-116083In reply to flowchainsensei.

When treating organizations as if they were individuals, I think that we would be quite safe in assuming schizophrenia. And only considering its possible absence should we observe considerable compelling evidence.

By: flowchainsensei/2021/10/04/adherence-self-efficacy-and-the-person-of-the-therapist/#comment-116070Mon, 04 Oct 2021 16:04:36 +0000/?p=6777#comment-116070Your postulated scenario sounds akin to non-adherence in e.g. schizophrenic individuals?

By: robertday154/2021/10/04/adherence-self-efficacy-and-the-person-of-the-therapist/#comment-116065Mon, 04 Oct 2021 15:18:25 +0000/?p=6777#comment-116065I’m interested in the concept of ‘Adherence’ here.

How does this work in practice when the senior officers of an organisation make a policy decision (and announce it widely, and get kudos for it), but the grass roots managers roll back on that policy because it’s organisationally inconvenient for them, and their middle managers collude with that roll-back?
