Comments on: Obduracy/2019/04/17/obduracy/Making Lives More WonderfulFri, 23 Apr 2021 09:27:47 +0000hourly1 Hans Lundberg/2019/04/17/obduracy/#comment-110026Fri, 12 Feb 2021 11:14:03 +0000/?p=5428#comment-110026I`d like to see transparency in the list. Agree on what is confidential the rest is open information.

By: Nick Perry/2019/04/17/obduracy/#comment-22938Wed, 17 Apr 2019 18:29:51 +0000/?p=5428#comment-22938Thoughtful post as always Bob, I agree and thanks for introducing me to the term Kaikaku it is something I have introduced and also practiced throughout my life, without realising their was a term to describe it.I watched a youtube recently the rise of superman, which explains what happens in the brain with the flood of many chemicals to it when we effectively step off straight into the unknown. Many extreme sportspeople will be aware of the phenomena but it is to my mind where the art of the possible transforms into the realisation of what we thought is impossible, that unpredictable breakthrough that transforms perception of how we percieve almost everything. The value of scrum that relates to having the courage to take on difficult work is I guess what incorporates this into some agile practices but as you put it what enterprises do is reject this approach because it is seen as risky but as any who have participated in the practice will attest the opposite is the outcome by taking on greater risk we are hyper aware of risk because our senses are on fire and thus greater risk leads to a safer environment, when we add to that a team that have each other backs that level of safety is magnified isn’t it ?
