Comments on: Damn Outcomes!/2019/05/28/damn-outcomes/Making Lives More WonderfulTue, 18 May 2021 16:42:06 +0000hourly1 Marco Consolaro/2019/05/28/damn-outcomes/#comment-111463Tue, 18 May 2021 16:42:06 +0000/?p=5449#comment-111463“The actions taken would be different if the well being of the organization was primary and the well being of senior executives subservient to that aim.” – Nobody gives a hoot about the well being of the organization neither. See the latest fancy job title created to make sure that problem is deflected and amplified: the new Chief Wellbeing Officer?!?! Helping people to believe they have mental health issues while the organization can carry on smoothly with its insanity…

By: Jeff Grigg/2019/05/28/damn-outcomes/#comment-23255Tue, 28 May 2019 13:00:47 +0000/?p=5449#comment-23255I think you’re still talking about outcomes. The focus seems to be on “outcomes that matter.” And, as in all human endeavors, the outcomes that matter the most are the positive desirable outcomes to people’s lives.

… for “the people who matter.” And, ideally, more people would “matter” than just one’s immediate bosses.


(What “matters” the most to people? Well, “people things,” of course.)
