Comments on: Write Your Own – Flow/2014/10/09/write-your-own-flow/Making Lives More WonderfulWed, 22 Oct 2014 05:54:37 +0000hourly1 flowchainsensei/2014/10/09/write-your-own-flow/#comment-11845Wed, 22 Oct 2014 05:54:37 +0000/?p=4072#comment-11845In reply to Matthew Skelton (@matthewpskelton).

Hi Matthew,

Yes. If I was writing that section, I’d definitely include sociology, psychology and neuroscience.

– Bob

By: Matthew Skelton (@matthewpskelton)/2014/10/09/write-your-own-flow/#comment-11844Tue, 21 Oct 2014 23:17:31 +0000/?p=4072#comment-11844Bob, I like the idea. Does inter- and intra-team psychology fall under Organisational Health? It strikes me that some proper psychology/neuroscience (not the ‘pop’ stuff like left-brain/right-brain crap) would be of value.


By: mysoftwarequality/2014/10/09/write-your-own-flow/#comment-11684Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:19:39 +0000/?p=4072#comment-11684Hi Bob, I like your initiative and i believe that yes, students learn better when they think they are going to have to teach the material.

I, for example, use blogging as a learning activity. I start writing about something and I normally realise I need to do some more research on some aspects because of the visibility of what I write, just a teacher in his classroom, so I research and learn. It helps me, hopefully helps some reader too.

Funnily enough earlier this morning I wrote a small piece about Continuous improvement, so here we go I am sending it to your product development flow crowd source initiative.

Continuous improvement is an infinite loop
