Comments on: An Invitation To Contribute And Share/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/Making Lives More WonderfulTue, 29 Dec 2015 23:39:03 +0000hourly1 Dr. Ross Wirth/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14470Tue, 29 Dec 2015 23:39:03 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14470Helping organizations – Finding our focus

For the past month, I have been thinking about Bob’s initial invitation and reading all the comments that have been posted above. Picking up Bob quoting Grace Hopper, I am taking this opportunity to summarize what I have read and organized everything within some structure that seems to make some sense (to me anyway). To help organize my thoughts, I centered my summation around three questions.

Who is our target audience?
What comprises the “essence” of what we desire to change?
How do we approach delivering upon our vision?

What I am hearing others say is summarized in a discussion posted on LinkedIn so those involved can easily share their profile and contact information in addition to posting their comments. (Learning about who is involved is part of building trust, an issue that arose above in a couple places.)

A copy has also been posted on the Mirrormere (WordPress) site for continuity there.

I will take it upon myself to coordinate and align the key discussion points until a consensus builds on where people would like to call “home” for this discussion. At some point, I would like to suggest that the core group switch to Slack with the wider follower list remaining connected via a public discussion.

By: How can we connect? | The Mirrormere Community/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14399Mon, 14 Dec 2015 14:10:49 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14399[…] conversations with Bob about the Mirrormere project and this post comes out of our last chat.  Bob’s initial invitation inspired me to put my hand up and say “I’m in”.  I know many others did too.  For myself, […]

By: Christina Kjær Seime/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14294Thu, 26 Nov 2015 13:08:11 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14294In reply to flowchainsensei.

Hi Bob,

I don’t really know yet. I need to familiarize myself with previous comments, discussions etc. My background is an Agile and Lean enthusiast – currently working as an Agile Coach. I have worked with / been interested in organizational change for a while now and would really like to share ideas, challenges etc with others.

I saw Slack mentioned in an earlier comment. To get the discussions going I would also recommend to use Slack as collaboration tool. Works beautifully with distributed teams 🙂

I am of course also on Skype, feel free to add me: christinaseime

I am situated in Norway btw.

By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14292Thu, 26 Nov 2015 11:02:41 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14292In reply to Christina Kjær Seime.

Hi Christina,

Thanks for stepping up. 🙂 Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (at our new home: – you might like to subscribe there, too so as to not miss any of the conversation) and some ideas may come up?

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog).

Also, if you’d like to Skype with other Mirrormere fellows from time to time, would you be willing to share your Skype id?

– Bob

By: Christina Kjær Seime/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14291Thu, 26 Nov 2015 09:54:23 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14291I would like to contribute! Thank you for the invitation 🙂 I am not sure how I can contribute, but we’ll figure that out as we go along I guess….

By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14273Tue, 24 Nov 2015 18:06:21 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14273In reply to Edwin Ferran.

Hi Edwin,

Thanks for stepping up. 🙂 Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (at our new home: )and some ideas may come up?

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog).

– Bob

By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14272Tue, 24 Nov 2015 18:06:02 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14272In reply to Olimpia Mazza.

Hi Olimpia,

Thanks for stepping up. 🙂 Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (at our new home: )and some ideas may come up?

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog).

– Bob

By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14271Tue, 24 Nov 2015 18:05:42 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14271In reply to Alison Cannell.

Hi Alison,

Thanks for stepping up. 🙂 Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (at our new home: )and some ideas may come up?

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog).

– Bob

By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14270Tue, 24 Nov 2015 18:05:25 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14270In reply to Julie Jakopic.

Hi Julie,

Thanks for stepping up. 🙂 Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (at our new home: )and some ideas may come up?

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog).

– Bob

By: Julie Jakopic/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14269Tue, 24 Nov 2015 17:53:01 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14269Thanks for the opportunity. I love the name. In fact, when asked what “organizational development” is, I often say it’s like organizational therapy.

By: Alison Cannell/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14244Fri, 20 Nov 2015 10:31:57 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14244interested to hear/contribute more as a community member

By: Paul Gibbons/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14242Fri, 20 Nov 2015 03:22:32 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14242May I humbly offer my recent book as a contribution to the debate. The Science of Organizational Change – brings into play the latest from the behavioral sciences – cognitive biases, choice architecture, habit formation, neo-behaviorism, psychology of risk, leadership as a science, complexity theory, change agility, and anti-fragility. Very interested to hear commentary from expert practitioners.

By: Olimpia Mazza/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14228Wed, 18 Nov 2015 20:02:03 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14228I get where you are coming from and the journey this may take. It really way overdue, and I am in. I admire your initiative and courage in starting what could become a ripple effect for the good. Love it already.

By: Edwin Ferran/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14221Tue, 17 Nov 2015 16:58:53 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14221This definitely resonates with me and I would like to tag along for a while to see if there’s a ‘there here.’ My experience has been predominately in the non-profit/public sector, specifically with agencies and coalitions working in human/social services. I won’t list here the varied organizational and system dysfunctions that have had the collective result of what is now, I believe, a predictable failure within this sector to ‘move the needle’ significantly on a variety of social indicators.
I refer one to the following article that lays out quite well some of the problem:

By: Matthew Skelton (@matthewpskelton)/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14212Mon, 16 Nov 2015 16:12:26 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14212In reply to flowchainsensei.

It’s clear to me from first-hand experience that many organisations (?most?) would benefit hugely from the practices and approaches that you’ve been advocating for ages. I like the idea of treating an organisation as a single ‘organism’ capable of thinking and feeling (even though many currently do very little of either). I also like the idea of characterising a malaise and proposing therapies.

By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14211Mon, 16 Nov 2015 14:49:12 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14211In reply to tomsreflections.

Hi Tom,

Thanks for stepping up. Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (via the new site now at ) and some ideas may come up?

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog), and how you might define it?

– Bob

By: tomsreflections/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14210Mon, 16 Nov 2015 14:27:11 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14210Count me in, Bob.

I’ve been doing “organizational therapy” for most of my career, but would not get far if I called it that. I’m experiencing increasing interest in transformational work among my clients, both in coaching and in organizational development. But it is nothing a company does for its own sake, and so is also not a product one can “sell.”

I am curious to learn about how people feel about the idea of treating organizations for their pathogenic beliefs. The ability to do so strikes me as part of what a particular kind of top coach and consultant bring to his tasks in any case, and applies where appropriate.

I can contribute my knowledge and experience, for any who are curious about them.



By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14205Mon, 16 Nov 2015 12:16:15 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14205In reply to Darryn Downey.

Hi Darryn,

Thanks for stepping up. Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (via the new site now at ) and some ideas may come up?

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog).

– Bob

By: Darryn Downey/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14203Mon, 16 Nov 2015 11:51:29 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14203Hey bob, I think this is a great idea, please count me in

By: flowchainsensei/2015/11/08/an-invitation-to-contribute-and-share/#comment-14202Mon, 16 Nov 2015 08:38:36 +0000/?p=4907#comment-14202In reply to Matthew Skelton (@matthewpskelton).

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for stepping up. 🙂 I welcome your offer to share your experiences.

It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog).

– Bob
