Comments on: After Agile/2015/10/21/after-agile/Making Lives More WonderfulFri, 23 Oct 2015 03:48:42 +0000hourly1 Five Blogs – 23 October 2015 | 5blogs/2015/10/21/after-agile/#comment-14001Fri, 23 Oct 2015 03:48:42 +0000/?p=4869#comment-14001[…] After Agile Written by: Bob Marshall […]

By: Paul Beckford/2015/10/21/after-agile/#comment-13996Wed, 21 Oct 2015 14:16:06 +0000/?p=4869#comment-13996Hi Bob,

We are living in interesting times. I think the answer to the question “what next?” has to do with the nature of work, and whether you believe it is changing or not.

Are our organisations there to serve society as a whole, or do they exist to concentrate wealth in the hands of a privileged few?

These are big social questions.

I fear that very little has changed. My bet is that our future will look a lot like our past. We may even have gone backwards. Some Economists argue that the post war era with increased wealth distribution and improving working conditions, was an aberration that has now come to an end. If true, then our future could look more like the 19th century!!

