Comments on: Them And Us/2014/10/12/them-and-us/Making Lives More WonderfulMon, 13 Oct 2014 06:37:45 +0000hourly1 Andrea Chiou/2014/10/12/them-and-us/#comment-11720Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:09:23 +0000/?p=4083#comment-11720Did either of you see my recent blog post. I asked a colleague in IT for specific metaphors that might help us with that rift. I want to answer the question: Can we craft new ways of being together by bridging the thinking gap through metaphor?
This is something I will continue to explore in my work. Here is the link…

By: Paul Boos/2014/10/12/them-and-us/#comment-11719Sun, 12 Oct 2014 11:30:49 +0000/?p=4083#comment-11719OK, second attempt (probably a bit lazier too in that this is probably shorter as a result)…

Having also sat in both the developer and manager chair, it seems most work systems in use at organizations emphasize I-shaped managers with control mechanisms (financial, risk, schedule, etc.) as their fundamental tenet. We need T-shaped managers, just as we want T-shaped team members. To fundamentally ‘control’ things outside of what one is doing directly requires more understanding and empathy with other members of the organization; this should come as no surprise then that one of the directions for generalizing could be understanding more about IT. It’s a shame our work systems continue to emphasize even greater specialization around certain management aspects the higher one goes.

