Comments on: Why Aren’t We Rich Yet?/2014/09/17/selling-agile-successfully/Making Lives More WonderfulWed, 17 Sep 2014 12:53:48 +0000hourly1 ThinkPurpose/2014/09/17/selling-agile-successfully/#comment-11447Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:53:48 +0000/?p=4007#comment-11447“Walk away – albeit temporarily – from prospects that aren’t (yet) comfortable with the idea of giving up on their existing strategies.”
That’s absolutely key even as an internal “change agent”. If there’s no pull, if there’s no interest in actual change , then everybody’s time and effort will be wasted.
In my place nobody turns anyone down, the job is to do, not to not do. If your interested in actual results then you have to not-do some of the time. Or in my case, virtually all of it.
