Comments on: The Nine Principles of Organisational Psychotherapy/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/Making Lives More WonderfulMon, 15 Apr 2019 15:04:22 +0000hourly1 flowchainsensei/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-17986Sun, 25 Feb 2018 00:22:06 +0000/?p=907#comment-17986In reply to Geof Ellingham.

Hi Geof, Iā€™d be delighted to have such a conversation.

By: Geof Ellingham/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-17985Sat, 24 Feb 2018 20:23:42 +0000/?p=907#comment-17985Hi Bob – I’m involved in Agile as a coach, consultant and leader (I’m Chair of the Agile Business Consortium), and am also currently training as a psychotherapist. I’ve been thinking recently about the many similarities and connections between these two areas of work, and came across your work when looking to see who else was thinking along the same lines. I’d be very interested in a conversation if about how organisational psychotherapy might evolve in future, if that’s something that would interest you too…?

By: Tahereh Barati/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-13162Mon, 27 Apr 2015 13:37:18 +0000/?p=907#comment-13162Reblogged this on taherehbarati and commented:
It is refreshing to read this article as it shares the similar fundamental principles for treating organizations as people. Just imagine, if we consider utilizing what we find useful for individuals’ well being on organizations. What do you think might become possible to individuals who spend 35 h/w in organization? There is a link between individuals’ well-being and organizations’… Enjoy.

By: Trust Artist April 23 - Trust Artist/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-11271Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:10:08 +0000/?p=907#comment-11271[…] Bob’s awesome post on organizational therapy. I love the approach and want to do exactly that, and I think it needs another name. I’ll go […]

By: Anne A/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-9756Tue, 15 Apr 2014 09:59:30 +0000/?p=907#comment-9756Reblogged this on convergency partnership.

By: flowchainsensei/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-500Mon, 28 May 2012 15:18:28 +0000/?p=907#comment-500In reply to Moira.

Please do šŸ™‚

By: Moira/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-498Mon, 28 May 2012 10:33:41 +0000/?p=907#comment-498Thanks for the response Bob. Interesting! I do have some empathy for your stance on qualifications and for the fit between client and facilitator. Definite food for thought – may I come back with more questions once I have really chewed over your wise words?

By: flowchainsensei/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-463Mon, 21 May 2012 18:39:41 +0000/?p=907#comment-463In reply to Moira.

Hi Moira,

Thanks for joining the conversation.

Firstly, I have to say I’m implacably opposed to qualifications, certifications, etc.. I appreciate this introduces an acute conundrum re: safety where people’s lives and livelihoods may be concerned.

My view of what makes for a proficient and effective organisational psychotherapist includes:

Knowledge of group dynamics and team-bulding
Practice in group therapy
Skills related to e.g. intervention theory, systems thinking, Theory-X vs Theory-Y (McGregor).
Coaching abilities (both individuals and teams)
Servant and Host Leadership (Greenleaf, McKergow)
Student of Deming, Drucker, Kouzes and Posner, Ackoff, Senge, Goldratt, Semler, Argyris, Meadows, Satir, Jaworski, Ohno, Leonard, Lencioni, Seligman, De Bono, Seddon,…
Practical leadership (gemba) experience applying some or all of the about in a variety of organisational settings (from small, fast-moving start-ups through to leaden corporates).

More broadly, I posit that effective organisational psychotherapy covers a great deal of ground, and I don’t think it’s feasible to expect one individual to have all possible / desirable skills and experience. Clients should look first and foremost for folks who they feel comfortable with, and who will facilitate the client’s journey – rather than impose their own biases and solutions. I.E. Someone with a therapist’s posture, rather than e.g. a consultant, coach or ex-executive.

How does that sound?

– Bob

By: Moira/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-462Mon, 21 May 2012 17:26:42 +0000/?p=907#comment-462Hi,
I interested to know what qualifications you believe an organisational psychotherapist should hold. It is an area I would like to pursue coming from an organisational change background – having focused more on process, policy and systems I would like to use that experience to enable me to support to focus on the people side of change. I look forward to your thoughts.

Moira, UK

By: Dan Mezick/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-387Thu, 03 May 2012 10:57:16 +0000/?p=907#comment-387To understand how you may feed or starve dysfunction in your org, you may consider attending a Group Relations conference. These conferences explore the depth-psychology of larger groups, organizations etc. For info see

Dan Mezick
Agile consultant; Exec Coach

By: Five Blogs ā€“ 30 April 2012 « 5blogs/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-381Mon, 30 Apr 2012 06:37:49 +0000/?p=907#comment-381[…] The Nine Principles of Organisational Psychotherapy Written by: Bob Marshall […]

By: Tom Howlett/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-379Sun, 29 Apr 2012 19:18:11 +0000/?p=907#comment-379I like the concept. To ask for therapy you generally need to accept you are in some way sick. This might be a more productive starting point than coaching someone who already thinks they are great (but is actually sick), denial from the off. Macho management culture isn’t going to make this easy though.

By: bulldozer00/2012/04/29/the-nine-principles-of-organisational-psychotherapy/#comment-378Sun, 29 Apr 2012 15:54:54 +0000/?p=907#comment-378“Cog Diss” rocks!
