
Monthly Archives: June 2009

My Forlorn Love Letter to Agile

[From the Archive: Originally posted at Jun 30, 2009]

Dear Agile,

You seemed so cute and svelte the first time I saw you. And as we got to know each other better I fell more and more in love with you. I loved your purity of spirit, your inner strength, and the humanity implicit in the way you looked at the world.

But then I came to see another side to you. Your self-indulgence. Your tendency to have trouble relating to non-agile people and their ways of being. And above all, your narcissism. These aspects jar and jangle with my values.

Am I wanting too much? Can I not be satisfied with you the way you are? Why do I have this yearning for someone else with more depth, a more rounded view of life? Is it me, or are we just not so well-matched, after all?

Forlornly yours

– Bob

An Agile Koan – If You Meet Buddha on the Road, Kill Him

[From the Archive: Originally posted at Jun 23, 2009]

Lest we forget, and let Agile orthodoxies (or any other orthodoxies, for that matter) become our master. I particularly like the thought:

“How often we make circumstances our prison and other people our jailers!”

And yes, the paradox of even mentioning this koan is not lost on me :}

Amplify ’d from If You Meet The Buddha on the Road, Kill Him!

The Zen Master warns: “If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him!” This admonition points up that no meaning that comes from outside ourselves is real. The Buddhahood of each of us has already been obtained. We need only recognise it. Killing the Buddha on the road means destroying the hope that anything outside of ourselves can be our master. We must each give up the master without giving up the search. The importance of things lies in the way we have learned to think about them. How often we make circumstances our prison and other people our jailers! At our best we take full responsibility for what we do and what we choose not to do. The most important struggles take place within the self.

Read more at If You Meet The Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! 

– Bob