Interactive Books

I’m augmenting my LeanPub ebooks with a passel of ChatGPT prompts and learning paths which readers can use to read around and learn more about the topics in each chapter of the books, interact with the AI Chatbot on these topics, and more.

SideCar to the Ebooks

Instead of updating the content of my ebooks books directly (I may do that later if there’s sufficient demand) I’m placing all the prompts here on ThinkDifferent. This has the added benefit of making updates to the prompts quicker and easier than if the prompts, learning paths, etc. were embedded in an ebook or pdf.

Each of the following links take you to a page dedicated to the prompts for a specific book, presented chapter-by-chapter:

Interactive Book: Hearts Over Diamonds (tbd)

Interactive Book: Memeology (tbd)

Interactive Book: Quintessence

I’d love to hear how you find these augments, along with any ideas you may have for even further improving the interactive experience.

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