
Monthly Archives: October 2023


What Makes Someone a Snowflake?

The term “snowflake” often implies that someone is overly sensitive, quick to take offence, and unable to handle criticism. We usually say no two snowflakes are alike to emphasise their uniqueness, and likewise, each “snowflake person” has their own particular sensitivities and triggers. However, the shared trait among all snowflake people seems to be a resistance to owning their emotional responses.

Is Sensitivity Always a Weakness?

Sensitivity isn’t inherently a negative quality. In fact, it can lead to deep empathy and understanding. Problems arise when this sensitivity morphs into defensiveness, making it difficult for the individual to accept constructive criticism or face difficult truths.

Why Don’t Snowflakes Take Responsibility?

One could argue that the failure to take responsibility for one’s emotions is a defence mechanism. Snowflake people often externalise the source of their discomfort, laying the blame on external factors or other people. This relieves them of the need to introspect or change.

How Can Snowflake People Change?

It’s important to clarify that the term “snowflake” is often used pejoratively and can be unhelpful in fostering meaningful dialogue. But if you identify with these traits and wish to change, consider adopting methods that encourage emotional intelligence and self-awareness. Techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy, and assertiveness training can go a long way.

How to Cope With Snowflakes?

Drawing a parallel between snowflake people and psychopaths might seem extreme at first glance. Psychopaths are often characterised by a lack of empathy, remorse, and guilt, which is a far cry from the heightened sensitivities of a snowflake person. However, the idea here isn’t to equate the two but to discuss the notion of distancing oneself as a coping strategy.

When dealing with psychopaths, conventional wisdom suggests that the best course of action is to distance oneself, as their behavioural traits often make healthy relationships impossible. Is the same true for snowflake people?

The answer largely depends on the severity of the emotional avoidance and how it affects you. In less severe cases, adopting specific communication methods can improve the relationship. But if someone’s refusal to take responsibility for their emotions is toxic to your mental health, creating distance may indeed be the best option.

Remember, labelling someone as a snowflake or a psychopath comes with its own set of risks, including perpetuating stereotypes and stigmas. The aim should always be understanding and, if possible, rehabilitation—except in extreme cases where distancing oneself becomes necessary for one’s emotional well-being.

The key takeaway is this: While the traits of snowflake people and psychopaths are vastly different, the method of creating emotional distance could be a common coping strategy, but only when efforts to address the issues have proven unfruitful.

Do Snowflakes Frequently Ghost Their Friends?

Ghosting—cutting off all communication without explanation—is a phenomenon often associated with the realm of romantic relationships. However, it can also happen between friends, and it appears to be a common tactic among snowflake people.

Ghosting could be viewed as an extreme form of avoiding responsibility for one’s emotions and actions. Instead of addressing the issue that caused emotional discomfort, the person who ghosts simply removes themselves from the situation entirely. This act often leaves the other party in a state of confusion, hurt, loss, or anger, having to deal with a sudden communication vacuum.

For snowflake people, ghosting might seem like the easiest way to avoid confronting uncomfortable emotions or having difficult conversations. They may rationalise their actions by blaming the other party, believing they had no choice but to make an abrupt exit for the sake of their emotional well-being.

But is ghosting an effective method for handling emotional complexity? In the short term, perhaps. In the long term, it erodes trust and makes it difficult for the person doing the ghosting to form any meaningful relationships.

To put it bluntly, ghosting doesn’t solve the underlying issue; it merely buries it. If you find that you’re prone to ghosting others or know someone who is, consider methods for improving emotional intelligence and communication skills as a healthier alternative.

In summary, while ghosting may be a common trait among snowflake people, it serves as a Band-Aid solution that prevents authentic emotional growth and relationship building. It’s another manifestation of a failure to take responsibility for one’s emotional responses and actions.

What’s at Stake?

If snowflake people continue to avoid taking responsibility for their emotional responses, they’re not only doing themselves a disservice but also creating a culture that shies away from candid conversations and meaningful interactions. At the same time, it’s crucial not to use the label as an excuse to dismiss or belittle people’s feelings.

In summary, while each snowflake person may have unique characteristics, their common failure to take responsibility for their emotions is a limiting factor. Adopting methods to increase emotional intelligence can be a step towards change, fostering a culture that values both sensitivity and accountability.

How Does Ghosting Affect Workplace Relationships and Culture?

Ghosting isn’t confined to personal relationships; it has seeped into professional settings too. Employees ghosting employers, coworkers ghosting each other, and even employers ghosting potential hires are not uncommon scenarios. When snowflake traits manifest in the workplace, the implications can be damaging on multiple fronts.

From a work relationship perspective, ghosting and snowflakery undermines the very fabric of teamwork and collaboration. When an individual stops communicating without explanation, it creates a vacuum that others might choose to scramble to fill. Workloads become uneven, and team members may become hesitant to rely on each other. The lack of closure leaves colleagues feeling uneasy, fostering a sense of instability.

Culturally, ghosting sets a dangerous precedent. If one person gets away with it, others may feel emboldened to do the same. Over time, this can contribute to a toxic work environment where accountability is minimal, and avoidance becomes the norm. This cultural shift can make it difficult to cultivate a cohesive and effective set of team relationships, which, in turn, impacts productivity and job satisfaction.

Companies might choose to adopt ways to counteract snowflakery and ghosting and the emotional avoidance they signify. Clear communication protocols, emotional intelligence training, and robust feedback systems can serve as practical steps in building a culture where emotional ownership becomes more widespread.

In a nutshell, snowflakery has corrosive effects on workplace relationships and culture, significantly more so when perpetuated by individuals prone to ghosting others. Implementing ways to enhance communication and emotional maturity can help mitigate these damaging tendencies.


In my own experience, I’ve observed numerous software and other types of teams where both snowflake tendencies and ghosting have been widespread. These behaviours have severely compromised the efficacy of these teams and have even jeopardised projects. This personal observation underscores the importance of tackling the issues discussed in this post, not just in theory but as a practical necessity in today’s workplaces.

Coaching: Anti-Systemic by Nature

What is Systemic Thinking?

Systemic thinking is about seeing the whole picture, the interactions, and the interdependencies within a system. In the business context, this means considering how different teams, processes, assets, and strategies all interact to produce the outcomes we observe.

What Constitutes Coaching?

Coaching, by contrast, is a more individualistic approach. It focuses on personal development, one-on-one relationships, and specific skills. The end goal is often the betterment of the individual, whether that’s a manager wanting to improve leadership abilities or an employee trying to enhance a particular skill set.

Why is Coaching Anti-Systemic?

Coaching tends to zero in on the individual, and by doing so, it inevitably takes attention away from the system. When we look at problems or opportunities for improvement from a purely coaching perspective, we’re neglecting how those individual actions or improvements scale to the wider system. In many cases, coaching may even create unintended systemic consequences. For example, coaching an individual to be a more effective team leader might inadvertently increase dependency on that individual, creating fragility in the system as a whole.

Can Coaching and Systemic Thinking Coexist?

Yes, but it’s complicated. While coaching can be part of a broader systemic strategy, it most often isn’t. This is largely because the methods employed in coaching—individual assessments, focused training, and personal feedback—don’t align with a systemic approach that requires a different set of tools: systems mapping, cause-and-effect analysis, and holistic problem-solving, to name a few.

Final Thoughts

Coaching is essentially anti-systemic because it focuses on individual elements rather than the interconnectedness of parts. It tends to create localised improvements but overlooks and even destabilises the broader system. This isn’t to say coaching doesn’t have value; it does, particularly for personal development. But when considering organisational effectiveness and resilience, “working on the 5%” (i.e. on the capabilities of individuals) seems like a fool’s errand.

The System’s Unseen Value

What is Goodwill?

Goodwill refers to the intangible assets that make a business valuable beyond its tangible assets like equipment, patents, people, or inventory. It includes elements such as brand reputation, market position/share, company culture, and customer relationships. Goodwill matters because it influences the market’s perception of a business’s worth, often adding significantly to its valuation.

Does the System Matter?

While financial experts readily acknowledge the importance of goodwill, the “way the work works” (a.k.a. “the system”) almost never gets its due attention. But just as goodwill contributes to a company’s valuation, the way the work works can significantly affect an organisation’s effectiveness, costs, profitability, and employee satisfaction.

Why Overlook The Way the Work Works?

Goodwill gets its importance primarily because it appears on a balance sheet and contributes to a company’s market valuation. The way the work works doesn’t have such a direct presence in financial reporting, making it easier to overlook. This lack of visibility largely renders it irrelevant. In fact, the way the work works often acts as an intangible asset that can yield long-term benefits. Or as a boat anchor that produces significant dysbenefits.

How to Measure the Way the Work Works?

While it’s challenging to quantify the value of effective work methods, metrics like productivity, quality, employee retention, and customer satisfaction can serve as indicators. Businesses might choose to identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with their objectives to assess this aspect accurately. Assuming that the way the work works is even on businesses’ radar at all.

Can Intangibles Translate to Tangibles?

The way the work works can absolutely translate into tangible results, similar to goodwill. Effective work methods can lead to higher productivity, better quality of output, staff morale, and increased customer satisfaction—all of which, in turn, improve a company’s financial performance.

Is It Time to Take Action?

The onus lies on business leaders to recognise the importance of the way the work works and implement strategies for its improvement. Companies that take this aspect seriously will find themselves better equipped to meet challenges and seize opportunities in the market.

In a nutshell, the way the work works may not feature on a balance sheet, but its impact on business success is undeniable. By understanding and optimising the way the work works, organisations can enhance an intangible asset that has long-lasting, tangible benefits.

Why Isn’t Management Working?

Management, often viewed as the backbone of an organisation, faces its own set of challenges. Despite the numerous management models that promise streamlined operations and workplace efficiency, something isn’t quite right. Surprisingly, the dissatisfaction emanates not just from the employees but significantly from the managers themselves.

What’s Causing the Discontent?

Various factors contribute to the malfunction of traditional management approaches. One significant factor is the constant need for control, which limits everyone’s creativity and self-expression. Then there’s the stress and burnout stemming from never-ending deadlines and performance evaluations. It’s not just the team that’s under pressure; the manager feels the heat just as much, maybe even more so.

Are Traditional Approaches Outdated?

Traditional management methods rely on hierarchical models that do not align with today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. These models leave little room for flexibility and adaptation. While they might have worked in a different era, they fail to cater to contemporary workplace dynamics that value collaboration, knowledge work, and open communication.

How Does the Management Paradigm Affect Mental Health?

Mental health concerns are no longer a peripheral issue. When management methods focus solely on performance, they fail to consider the psychological well-being of the individuals involved, including the managers themselves. Anxiety, stress, and a lack of work-life balance become the unintended byproducts of such methods.

Is There a Solution?

Rather than adhering to management, ever more ineffective, organisations might choose to explore alternative ways of directing, coordinating and resourcing the work. These could include flat organisational structures, self-organising teams, fellowship, and even organisational psychotherapy – to tackle inherent workplace issues at their core. These approaches place people over metrics, and folks’ needs over numbers, thereby leading to a more humane working environment.

Is Change Really Possible?

Change often mets with resistance, especially when it threatens conventions and long-standing practices. However, the increasing awareness of the limitations of conventional management is a signal that change isn’t just needed; it’s inevitable. As more organisations shift their focus from stability, conformance and costs, to overall well-being, we may finally see that management isn’t working, and this has been so for a long time now.


In sum, for organisations to rightshift towards be true effectiveness, it invites a profound reevaluation of the role of management. The shift will be towards more flexible, people-oriented approaches that don’t sacrifice human well-being for the sake of efficiency, stability and conformance. Only then can we hope for a work environment where both the employees and the (ex)managers both thrive together.


What’s the Agile Promise? A Closer Look

Agile frameworks have become somewhat of a buzzword, promising solutions to a variety of organisational challenges like cost overruns, time delays, and poor-quality products. But is there any real substance behind these promises? It’s high time we cut through the hype.

Cost Savings: A Mirage?

One of the most frequently touted benefits of Agile is the potential for cost savings. The idea is that by breaking projects down into smaller tasks and focusing on an MVP, costs can be better controlled. However, evidence suggests that Agile doesn’t actually provide any guaranteed cost advantages. In fact, poorly managed Agile can result in escalating costs.

Does Agile Fix Time Management Issues?

Agile methods like Scrum advocate for time-boxed sprints and quick iterations, ostensibly to help teams manage time better. But let’s be clear: Agile does nothing to inherently solve time overruns. Teams can still fail to deliver on time, despite using Agile practices.

Is Quality Really Assured?

Though Agile methods involve constant testing and feedback loops, these practices don’t guarantee improved quality. The responsibility for quality lies in the hands of those implementing the practices, and there are plenty of cases where Agile projects have resulted in subpar products.

Does Agile Alleviate Managerial Stress?

Contrary to popular belief, Agile doesn’t make life easier for managers. The need for continuous oversight, frequent meetings, and quick decision-making often adds to managerial stress rather than alleviating it.

Where’s the Critical Evaluation?

Many organisations jump onto the Agile bandwagon without giving it adequate thought. What’s missing is a critical evaluation of whether Agile practices actually offer any benefits, be they operational or financial.

Any Real Business Benefits?

Now for the most provocative yet necessary point: Agile offers no tangible business benefits. Despite its focus on iterative processes and development, Agile practices don’t translate into increased revenue, market share, or customer satisfaction. If anything, they add layers of complexity that often have no direct business value.

Might We Deprogram Ourselves of Our Blind Faith?

The pervasive but misguided belief in Agile as a universal solution for organisational issues invites reconsideration. Contrary to its zealous promotion, Agile has no intrinsic merits that guarantee better business outcomes. Organisations might choose to drop the rose-coloured glasses and critically evaluate whether Agile brings anything to the table at all.

Questioning Management

What Do We Think We Know?

Let’s get to the point: We’re talking about management. Yeah, the way bosses tell you what to do and you do it, or else. I’ve got a question: Why do we think this is the only way, or even the best way, to get things done?

Why Do We Follow the Rules?

We’ve got these big structures in place, right? Boss at the top, managers in the middle, employees at the bottom. Now, it’s not that we shouldn’t have rules or structure. But why this structure? Did anyone ever stop to think if this pyramid is helping or hindering?

Are There Other Ways?

Now, let’s imagine we look for other methods. Not just because they’re new or trendy, but because we want to know if they work better. Stuff like teamwork, collaboration—where everyone’s on the same page, and decisions aren’t just coming from the top down. The important thing is to look at the evidence. Test it out. And for heaven’s sake, don’t just stick with something because that’s how it’s always been done!

How Do We Change Minds?

Okay, so you’ve found that these new methods are working better. How do you get the bosses to listen? Invite them to go see for themselves (a.k.a. normative learning). Just showing them your data isn;t going to get it done. Joing in creating experiments, and let them see the results first hand. Change is hard, but self-gathered evidence is hard to argue with.

What’s Next?

Hey, questioning how we manage things is bound to make some folks uncomfortable. But if we’re going to keep up with the times, we’ve got to be willing to ask tough questions. The goal here isn’t to topple the pyramid but to build something better—something that works for everyone, not just the people at the top.

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s start questioning, testing, and improving. After all, that’s how we learn, isn’t it?

The Evil of Judgement

What Makes Judgement Inherently Evil?

Judgement of individuals can be corrosive to both individual well-being and community cohesion. It’s not just the act but the underlying psychology that makes judgement inherently evil. When we judge, we inherently place ourselves in a position of moral or intellectual superiority. This not only alienates others but also fosters a culture of division, intolerance, and hierarchy.

How Does Judgement Affect Our Interactions?

At its core, judgement distorts the dynamics of any relationship. It can transform a civil discourse into a battleground of egos. People often hesitate to show their true selves, out of fear of judgement. This creates a breeding ground for dishonesty, suppression of feelings, and ultimately, emotional disconnect.

Is Judgement Truly Unavoidable?

Many argue that judgement is a natural part of human cognition. While it’s true that our brains are wired to make quick assessments for survival, this doesn’t justify the social and emotional cost of judging others. Even though it may seem like an inevitable part of human interaction, it’s crucial to question its necessity, impact and consequences.

What Are the Consequences?

The consequences of judgement extend far beyond demotivation and hurt feelings. At an organisational level, judgement can suppress creativity and innovation. When employees fear being judged, they are less likely to take risks or propose new ideas. This not only stifles personal growth but also impedes organisational progress.

The Whole Rotten Edifice of Hierarchical Business Is Founded on Judgement?

In the business world, especially in hierarchical organisations, judgement often serves as the bedrock. But what does that mean for the corporate culture and, ultimately, for innovation and growth?

Hierarchy in business is often perpetuated through judgement. Employees are evaluated, ranked, and placed into various roles based on assessments that are frequently subjective. This system not only enforces a rigid structure but also cultivates an environment where judgement is not just accepted but expected.

In such a setting, employees often find themselves confined to their designated roles and rankings. The fear of negative judgement discourages them from stepping out of their boxes to innovate or take risks. After all, a misstep could lead to harsh critique and, in extreme cases, job loss.

Moreover, this culture of judgement disrupts trust and open communication among team members. People become less inclined to share ideas or express concerns, creating an atmosphere where issues become undiscussable and are swept under the rug rather than addressed. This can lead to long-term problems that are much harder to solve.

The most concerning aspect is that judgement in hierarchical organisations often extends beyond performance to personal characteristics, appearances, or even lifestyle choices, exacerbating division and resentment among staff.

So, when we peel back the layers, we see that the hierarchical structure of business isn’t just facilitated by judgement but is fundamentally founded on it. The question then becomes, can a system built on such shaky and potentially damaging grounds truly be effective in the long run?

Can We Choose a Different Approach?

Choosing a non-judgemental approach doesn’t mean ignoring mistakes or accepting poor behaviour. It means adopting a stance of understanding and empathy. Rather than focusing on criticism, we can focus on constructive dialogue. This paves the way for more meaningful connections and lays the groundwork for a more compassionate organisation.

Concluding Thoughts: Are We Ready to Let Go?

The concept that judgement is inherently evil may be a hard pill to swallow for many. But if we acknowledge the potential harm it causes, both on a personal and societal level, we can begin to seek alternatives. The challenge lies in the conscious unlearning of judgemental habits and the cultivation of a more accepting and open perspective. Are we ready to let go? The answer to that question might very well shape the future of our interpersonal relationships, business organisations, and societal norms.

The Gobshite’s Guide

What’s the Gobshite Formula?

The term “gobshite” is a colloquial expression commonly used in the UK and Ireland to describe someone who’s annoying, foolish, or talks nonsense. If you’re keen on adopting this rather ignoble moniker, here are some surefire ways to excel.

Spouting Nonsense: A Skill?

To be a true gobshite, you must master the art of talking without saying anything meaningful. This doesn’t mean that you have to lie outright. Misleading information, twisted truths, intrusive criticisms, and unnecessary drama are your tools here.

Does Rudeness Define You?

Why hold the door open for someone when you can let it slam in their face? Politeness and kindness are for the birds. True gobshites don’t waste time on such frivolities. Instead, they lean into rudeness with relish, treating it as a sort of currency, whilst asserting that it’s not rudeness, but helpful directness.

Ignorance or Bliss?

Another critical ingredient in your gobshite repertoire is a good dose of ignorance. Whether it’s about politics, social issues, technology, or even basic facts, a proper gobshite revels in their lack of knowledge and makes no effort to educate themselves.

Place Material Things Like Money Way Ahead of Relationships?

Why invest in people when you can focus on accumulating wealth and material possessions? A committed gobshite puts things like money way above relationships. Avariciously controlling costs is always hugely more important than kindness, humanity and connection.

How to Dismantle Relationships?

Friendships, familial ties, romantic connections—consider them all collateral damage on your journey to becoming a gobshite. Employ methods that ruin any chances of meaningful interaction. It’s not just about how you act, but also how you interact. Gobshites are adept at alienating friends, family, and even strangers. Whether it’s by offering backhanded compliments, making offensive jokes, disrespecting, or just being a general nuisance, you’ll find methods to push people away.

Not Only Ignore Folks’ Needs, But Be Cantankerously Oblivious to Them?

Taking the gobshite role to another level requires more than mere ignorance or indifference. You must be blatantly and cantankerously oblivious to the needs of others. Whether it’s by dismissing their feelings, ignoring their requests, or even working to undermine their needs, there are many methods to ensure that you not only neglect their needs but actively make their lives more miserable. This is where being a gobshite shifts from passive to active territory, adding a layer of malice that’s hard to ignore.

By adopting this approach, you’ll solidify your gobshite status while ensuring that those around you feel frustrated, unheard, and devalued. If this is the path you’ve chosen, you’re well on your way to becoming the ultimate gobshite

Loneliness: The Final Destination?

Eventually, your efforts will pay off in the form of alienation. Most people will want nothing to do with you. Congratulations, you’ve achieved your goal! But is it worth it?

Reflect or Not?

Being a gobshite isn’t something that most people aspire to. And yet, you’d be surprised how many find themselves slipping into this role inadvertently. It’s not so much a destination as it is a series of choices. If you find yourself veering into gobshite territory, you always have the option to change course.

In short, if you want to be a miserable gobshite, there are plenty of ways to do it. But you might find that it’s a lonely, unfulfilling path to tread. It’s your choice.

Corporates Suck: A Personal Take

What Happened to the Thrill?

When I first started working with computers, I revelled in the challenges and the opportunities for learning. The sense of accomplishment and the thrill of solving complex problems were genuinely exhilarating.

And to Employee Happiness?

However, my initial enthusiasm took a nosedive when I rubbed up against the corporate world. What caused this transformation? Many argue that the corporate environment has a knack for leaching joy, replacing it with turgid egocentric managers intent on feathering their own nests at everyone else’s expense.

What’s Wrong with Corporate Culture?

In corporates, the methods used to assess and drive performance often benefit these self-serving managers rather than the well-being of the workforce as a whole. Indeed, even the very pursuit of “performance” is a theatre of fiction.

Does Autonomy Matter?

The absence of autonomy in a hierarchical corporate structure further dampens the spirit. Employees lose the joy that comes from freedom and independent decision-making, turning work into a mere series of tasks.

Autonomy often serves as a cornerstone for employee happiness. The freedom to make decisions, solve problems and contribute ideas fosters a sense of ownership and, by extension, joy. But is autonomy a valued principle in the corporate world? Unfortunately, more often than not, the answer is no.

Corporate structures frequently operate within rigid hierarchies where decision-making power is concentrated at the top. Managers assign tasks and set directives, leaving little room for employees to exercise autonomy. This top-down approach not only diminishes individual contributions but also robs employees of the satisfaction derived from autonomous action.

Furthermore, when employees feel that their role is reduced to following orders, engagement plummets. The absence of autonomy turns day-to-day tasks into a checklist to be ticked off rather than a series of meaningful contributions. This lack of freedom directly contradicts the human desire for autonomy, leading to disengagement and, ultimately, a less joyful workplace.

So, does autonomy matter? Unquestionably. Granting employees a degree of autonomy can reignite the sputtering fires of joy and engagement, leading to a more productive and happier workforce. Corporates that recognise the value of autonomy take a significant step towards restoring the joy so often missing from the workplace.

Does Mastery Matter?

Mastery, or the drive to become proficient in a skill or field, can be a significant source of joy for many. But does it hold any water in the corporate setting? Unfortunately, the pursuit of mastery often takes a back seat in corporates, sidelined by short-term goals and immediate deliverables. The emphasis on quick wins and immediate results eclipses the long-term satisfaction that comes from mastering a skill or a domain.

Furthermore, the race for promotions and recognition can dilute the pure joy of mastery. Instead of gaining proficiency for the sheer pleasure of it, skills development turns into a competitive sprint, dictated by performance evaluations and peer comparisons.

So yes, mastery does matter, but it’s often undervalued or even ignored in the corporate world. Recognising the importance of mastery could be a step towards reintroducing joy into the workplace, benefiting not just the employees but also contributing to a more skilled and engaged workforce.

Does Shared Purpose Matter?

Shared purpose can be a potent catalyst for workplace joy. When employees feel they are part of something bigger than themselves, motivation and satisfaction often follow. But how well does this concept fare in the corporate landscape? Generally, not as well as it could or should.

In many corporates, the overarching goal is clear: increase shareholder value. While this aim is valid from a business perspective, it rarely stokes the fires of individual passion or a collective sense of purpose. Employees find themselves working to benefit a distant, often faceless, group of stakeholders rather than contributing to a cause that has personal or societal meaning.

Moreover, when managerial focus is primarily on self-advancement or departmental targets, the notion of a shared purpose becomes fractured. Employees start to feel disconnected from the mission of the organisation, contributing further to the drain of joy and satisfaction.

So, does shared purpose matter? Absolutely. A unified goal not only brings people together but also instills a sense of meaning in daily tasks. To reignite the lost joy, corporates should look beyond mere profits and metrics, weaving a tapestry of shared purpose that each employee can contribute to and feel proud of.

Is Work-Life Balance a Myth?

Promises of work-life balance often remain unfulfilled. With no clear boundaries, employees experience burnout, which contributes to a cycle of joylessness.

The term “work-life balance” is bandied about in corporate circles, regularly cited as a perk or aspiration within companies. But how often is this balance truly achieved? Regrettably, it’s way more espoused than actual in many corporate settings.

In the push for self-aggrandisement and personal wellbeing of executives and senior manager, work demands often spill over into personal time. Employees find themselves tethered to their jobs through smartphones and laptops, blurring the lines between work and life. The upshot is a skewed balance that leans heavily towards work, pushing personal time and activities to the fringes.

This lopsided equation isn’t just detrimental to personal lives; it also drains the joy out of work itself. When employees can’t switch off, the chance for relaxation and rejuvenation dwindles, leading to increased stress and burnout. The absence of real work-life balance adversely affects not just individual well-being but also overall job satisfaction.

So, is work-life balance a myth? In many corporates, unfortunately, yes. But it doesn’t have to be. Companies that genuinely commit to work-life balance as a tangible practice rather than a buzzword can contribute to a more joyful, engaged workforce. Maybe enlightened corporates might choose to stop paying lip service to work-life balance and start making it a lived reality for their employees.

What About Personal Growth?

Corporates typically offer limited scope for personal growth. Focused on role-specific skills, companies overlook the broader aspects of development, reducing the job to a set of mundane activities rather than a platform for holistic growth.

Personal growth is a factor that contributes to an individual’s overall sense of happiness and well-being. However, its role in the corporate setting is often underemphasised, overshadowed by the focus on immediate performance indicators.

Companies frequently provide training and development opportunities, but these are usually confined to vain attempts to moderate behaviours, or on improving skills that directly benefit the organisation. This approach tends to neglect broader aspects of an individual’s personal and professional development. The result is a narrowed scope for growth that pertains solely to the job at hand, leaving little room for the nourishment of other facets like emotional intelligence, leadership qualities, or even hobbies and interests that can enrich lives.

The absence of opportunities for holistic personal growth can lead to stagnation. Employees may find that their roles become monotonous and unfulfilling, devoid of the challenges and learning experiences that bring joy and meaning to work.

So, what about personal growth? It’s crucial but often overlooked in the corporate agenda. A shift towards including personal development as a core part of employee growth can make work more fulfilling and joyous. After all, an individual is more than the sum of their job-related skills, and recognising this can be a step towards creating a more joyful and engaged workforce.

A Pit of Despair

In my own experience, the joy I initially found in computer-related challenges has descended into a pit of despair when involved with corporates. What was once a playground of innovation and problem-solving has for many become a bland, monotonous treadmill of routine. The constant grind, coupled with the absence of creativity and personal growth, transforms work into something far less fulfilling than it could be.

This despair isn’t just a personal anecdote but a sentiment that resonates with many who find themselves caught in the corporate machinery. The mental toll this takes is widely underestimated. Over time, the absence of joy and fulfilment leads to a range of problems, from decreased productivity to more serious issues like burnout and serious mental health concerns.

The “pit of despair” isn’t merely a dramatic term; it’s a reality for many. When a workplace fails to nourish the human aspects that make life worthwhile, it risks creating an environment where despair thrives. Therefore, addressing the factors that contribute to this state is not just an individual necessity but also a corporate imperative.

Can Corporates Change?

It’s not all doom and gloom. With a shift in focus, companies can recalibrate their methods to foster a more human-centric approach, aiming for a win-win scenario where both profits and joy can coexist.

Final Thoughts

Corporates don’t have to be joy-draining monoliths. By reevaluating the way they operate, these institutions can not only better their performance but also enhance the lives of the people who make that performance possible.

How Many Recruiters Get Psychology?

What Do Recruiters Know About Psychology?

When it comes to recruitment, the spotlight generally falls on skills, qualifications, and years of experience. But what about understanding human behaviour? Recruiters often talk about culture fit, team cohesion, and emotional intelligence, but how deep does their grasp of psychology go? It’s a mixed bag. A few recruiters invest time in learning behavioural cues and techniques derived from psychological research. Most stick to traditional stuff like CV screening and keyword matching.

What About Systems Thinking?

Systems thinking allows us to understand how individual components within an organisation interact with each other. Does a typical recruiter understand these nuances? Generally, the answer leans towards no. Recruiters often focus on filling a role rather than understanding how that role interacts with other parts of the organisation. This can lead to problematic hires that may fit a job description but disrupt a system.

How Important Are Group Dynamics?

Group dynamics explore how people interact within a group and how the group itself functions as a unit. Understanding this is key to fostering a harmonious work environment. A recruiter who appreciates group dynamics goes beyond placing a candidate based on skill set alone. They’ll look at how a new hire might impact the existing team culture and dynamics. However, recruiters often don’t delve deeply into this topic, as it’s usually considered the purview of internal HR teams or hiring managers (who, BTW, also rarely appreciate this topic).

Can Recruiters Improve?

Recruiters can certainly benefit from a broader understanding of psychology, systems thinking, and group dynamics. While a very few are already there, many could make strides by investing in study that delves into these areas. After all, the aim is to place candidates who don’t just fill a role but also contribute positively to the organisation as a whole.

Conclusion: Room for Growth

While it varies, recruiters generally have room to grow when it comes to understanding psychology, systems thinking, and group dynamics. Adopting a more holistic approach to recruitment can yield benefits for organisations and candidates alike. It’s difficult though, as dwelling on these areas risks alienating their hiring clients.

Man’s Search for Dignity

What Does Dignity Truly Mean?

In our quest for freedom and justice, we might choose to recognise the innate worth and boundless dignity inherent in each human soul. Immanuel Kant speaks to the heart of this when he implores us to treat every individual not as mere means, but each as an end unto themselves. This is not merely a philosophical concept; it’s the bedrock of human equality, respect, and mutual understanding. More simply put, most people have a deep need for dignity.

Is There a Link Between Dignity and Well-Being?

Friends, while Dan Pink talks of autonomy, mastery, and purpose, and Viktor Frankl speaks of our inherent need for meaning, let’s not forget the soul’s unquenchable thirst for dignity. As Maya Angelou wisely points out, our very sense of self, our emotional well-being, is intertwined with our dignity. We are more resilient, more courageous, and more human when our inherent dignity receives acknowledgement and attention.

Has Dignity a Place in the Temple of Labour?

In the workplace, which Martin Luther King, Jr,. called the ‘Temple of Labour’, we often neglect this divine principle of dignity. We focus on numbers, on productivity, forgetting that we’re dealing with souls with dreams and hopes, just like Nelson Mandela who stood up for dignity in the face of dehumanising inequality. We must understand that our employees are not mere cogs in a machine but human beings. When a man or woman is treated with dignity, they rise to greater heights, not just for themselves but for the community at large.

Can We Find Some Metrics of the Soul?

How do you measure something as ethereal yet foundational as dignity? While quantifying the soul’s yearning is a complex task, Eleanor Roosevelt reminds us that dignity begins in “small places, close to home”. It manifests in lower employee turnover, higher job satisfaction, and even in the very reputation of your organisation. It’s these ‘small places’ where we might choose to set our focus.

Do We Need a Blueprint for Dignity?

  1. Transparent Communication: As the Dalai Lama suggests, the yearning for dignity is a universal human need. Open dialogue within an organisation can foster a sense of collective dignity.
  2. Inclusivity for All: A truly diverse workplace doesn’t just enrich the environment; it elevates our collective sense of dignity.
  3. Just and Fair Policies: Justice is the cornerstone of dignity. We might choose to establish fair policies that helps every man and woman feel valued.
  4. Pathways to Resolve Conflict: An effective and just approach to attending to folks’ needs, to airing grievances and to settling disputes maintains the dignity of all parties involved, allowing for growth and reconciliation.

The Horizon of Hope

Friends, let’s be clear: dignity is not some lofty aspiration; it’s the very essence that fuels a society rooted in justice and freedom. Upholding dignity propels us toward that horizon of hope—a realm where each of us is evaluated based on the integrity of our character, devoid of judgments. It’s a realm where the sanctity of human dignity is not a privilege, but a birthright that envelops everyone.

So, how about we channel our energies to manifest this vision? Let’s affirm the innate dignity within ourselves and extend that same attention to our fellow human beings. And in doing so, how about we build our homes, workplaces, and communities as living testaments to this most cherished principle.


UI Assumptions Exposed

What Shapes Our UIs?

The architecture of any user interface (UI) doesn’t materialise out of thin air. Designers, programmers, and the organisations they work for imbue these interfaces with their own assumptions and beliefs, most often for the worse.

How Do Assumptions Enter the Equation?

From button placement to colour schemes, each element in a UI is a decision. But who makes these decisions? Often, it’s a team working within the context of an organisation’s culture, objectives, and constraints. These factors inevitably influence the assumptions and beliefs that get encoded into the UI.

Conway’s Law and UI Design

Conway’s Law posits that the structure of any system designed by an organisation will mirror the organisation’s communication structure. Similarly, the architecture of a UI can reflect the philosophy and dynamics of the teams and organisation that built it.

What Are the Consequences?

You might think that the personal imprint of a designer or an organisational culture on a UI is trivial. However, these imprints can significantly impact user experience. For example, a complex, hierarchical organisation might produce a UI that’s difficult to navigate. Users could find themselves lost in a maze of options, reflecting the convoluted internal structures of the organisation behind the UI.

Spotting the Pitfalls

Once you’re aware of this, you can begin to see the effects everywhere. You’ll notice that some UIs make assumptions about user behaviour that seem to ignore the diversity of users’ needs and contexts. Others might embed a sales-driven approach so deeply that the user feels more like a target than a valued customer.

Are There Solutions?

The first step in mitigating the effects of these embedded assumptions is awareness. UI designers benefit from cognisance of the influence their background and workplace culture have on their work. User testing and feedback are valuable methods for exposing unintended assumptions. Focused reviews and audits by experts outside of the organisation can also offer fresh perspectives. Engaging an organisational psychotherapist can further help to surface implict assumptions and beliefs.

The Future of UI Design

As we move towards a more inclusive and user-centric approach in UI design, acknowledging the hidden biases and assumptions is crucial. Only then can we create interfaces that serve a broad range of users, rather than just reflecting the narrow viewpoints of their creators.


This post has been about UIs. There’s a whole fresh can of worms related to UX and the assumptions and beliefs embedded there.

Right or Popular?

What Does “Right” Mean?

When we talk about being “right” in this context, we’re referring to a blend of factual accuracy and logical correctness. It means that your stance aligns with evidence and adheres to principles of logical reasoning. This isn’t about being morally right or wrong; rather, it’s about your position being defensible based on facts and rational arguments.

Why Aren’t Right and Popular Synonymous?

In an ideal scenario, what’s right should naturally be what’s popular. But we don’t live in such a simple reality. Public opinion often sways due to factors such as social influence, emotional appeal, or pre-existing biases. Popularity doesn’t put a premium on factual accuracy or logical validity. Often, a popular opinion gains traction not because it’s correct, but because it resonates with a significant number of people on a different level, be it emotional, ideological or commercial.

Can You Be Both?

Occasionally, yes, you can find yourself in the sweet spot where right meets popular. But increasingly, especially in polarised discussions—be they political, social, or even scientific—the two are mutually exclusive. The more divisive the topic, the more likely that standing on the side of logic and evidence will place you outside the mainstream. Increasingly, rigorous facts and deep insights have been overshadowed by sensationalism, crowd psychology and the might of Mammon.

What’s at Stake?

When right and popular part ways, there are consequences for both individuals and society. For individuals, it might mean less social acceptance or professional opportunities. On a societal level, the erosion of fact-based discourse can have serious implications, from the spread of misinformation to poorly-informed public policies.

How Do You Choose?

It’s a personal decision. If being correct is a core part of your identity and purpose, then there’s no question about which path to choose. However, if your role involves public influence or if your objective is to bring about change, the answer may not be so straightforward. Sometimes, a tactical compromise can serve a larger strategy, even if it means momentarily sidelining what’s right for what’s popular.


Being right and being popular are increasingly becoming mutually exclusive options. While it’s a dilemma that poses challenges both personally and socially, the choice ultimately lies in your hands. What you choose will depend on your needs, your values, and the context in which you find yourself.

Why Does Telling Fail?

What’s Wrong with Directives?

We often think that conveying information directly is the most effective way to communicate. However, psychology tells us it’s not that straightforward. When we instruct someone, we unknowingly activate psychological mechanisms that can, in fact, make the message less impactful or even counterproductive.

Why Do People Resist?

Human beings have a strong psychological need for autonomy. When we’re told what to do, we may perceive their freedom as being threatened, leading to an automatic response of resistance. This phenomenon is known as psychological reactance. Instead of facilitating change or fostering understanding, the act of telling can often make us dig in our heels.

Does Age Matter?

Contrary to popular belief, reactance isn’t limited to rebellious teenagers. Adults are equally prone to resist when they feel that their autonomy is being compromised. In the workplace, for example, managers who rely solely on directives find their teams less engaged and less productive.

Can Telling Be Ineffective?

Not only can telling lead to resistance, but it can also be a flawed method for conveying complex ideas or nuanced perspectives. Simplifying intricate issues into directives often results in misunderstanding, as it strips the topic of its necessary context.

What Happens to Learning?

When someone is told what to do or think, they’re less likely to engage in deep cognitive processes necessary for true understanding. The lack of critical thought and internalisation means that any change is likely to be superficial and temporary.

What Are the Alternatives?

Clearly, the traditional methods of telling or instructing have their limitations. So, what approaches can we employ instead?

Is Active Engagement the Key?

Encouraging people to participate in discussions allows them to feel a sense of ownership over their decisions. Active engagement not only satisfies the need for autonomy but also fosters a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Caution: How often have we been encouraged to participate in a discussion only to find it mere “engagement theatre”?

How About Empathy?

Understanding the emotional states and perspectives of others can facilitate more effective communication. Empathic approaches may include asking questions to explore someone’s needa and views or using reflective empathic listening to show that you understand their point of view.

A New Way Forward

Telling doesn’t work as effectively as we’d like because it often triggers psychological resistance and fails to convey necessary context. To communicate more effectively, consider using methods that promote active engagement and empathy. These alternative approaches respect the psychological needs of the individual and are likely to lead to more meaningful understanding and change.

How Will AI Shape Office Dynamics?

What’s Truly Happening in Our Offices?

Many workplaces are entangled in a web of complexities, often driven by politics, power dynamics, and individual ambitions rather than motherhood-and-applie-pie ideals like trust or shared goals. Given this landscape, AI doesn’t just enter as a neutral tool; it has the capacity to significantly influence these existing dynamics.

Is AI a Participant or a Bystander?

As AI infiltrates more and more aspects of work, its role is anything but passive. Transparency in how AI is implemented and utilised matters. A transparent approach helps to build trust by making it clear how AI influences decisions, from hiring to performance evaluations. This can prevent the perception of AI as an omnipresent ‘big brother’.

Can AI Ameliorate Workplace Bias?

AI systems have the power to either reinforce or alleviate existing biases, depending on how they’re applied and what data they’re fed. To avoid perpetuating stereotypes or inequalities, regular audits of these systems can help identify any skewed algorithms or biased data sets. Implementing corrective measures ensures fairer outcomes.

How Do We Strike the Balance in Communication?

AI tools can risk making interactions among team members more transactional and less personal. A balanced approach might involve utilising AI for mundane tasks like scheduling or data sorting, while preserving human interactions for tasks requiring emotional intelligence and nuanced discussion. This dual approach aims to enhance productivity without sacrificing the quality of interpersonal relationships.

Where Are the Ethical Boundaries?

AI raises fresh ethical questions around data privacy and employee surveillance. These aren’t just technical issues but deeply human concerns that can affect trust and morale. Establishing a clear ethical framework for AI usage can go a long way in reassuring employees that their data won’t be misused and that AI tools are in place to assist rather than monitor them.

Will AI Reshape Office Hierarchies?

As AI gains the capability for data-driven assessments, the entire concept of hierarchical structure in workplaces could face a radical change. If we move away from promotions and role assignments and instead focus on team dynamics and systems contributions as captured by AI analytics, a more egalitarian environment could emerge. This shift disrupts established power dynamics and allows for a culture based on collective contributions rather than individual titles.

What’s the Inescapable Impact?

The influence of AI on the existing dynamics of the workplace is inevitable and multifaceted. It’s not just about technological changes but shifts in culture, ethics, and interpersonal relations. By consciously addressing these aspects, an organisation can guide the impact of AI towards creating a more transparent, equitable, and effective workplace that truly begging to address the needs of all the Folks That Matter™.

Stubborn Managers: Why Unexamined Experience Is Wasted

Are Senior Managers Learning?

It’s not a revelation to say that senior managers have extensive experience and a wealth of evidence at their disposal. But what’s worrying is when this reservoir remains untapped for genuine behavioural change. The failure to reflect on and integrate experiences into action is one of the major pitfalls in today’s business landscape.

What’s the Point of Experience?

Experience isn’t merely a notch on a belt or a line on a CV. It’s a treasure trove of lessons waiting to be dissected, understood and applied. Senior managers often claim years of experience as a merit badge. Yet, many fail to critically assess what those years have taught them and how they’ve adapted. Experience without reflection is like a book left unread on a shelf.

Where Does Evidence Fit In?

Evidence comes from data, case studies, peer reviews, and more. It’s the backbone for any well-informed decision. Senior managers usually have the privilege of having a team to gather and present evidence to them. However, merely acknowledging this evidence isn’t enough. One needs to understand its implications, question its limitations, and act upon its suggestions. Ignoring to do so results in a squandered opportunity for improvement and growth.

Why Don’t Behaviours Change?

Change is uncomfortable; that’s no secret. However, the discomfort of change is often less detrimental than the comfort of stagnation. Senior managers may feel that their years in the industry justify their assumptions and beliefs, thus rendering them unchangeable. This rigidity not only stifles their own growth but also sets a harmful example for the entire organisation.

How to Make Reflection Effective?

  1. Schedule It: Reflective practice shouldn’t be sporadic or whimsical. Set a specific time each week or month to examine experiences and what needs to change.
  2. Involve Others: A different perspective can be invaluable. Peer reviews, 360-degree feedback, or even just a chat with a team member can provide insights that you might not have considered. Organisational therapists are skilled in this role.
  3. Action Plan: Turn reflections into concrete steps. Create an action plan that includes timelines and milestones to ensure that you’re not just thinking about change but actually implementing it.

What’s the Bottom Line?

In an age where being adaptive is more important than ever, failing to reflect on and integrate experience and evidence into changed behaviours is not just a personal failing. It’s an organisational risk. Senior managers, it’s time to tap into your wealth of experience and evidence, reflect on them and personally adopt the necessary changes. Your team, your stakeholders, and your future self will thank you.

The Challenge of Psychological Safety

What is Psychological Safety?

Psychological safety refers to the comfort and confidence employees feel in expressing themselves without fear of negative consequences. It’s a state where workers feel they can voice their concerns, ideas, and feedback openly.

Why Is It So Hard to Implement?

Ironically, the primary obstacle isn’t convincing people of its importance. Most management and employees alike acknowledge the benefits of a psychologically safe environment. The real challenge lies in transforming these acknowledgements into actionable, sustainable company policies and ingrained practices.

Enter Organisational Psychotherapy

This is where organisational psychotherapy proves invaluable. Unlike typical corporate initiatives that may address surface issues, organisational psychotherapy delves into the core attitudes, behaviours, and cultural elements that obstruct the realisation of psychological safety, and other beneficial ideas too.

How Does OP Work?

Organisational psychotherapy helps organisations identify their underlying cultural issues, issues that block the establishment of a psychologically safe environment. After enabling the organisation to surface and reflect on these issues, organisational psychotherapy invites the organisation to tackle them head-on. Methods range from individual counselling to group interventions or even comprehensive organisational talk therapy.

How Is It Different?

Standard corporate initiatives usually involve implementing new policies or reworking existing ones. However, if the underlying issues aren’t addressed, these new policies often fall flat. Organisational psychotherapy invites organisations to focus on root causes – their implicit shared assumptions and beliefs – rather than surface symptoms, offering a more enduring solution.

Ensuring Sustainability

Sustainability is another critical component of organisational psychotherapy. It doesn’t just introduce changes; it helps these changes become embedded in company culture. By addressing the root causes and focusing on methods that provide long-lasting results, it avoids the pitfalls of short-lived corporate initiatives.


Psychological safety is a “good idea” many companies strive for but few attain. Organisational psychotherapy offers a path to not just achieving this ideal but making it a durable part of a company’s culture. Through tailored methods that get to the heart of the issues, this approach catalyses sustainable organisational changes.

The Future-Proof Investment

Why Choose Organisational Psychotherapy?

You’re facing challenges within your organisation—perhaps in team dynamics, communication, or overall culture. It’s tempting to look for quick fixes like workshops or team-building events. But for a lasting impact, consider an avenue often overlooked: organisational psychotherapy. This isn’t just another line item in the budget; it’s a premium investment into the future of your organisation.

What’s the ROI?

When we talk about return on investment, the first thing that comes to mind are numbers, metrics, and KPIs. But how do you measure:

  • The morale of your employees.
  • The match (or mismatch) between collective assumptions and beliefs and “success”.
  • The harmony within your teams?

Organisational psychotherapy dives deep into the psychological and emotional aspects of your work environment. The ROI here is a more cohesive, more motivated organisation that contributes to productivity, innovation, and better financial performance.

Does It Suit All Types of Organisations?

Regardless of your industry or size, the issues that organisational psychotherapy tackles are universal. Whether you’re a tech startup grappling with rapid scaling or a long-standing manufacturing firm facing generational shifts in the workforce, the principles apply. Psychotherapists trained in organisational behaviour are adept at tailoring their methods to suit your specific needs.

What Are the Steps Involved?

Investing in organisational psychotherapy isn’t an overnight fix; it’s a journey. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the repeating OP cycle:

  1. Assessment: Surfacing and reflection on existing assumptions and beliefs.
  2. Dialogue: Open conversations within and across all levels of the organisation.
  3. Implementation: Applying therapeutic methods to enact change.
  4. Review: Assess the impact and make necessary adjustments.

It’s not about a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a tailored and continually adjusting strategy using proven methods to bring about desired changes.

How to Get Started?

Choosing the right psychotherapist for your organisation is crucial. Look for practitioners with a track record in organisational settings. Often they will offer initial consultations to assess fit both ways.

Your investment in organisational psychotherapy goes beyond just finance—it’s an investment of time and openness from everyone in the organisation. But the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs, making it a premium investment for your organisation’s future.


In an environment that’s increasingly volatile and competitive, organisations can’t afford to overlook the shared assumptions and beliefs that drive the culture, behaviours and performance of the organisation. Organisational psychotherapy doesn’t put a bandage on your problems; it delves into the root causes and offers lasting solutions. So, when planning for the future, this is one investment you’ll want to seriously consider.

Talking About Needs?

Life can be a labyrinth of responsibilities, expectations, and emotions. Amidst the maze, it’s easy to lose sight of folks’ fundamental unattended-to needs. Or even that people have more wonderful lives when their needs receive attention – from e.g. friends, family, employers and coworkers.

Broaching these questions with a close friend could be your mutual ticket to helping each other have more wonderful and satisfying lives:

  1. “What Are The Things – If Any – You’d Like to Have Happen (that aren’t happening yet)?”
    Discussing desires and aspirations that haven’t yet come to fruition can open up new possibilities for growth and satisfaction. It could even illuminate areas where friends, etc., can support each other to make life more wonderful.
  2. “What Gives You the Sense That Something Is Missing?”
    This sensation of something being amiss is not uncommon. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece; you can see the overall picture, but in some way it’s incomplete.
  3. “What Differences Do You Notice Between Your Current Life and Something Better?”
    Here’s an opportunity for reflection. There’s often a discrepancy between our lived experiences and our ideal lives. Acknowledging this disparity might help in closing the gap.
  4. “What Needs Haven’t You Shared Out Loud?”
    We all have those unspoken wishes—perhaps because they seem too foolish or unreachable. Yet, acknowledging these can be the first step toward addressing unmet needs or goals.
  5. “What Haven’t You Done Yet?”
    Procrastination, or even just life getting in the way, can keep us from pursuing things we’re passionate about. What’s on your list of ‘somedays’ that you might turn into ‘todays’?
  6. “What Makes You Feel Understood or Misunderstood?”
    The emotional nourishment that comes from being understood is a fundamental human need. If it’s missing, that’s something worth exploring further.
  7. “What Topics Find You Changing the Subject?”
    Sometimes avoidance is the best indicator of significance. Those undiscussable topics or issues you’re sidestepping? They could be precisely where attention is most needed.
  8. “How Do You Feel When You Have to Say No?”
    The difficulty in setting boundaries is often symptomatic of deeper, unattended needs. If you find it challenging to say no, this might be an area worth investigating.
  9. “Where in Your Life Do You Feel Like You’re on Autopilot?”
    Routine can offer comfort, but it can also veil unmet needs. If you find areas of your life running on autopilot, it could be a sign to probe deeper.
  10. “What Emotions Do You Find Yourself Keeping in Check, or Burying?”
    Society often prescribes what emotions are acceptable, causing us to suppress those that aren’t. These suppressed emotions could point to neglected needs or aspects of oneself.

Discussing these questions may not offer quick fixes, but they can pave the way for deeper and more rewarding connections with others. Of course, this all hinges on genuine concern for the people you’re conversing with. Without empathy and compassion, these conversations are vacuous at best.

The Productivity Myth

Why Don’t We Want Improvement?

Many would argue that improvement is the backbone of success, especially in the context of productivity. However, there’s an odd disconnect: Despite endless seminars, productivity tools and ‘best practice’ guides, it seems as though we’re all not that keen to become productivity powerhouses after all. So why the hesitation?

Do We Resent Working for the Man?

Who benefits from improved productivity? Generally it’s the owners of the business, not the workers. Hardly surprising then that workers (and managers too) have little enthusiasm for breaking their backs just to make rich people richer.

Is Change Too Uncomfortable?

Humans, by nature, find comfort in routine. The thought of overhauling one’s daily life to accommodate productivity ‘hacks’ or new approaches might seem more trouble than it’s worth. Even if these methods promise long-term gain, the short-term pain often serves as a deterrent.

Do We Fear Success?

This may sound paradoxical, but fearing success is not uncommon. A boost in productivity might lead to higher expectations from peers or managers, adding pressure that many feel they don’t need. Moreover, success often comes with its own set of demands, such as increased workload or responsibilities, that not everyone feels equipped to handle.

What’s Wrong with Current Ways of Doing Things?

Let’s draw a distinction between effective and ineffective ways of doing things. In the realm of productivity, not all methods are created equal. The reason many people find themselves resistant to ‘improving productivity’ might be that they’ve been exposed to relatively poor ways of doing things. Quick fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions rarely address the complex, nuanced issues that each individual faces.

Is Productivity Overrated?

Another angle to consider is whether the modern obsession with productivity is actually well-founded. Could it be that the push for constant productivity is both physically and mentally draining, leading us to resist it instinctively? Some argue that the quest for perpetual productivity is not only unrealistic but also unsustainable in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the relationship each of us has with productivity is deeply personal and influenced by a myriad of factors, from our upbringing to our work environment. However, it’s worth questioning the mythic narrative that everyone should strive for maximum productivity. Maybe it’s time to shift the focus towards ways of doing things that align with our individual needs and limitations.