
Monthly Archives: February 2023

What Is Organisational Psychotherapy?

Organisational psychotherapy aims to address three main pains in organisations:

Firstly, it tackles underperformance. By holding the space, employees and management can surface and reflect on the root causes of their low productivity, poor quality work, and low morale.

Secondly, it helps organisations reach their full potential by overcoming internal barriers such as culture, leadership, and organisational structure.

Finally, it focuses on the overall well-being of the organisation itself, by addressing issues such as communication, conflict resolution, and cultural alignment. By improving the health and effectiveness of the organisation, it can become more resilient, adaptable, and successful.


The Certainty of Certifications: Why They’re Much More Harmful Than Helpful

Certifications can be seen as a quick fix for professional success. They offer a way for experts to show off their skills and knowledge in a particular area. However, the dark side of certifications is that they are often surface-level and bear no relation to an individual’s capabilities.

One of the most outrageous examples of this is with Agile and Scrum certifications. Many courses will certify you after just a few days of training, which is simply not enough time to truly grasp the intricacies of these methodologies. Scrum, in particular, demands a deep comprehension of team dynamics, communication, and the capability to adapt to change. These abilities can’t be acquired in a two-day course or even in two weeks, two months, or two years.

The problem is exacerbated by the patent naivety of busy managers who believe that certification is equivalent to competence. They see a certificate on a CV and assume that the individual has a profound understanding of the subject matter. This assumption is utterly false and can lead to expensive mistakes and project failures.

The complete inadequacy of classroom learning is also a significant issue. While there is value in conventional learning, it’s entirely insufficient to prepare individuals for the difficulties of the real world. Classroom learning typically focuses on theory, while real-world circumstances are way more complex and require a more profound understanding of the subject matter, especially in matters like organisational culture and interpersonal relationships.

In conclusion, certifications are essentially worthless at best and deeply harmful at worst. They create a false sense of security and don’t genuinely measure an individual’s abilities. It’s crucial to remember that certifications are in no way a substitute for experience and extensive knowledge.

What Would Frank Zappa Say About Business Agility?

Well, well, well, let me tell you something, folks. Business agility ain’t got nothin’ to do with agile software development. I mean, we’re talkin’ apples and oranges here. And if you don’t get that, you’re gonna be in trouble, my friend.

You see, business agility is all about culture and mindset. It’s about the collective assumptions and beliefs that drive an organisation. It’s about being able to adapt and change quickly in response to a rapidly changing world. It’s about being nimble and responsive, not just in your software development, but in your entire business.

Agile software development, on the other hand, is just one tool in the toolkit. It’s a way to deliver software quickly and efficiently. But if you don’t have the right culture and mindset to support it, it’s not gonna do you much good. In fact, you’re gonna blow your wad right quick.

So the question is, how are you gonna change your organisation’s culture, its collective assumptions and beliefs? And how do you do that as quickly and painlessly as possible? Well, let me tell you, folks, there’s a solution. It’s called organisational psychotherapy.

Organisational psychotherapy is all about helping organisations change their culture and mindset. It’s about supporting the exploration of the collective assumptions and beliefs that drive an organisation, and helping them to shift to a more responsive mindset.

So if you want to be truly nimble in your business, you need to start by changing your culture and mindset. And the quickest and painless way to do that is through organisational psychotherapy. Don’t wait, folks, start changing today!

Darkness Reigns: A Tale of Terror and Despair in the Heart of the Night

[Or, a Poe-m on Good Enough Software]


Once upon a midnight dreary, as I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of software code galore,

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my coding door.

“‘Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my coding door—

Only this, and nothing more.”


Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow

From my software stacks surcease of sorrow—sorrow for code forevermore.

For the rare and radiant feature that the users seek to adore,

Nameless here for evermore.


But as I sat there coding, suddenly there came an omen foreboding,

A question that haunted me with its phantom terror evermore—

What is this “good enough” software, this mysterious coding lore?

What quantification defines its measure, its required score?

Is it a simple metric, or something much more?


Thus I sought to uncover, to fathom the depths of this coding wonder,

To seek the answers hidden within this mysterious coding lore.

For what is software, but a tool of our own creation,

A means to an end, a bridge to our salvation,

A way to make our dreams a reality, a pathway to more.


And so I pondered, evermore, on this question of “good enough” software,

And what it means for the requirements we seek to explore.

For if we cannot quantify, if we cannot define,

What we need in our software, what is on the line,

Then how can we ever hope to meet those needs and more?


In the end, I found the answer, hidden in the code that we write,

In the way we approach our work, in the way we seek to delight,

Our users and our customers, our partners and our friends,

In the way we approach our coding, and the journey that never ends.


For good enough software is not a simple metric, not a simple score,

But a mindset, a philosophy, a way of coding evermore,

A way to seek perfection, but to accept imperfection too,

A way to strive for excellence, but to know when to say “we’re through.”


And so I leave you with this, my friends, my fellow coders, my kin,

A message from the depths of my soul, from the very depths within:

Seek to quantify, seek to measure, seek to meet your requirements true,

But remember that good enough software is a journey, not a destination, it’s a way of life, ever anew.


The Rat Race and The Greasy Pole

“You can win the rat race, but you’re still a rat.”

~ Banksy

The whole idea of promoting people can and often does cause resentment among employees who feel they have been passed over or unfairly treated. This resentment can lead to low morale, reduced productivity, poor collaboration, and high turnover rates.

The whole notion of promotion is often likened to climbing a “greasy pole” or participating in a “rat race.” In both cases, the competition is fierce, and those who succeed are often perceived as having done so through ruthless ambition, craven compliance, nepotism, etc., rather than genuine talent or hard work. This can breed resentment among those who feel they have been left behind, particularly if they perceive a promotion to be arbitrary or unfair.

Promotions are also the mortar in the crumbling brickwork of hierarchical organisations, where employees at different levels are treated differently and may not work together effectively. This can lead to a lack of collaboration, communication, and trust among team members, further contributing to resentment and low morale.

Overall, promotions create a toxic workplace culture characterised by resentment, competition, and hierarchy. Employers should carefully consider the potential downsides of such policies and work to create a more collaborative and equitable workplace culture.

Cracking the Code: Tackling the UK’s Productivity Puzzle

Productivity is one of the key factors in determining the economic growth of a country, and the United Kingdom is no exception. Over the past few years, the UK’s productivity growth has been slower than other advanced economies such as the US, Germany, and France. This has raised concerns about the country’s long-term economic prospects and the standard of living for its citizens.

The UK’s productivity puzzle has been a subject of much debate and analysis. A range of factors has been identified as contributing to the country’s low productivity, including poor management practices, low investment in infrastructure, low-skilled workforce, and a lack of innovation.

The issue of poor management practices has been particularly significant in the UK, with studies showing that the country has some of the worst managers in the developed world, with a lack of leadership skills, inadequate communication, and poor people management being some of the most significant issues. This has resulted in a workforce that is less engaged, less productive, and less innovative, which ultimately impacts the overall competitiveness of UK businesses.

The practise of management, good and bad, and its root causes has long been a key focus for me and my work (Rightshifting, the Marshall Model, Organisational Psychotherapy, etc. – more details on my blog).

I’ve long felt frustrated at the seemingly intractable issues of management generally, and UK management in particular. Especially as I have evolved a solution that, if adopted, could largely remedy the situation.

The Problem

UK management is mired is what the literature calls “the Analytic Mindset”. This term refers to a certain collection of assumptions and beliefs about work, harking back to at least the late nineteenth century.

These assumptions and beliefs result, in practice, in relatively ineffective ways of relating to the workforce. Ways which inevitably lead to a workforce that is less engaged, less productive, and less innovative than what we know to be possible today.

The challenge? How to enable companies to swap out these existing, ineffective assumptions and beliefs with a relatively more effective set known as “the Synergistic Mindset”.

The Solution

And the solution? Organisational Psychotherapy.

Much like therapy for individuals, OP provides a supportive and non-judgmental space for organisations to explore their assumptions and beliefs, and their resulting policies and practices. With these beliefs surfaced and reflected-upon, fundamental changes are possible. We might call this “culture change”.

In conclusion, the UK’s productivity problem is a consequence of its organisations’ collective assumptions and beliefs about work, and how work should work.

With the right investment in shifting the collective beliefs of UK organisations, the UK can dramatically improve its productivity levels and secure its long-term economic growth.


Teaching Others: The Ultimate Learning Hack

The best way by far to learn is to teach others. This statement has been echoed by many educational experts and researchers over the years, yet it is still not implemented in many teaching and training situations. It is a well-known fact that teaching is a powerful tool for learning, but why is it not used more often?

One of the reasons for this is that traditional teaching methods have been based on a one-way flow of information. The teacher imparts knowledge to the student, who is expected to absorb it and regurgitate it in exams. This approach may work for some subjects, but it is not effective for all.

To truly understand a subject, one needs to engage with it in a more active and interactive way. By teaching others, we are invited to break down complex concepts into simpler parts, and explain them in a way that others can understand. This not only helps to reinforce one’s own understanding of the topic but also helps to identify areas where one may have gaps in one’s knowledge.

Another benefit of teaching others is that it helps to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When teaching others, one needs to be able to anticipate the questions that may arise, and be able to come up with solutions on the spot. This helps to develop a more holistic understanding of the subject, and also helps to develop transferable skills.

So why are so few teaching and training situations based on this principle? One reason is that it can be challenging to implement in practice. It requires a shift in mindset from the traditional teacher-led approach to a more collaborative approach where the emphasis is on active learning and student engagement.

Another reason is that there may be resistance from students and teachers who are used to the traditional approach. It can be daunting to take on the role of a teacher, and some students may feel uncomfortable with the idea of peer-to-peer teaching (it’s hard work!).

Despite these challenges, there are many examples of successful teaching and training situations that are based on the principle of peer-to-peer teaching. From peer tutoring in schools to mentorship programmes in the workplace, these approaches have been shown to be effective in promoting learning and development.

In conclusion, the best way by far to learn is to teach others. By engaging in active learning and peer-to-peer teaching, we can develop a deeper understanding of a subject, and also develop transferable skills that can be applied in a range of different contexts. While there may be challenges to implementing this approach, the benefits are clear, and we might choose to look for ways to integrate it into our teaching and training programmes.


Focusing on Individual Well-Being at Work is a Pointless Band-Aid Solution to Systemic Issues

The concept of individual well-being has become increasingly popular in the workplace in recent years. Companies are investing in wellness programs, providing resources to support mental health, and promoting work-life balance in an effort to improve the well-being of their employees. These efforts may be missing the larger point: that the vast majority of problems related to employee well-being are caused by the system itself, not by individual workers.

Research has shown that many workplace factors can impact employee well-being, including job demands, work hours, job insecurity, and poor management practices. These factors can lead to burnout, stress, and other negative outcomes for workers. However, many of these factors are systemic and cannot be addressed through individual well-being programs.

For example, research has shown that job demands, such as high workload and time pressure, can have a significant impact on employee well-being. However, reducing individual workload is not enough to address this issue. Instead, companies might choose to address the root cause of the workload, such as poor job design, inefficient processes, or understaffing.

Similarly, poor management practices, such as lack of support, poor communication, and unfair treatment, can also have a significant impact on employee well-being. However, individual well-being programs cannot address these systemic issues. Instead, companies might choose to invest in training and development for managers, as well as creating a culture that values employee well-being, along with policies that implement such a culture.

Ultimately, a focus on individual well-being is missing the larger point: that employee well-being is largely determined by the system itself. To truly improve employee well-being, companies may choose to address the root causes of workplace stress and burnout. This requires a systemic approach that includes job design, management practices, culture, policies, processes, and other factors that impact employee well-being.

In conclusion, companies may choose to take a broader, systemic approach to address the root causes of workplace stress and burnout. This includes addressing job demands, improving management practices, and creating a supportive culture. By taking a systemic approach, companies can choose to create a workplace that promotes employee well-being and supports the success of the organisation as a whole.


Hobbled from Day One

Stress can have a significant impact on cognitive function, particularly in collaborative knowledge work environments. CKW requires workers to engage in complex cognitive tasks, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity. These tasks can be significantly impacted by stress, leading to decreased cognitive function and poor performance in the workplace.

Research has shown that stress can impair memory, attention, and decision-making, making it difficult for workers to effectively collaborate and communicate with their colleagues. The stress response can also reduce the brain’s ability to regulate emotions, making it more difficult for workers to manage their own emotions and respond to the emotions of others in a collaborative work environment.

One of the key challenges in collaborative knowledge work is the need to balance individual and group needs. Workers need to be able to effectively manage their own workloads and contribute to the team’s objectives, while also collaborating with their colleagues and contributing to the overall success of the team. Stress can make it more difficult for workers to balance these competing demands, leading to decreased productivity, decreased job satisfaction, and increased turnover rates.

The workplace can play an important role in managing stress and improving cognitive function in CK environments. Employers can take steps to create a supportive and collaborative work environment, such as providing opportunities for social interaction, promoting work-life balance, and offering support for mental health and wellness. Employers can also provide training and resources to help workers manage stress and build resilience.

Another important strategy for managing stress and improving cognitive function in CKW environments is to encourage flexible work arrangements. Flexibility can help workers manage their own workloads and balance individual and group goals, which can reduce stress and improve cognitive function. Flexible work arrangements can also provide opportunities for workers to take breaks, engage in physical activity, and pursue other interests, which can promote overall well-being and job satisfaction.

In conclusion, stress can have a significant impact on cognitive function in collaborative knowledge work environments. Why do so many employers hobble their workforce from day one through stressors and other actions that impair cognitive function, preventing people performing at their best and from contributing fully to the success of their teams?


Energise Your Company Culture Initiatives with Client-Centered Therapy Principles

Here are the core tenets of client-centered therapy:

1. Empathy: Understanding and communicating the client’s feelings, experiences, and emotions.

2. Unconditional Positive Regard: Maintaining a positive and non-judgmental attitude towards the client.

3. Authenticity: Authenticity and genuineness in communication with the client, avoiding any pretense or role-playing.

4. Active Listening: Actively listen to the client, reflecting their thoughts and feelings back to them.

5. Non-Directive Approach: Avoiding the imposition of opinions or solutions on the client and instead, help them arrive at their own conclusions.

6. Emphasis on Self-Concept: Helping the client to develop a positive self-concept and recognise their own inherent worth.

7. Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment that fosters growth, change, and self-acceptance.

One approach to improving any organisation’s culture lies in embracing the fundamental principles of client-centered therapy. This approach prioritises a deep understanding and empathetic connection with the needs and experiences of the organisation.

The first step is to truly listen to employees and their needs. When employees feel heard, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated to contribute their best work. By actively listening and empathising with their experiences, a culture of trust and respect emerges.

Another core tenet of client-centered therapy is the idea that individuals are capable of growth and change. In the same way, we may choose to encourage employees to take ownership of their work and provide the tools and resources they need to develop and improve.

A critical aspect of client-centered therapy is the ability to create a non-judgmental and accepting environment, free from biases and assumptions. In a corporate setting, this means embracing diversity and creating a culture that values and respects differences in ideas, perspectives, and experiences.

Finally, client-centered therapy emphasises the importance of collaboration and partnership – where everyone feels invited to contribute to the organisation’s success.

In conclusion, improving company culture requires a fundamental shift in mindset, one that prioritises the needs of employees. Remember that by putting the needs of employees first, we create a culture that promotes innovation, creativity, and lasting success.

The Dangers of Projecting Needs onto Others

Projecting needs onto other people without evidence or dialogue can be a dangerous and problematic behavior that can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and even harm. Assuming that we know what other people need can reflect a lack of empathy, self-centeredness, and a belief in our own superior knowledge or intuition.

When we project our own needs onto others, we may be blind to their individual experiences, perspectives, and preferences. We may overlook their unique circumstances, cultural background, or personality traits that can shape their needs. Moreover, by stating unequivocally what other people need, we may come across as arrogant, dismissive, or manipulative, and erode trust and rapport.

To avoid projecting needs, we might choose to practice active listening, empathy, and curiosity. Instead of blithely asserting that we know what others need, we can ask open-ended questions, seek clarification, and pay attention to nonverbal cues. By doing so, we can gain a better understanding of their needs and show that we value them and their feelings.

Ultimately, projecting needs onto other people can be a barrier to effective communication, mutual respect, and collaboration. By acknowledging our own biases, limitations, and uncertainties, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate environment where people feel seen, heard, and appreciated.


The Power of Business Culture Change

Business culture change brings considerable benefits to any organisation looking to grow and succeed in today’s dynamic business environment. According to a study by Deloitte, more than 80% of executives believe that culture is critical for their company’s success. However, only 19% of them believe that their culture is where it needs to be.

Changing the culture of a business involves a dialogic process of changing the shared assumptions and beliefs that govern how people work together.

Research shows that the most successful culture change initiatives involve everyone in the process, with people setting the tone for the desired culture through conversations, workshops, etc.

One of many metrics for measuring the success of culture change is employee engagement. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to their work. Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report found that only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged at work, with the remaining 85% either not engaged or actively disengaged.

However, companies that prioritise culture change can see significant improvements in employee engagement. In a study by the Corporate Leadership Council, organisations with high engagement levels outperformed those with low engagement levels by 19% in operating income and 28% in earnings growth.

In conclusion, business culture change is a crucial aspect of organisational success, and it benefits from a deliberate and systematic approach. By focusing on metrics such as employee engagement, businesses can track the effectiveness of their culture change initiatives and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve.


Innovation Revolution: How a Culture Change Can Ignite Breakthroughs

The Thinking Environment is a concept which aims to promote the creation of spaces enabling people to think more effectively and creatively. It’s based on the idea that the quality of a person’s thinking is directly related to the quality of the attention they receive. (Note the resonance with the #AntimatterPrinciple – Attend to Folks’ Needs).

The Thinking Environment is built on a set of ten principles, which include giving attention, asking incisive questions, giving equal turns, and appreciating diversity. These principles are designed to create a space where people feel safe and valued, and where they can engage in deep, reflective thinking. The goal is to create a collaborative space where people can share their ideas, explore new possibilities, and solve problems together.

One of the key principles of the Thinking Environment is the idea of giving attention. This means that when someone is speaking, everyone else in the group is focused on listening and understanding what they are saying. This helps to create a sense of safety and trust, which in turn encourages people to speak more openly and honestly. When people feel that they are being heard and understood, they are more likely to engage in creative thinking and problem-solving.

Another important principle of the Thinking Environment is asking incisive questions. These are questions that are designed to help people think more deeply and critically about a particular issue. By asking incisive questions, facilitators can help to expand people’s thinking and encourage them to consider new possibilities.

The Thinking Environment is also characterised by giving equal turns. This means that everyone in the group has an opportunity to speak and contribute their ideas. This helps to ensure that everyone’s perspective is valued and that no one person dominates the conversation.

Finally, the Thinking Environment invites appreciation of diversity. This means that differences in opinions, experiences, and backgrounds are seen as a strength rather than a weakness. By embracing diversity, the Thinking Environment creates a space where people can learn from one another and gain new perspectives on complex issues.

Overall, the Thinking Environment is a powerful tool for fostering creativity, collaboration, and innovation. By creating a space where people feel safe, valued, and heard, it helps to unlock the full potential of individuals, teams and organisations. It’s a framework that can be applied in a wide range of settings, from business meetings to classrooms, and it has the potential to transform the way we think and work together.


Trust Trumps Logic

Insights on some of the best practices in making improvements in a new environment.

One approach that has gained traction in recent years is to focus on building relationships, holding the space, and cultivating the therapeutic alliance. This approach recognizes the importance of establishing trust and rapport with the people who are affected by the change. Rather than rushing to first understand the current state, this approach emphasises the need to listen, learn, and connect with people on a personal level.

Building Relationships

The first step in this approach is to build relationships. This involves getting to know the people who are involved in the change, their backgrounds, their interests, and their needs. By cultivating trust-based relationships, you can gain a better understanding of the cultural norms, power dynamics, and communication styles of the organisation. This knowledge will help navigate the complexities of the new environment and build credibility.

Holding The Space

The second step is to hold the space. This means supporting the creation of a safe and supportive environment for people to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. By holding the space, people can have open and honest dialogue, which can lead to more meaningful conversations and better outcomes. Holding the space also involves everyone being present and attentive, showing empathy and compassion, and modeling the behaviours everyone wishes to see.

Therapeutic Alliance

The third step is to cultivate the therapeutic alliance. This involves building a partnership based on mutual respect, trust, and collaboration. By cultivating the therapeutic alliance, people can leverage the collective wisdom and expertise of the organisation to co-create solutions that meet everyone’s needs. This approach also emphasises the importance of being transparent, honest, and accountable, which can help build credibility and trust over time.

In conclusion, one approach to making improvements in a new environment is to focus on building relationships, holding the space, and cultivating the therapeutic alliance. This approach recognises the importance of establishing trust and rapport with the people who are affected by the change. By taking the time to listen, learn, and connect with people on a personal level, a safe and supportive environment emerges that fosters open and honest dialogue, and ultimately leads to more meaningful conversations and better outcomes.


Unleashing the Courageous and Intelligent: The Art of Filtering Out Non-Essential Tasks in the Workplace

You may know how to leverage internal networks and create teams to accomplish any task that is thrown at you, but do you have the smarts and the courage to filter out those tasks that make no sense, and make no contribution to the organisation’s purpose?

In any organisation, there is a constant influx of tasks that need to be accomplished. It is natural for individuals to take on these tasks, to prove their worth and show their ability to contribute.

However, we might choose to ask ourselves if these tasks are truly aligned with the organisation’s purpose.

It takes more than just the ability to leverage internal networks and create teams to be successful in a work environment. It takes courage and intelligence to filter out tasks that do not contribute to the organisation’s goals. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities and lose sight of the bigger picture. That is why it is important to understand the organisation’s purpose and to align one’s work accordingly.

The ability to filter out non-essential tasks is a valuable skill that can save time and resources. It is important to assess the impact that each task has on the organisation and to prioritise accordingly. One should have the confidence to speak up and suggest alternative approaches if a particular task does not align with the organisation’s purpose.

This courage to speak up may not come naturally to everyone, but it is an essential trait to possess. It is important to have open and honest communication within a team, and to voice concerns when necessary. This helps to create a more transparent and accountable work environment.

Furthermore, being able to filter out non-essential tasks also requires intelligence. It is important to assess the impact that each task has on the organisation and to prioritise accordingly. One should also have the foresight to anticipate potential obstacles and proactively address them. This is where critical thinking and problem-solving skills come into play.

In conclusion, being able to leverage internal networks and create teams is important, but it takes more than just that to be successful in a work environment. It takes the courage and intelligence to filter out non-essential tasks and align one’s work with the organisation’s purpose. This helps to save time and resources, and ultimately contributes to the success of the organisation as a whole.

Enter the Zone of Productivity: Unlocking the Power of Organisational Ketosis

Organisational ketosis is a term that refers to the optimal functioning of an organisation’s internal processes. Just like in the human brain, the cells in an organisation need fuel to function effectively. In this case, the fuel is the flow of information, communication, and collaboration between different teams, departments, or individuals within an organisation. When this flow is efficient and fast, it creates a state of organisational ketosis that allows the organisation to operate at maximum productivity.

To better understand this concept, we can compare the functioning of an organisation to that of a human body. The human body requires a balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to function properly. When we consume unhealthy or imbalanced diets, our bodies can become sluggish, and our brains can become foggy. This can affect our ability to think, concentrate, and perform tasks effectively. In contrast, when we consume healthy, nutrient-dense diets, our bodies can become energised, and our thinking can become sharper. This can enhance our cognitive performance and overall well-being.

Similarly, an organisation needs to have an efficient flow of information and collaboration to function effectively. When communication is slow, disjointed, or siloed, it can create bottlenecks that hinder productivity and progress. In contrast, when communication is fast, streamlined, and collaborative, it creates a state of organisational ketosis that allows for maximum efficiency and productivity.

To achieve this state, organisations might choose to focus on creating a culture that prioritises communication, collaboration, and transparency.

Such organisations might choose to break down its silos, promote cross-functional collaboration, and empower its employees to share information and ideas freely.

In addition, organisations might choose to invest in their employees’ training and development to enhance their skills and knowledge. This can enable employees to think creatively, problem-solve effectively, and work collaboratively, all of which are essential for creating a state of organisational ketosis.

In conclusion, organisational ketosis is a state that allows organisations to operate at maximum productivity and effectiveness. It requires a culture that prioritises communication, collaboration, and transparency, as well as the investment in employee training and development. By achieving this state, organisations can enhance their performance, increase innovation, and gain a competitive advantage.

Treating Employees Like Adults: The Key to a Productive and Engaged Workforce

When managing a team of employees, how often do you consider whether you are treating them like adults or like children. Treating employees like adults means giving them the freedom to make decisions, be responsible for their actions, and have ownership over their work. This approach is beneficial for both the employees and the company.

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological theory developed by Eric Berne, which suggests that individuals have three ego states, including Parent, Adult, and Child. When employees are treated like children, they are more likely to behave like children, which can lead to negative behaviors, such as resistance or resentment. However, when employees are treated like adults, they are more likely to behave like responsible and capable adults, which can lead to positive behaviors such as initiative, creativity, and collaboration.

One benefit of treating employees like adults is that it allows for remote working. During the pandemic, many companies have had to adopt remote working policies, and trusting employees to work from home demonstrates that they are capable of managing their time and delivering results without constant supervision. This can lead to a more productive and engaged workforce.

Flexible schedules are also a benefit of treating employees like adults. Allowing employees to set their own schedules shows that they are trusted to manage their time, leading to a more efficient and productive workforce. It also shows that the company values folks’ needs, which can lead to happier and more motivated employees, and reciprocally, a more productive and successful business.

Another benefit of treating employees like adults is reducing the number of working hours per week. When employees are given the freedom to manage their workload, they are more likely to find efficient ways of completing their tasks, leading to a more balanced work-life. This can also reduce stress and burnout, which can increase productivity and employee satisfaction.

In conclusion, treating employees like adults is a beneficial approach that leads to a more productive, engaged, and satisfied workforce. This approach, based on the principles of Transactional Analysis, shows that companies trust their employees to make decisions and take responsibility for their work. Remote working, flexible schedules, and reduced working hours are just some of the features of this approach.


Unleash the Quintessence Within: Transform Your Business Culture with the Synergistic Mindset

The future of work is rapidly changing, and with it, so’s the culture of businesses. The traditional 9-to-5 work schedule is becoming a thing of the past as more people opt for remote work and flexible schedules. This shift is fueled by advancements in technology that allow people to work from anywhere in the world, as well as changing life priorities. As a result, businesses are reconsidering their assumptions and beliefs about work, which is leading to a change in their overall culture.

One of the main drivers of this change is the concept of Quintessence. Quintessence is a philosophy that focuses on creating a more purpose-driven and human-centered workplace. It’s based on the idea that businesses should focus on the quintessential qualities that make us human, such as creativity, empathy, and innovation.

Quintessence is not just a buzzword. It’s a way of thinking that is gaining traction in the business world, as more and more companies realise that a focus on purpose and values is essential for success. The pandemic has accelerated this trend, as businesses have had to adapt to new ways of working and find new ways to connect with their employees and customers.

An important aspect of Quintessence is the concept of purpose. Businesses that have a clear purpose and a mission that goes beyond profit are more likely to succeed. Purpose-driven businesses also tend to have a more engaged workforce, as employees are more likely to be passionate about their work when they feel they’re making a difference.

Quintessence is not just a concept for large corporations. It can be applied to businesses of all sizes. In fact, many startups are founded on the principles of purpose and values, as they seek to create new ways of doing business that are more sustainable and ethical.

In conclusion, the future of work is changing, and businesses are being forced to reconsider their ways of working and culture. Quintessence is a philosophy that can help businesses create a more purpose-driven and human-centered workplace. By focusing on assumptions and beliefs, businesses can create a culture that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation.

Whether you are a large corporation or a small startup, the principles of Quintessence can help you create a more engaging and fulfilling work environment.

If you are interested in learning more about the concept of Quintessence and how it can be applied to your business, I encourage you to go buy or read the book “Quintessence: An Acme For Business” by Bob Marshall. By reading this book, you can gain a deeper understanding of how to create a purpose-driven and human-centered workplace that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation. So, take action and invest in your business’s future by getting your hands on a copy of “Quintessence” today.

Book at LeanPub:

From Exasperation to Excellence: How a Project Manager Transformed His Relationships by Changing Himself

[A real-life scenario]

John had been a project manager for over a decade, and he had seen all kinds of projects come and go. He prided himself on his organisational skills, his ability to coordinate teams, and his attention to detail. But today, as he sat at his desk, surrounded by stacks of paperwork and unanswered emails, he was feeling exasperated.

He had just received an update from his team, and it was not good. They were behind schedule, again. Despite his repeated instructions, they were still making the same mistakes, still failing to meet their targets. He rubbed his temples and quietly yelled “Why won’t they just do what I tell ’em?” into his coffee mug.

John had always been a stickler for following procedures and protocols. He believed that if everyone just did what they were supposed to do, everything would run smoothly. But lately, it seemed like his team was working against him. They were resistant to his suggestions, and even when they did agree to his proposals, they failed to follow through.

John knew that he needed to find a way to motivate his team. He tried to put himself in their shoes, to see things from their perspective. Maybe they were feeling overwhelmed, or maybe they needed more support. He decided to call a team meeting to discuss the situation and see if they could come up with a plan to get back on track.

At the meeting, John listened carefully to his team’s concerns. They were feeling stressed and overworked, and they didn’t feel like they had enough support from management. John realised that he had been so focused on results that he had forgotten to show his team that he valued their input and cared about their well-being.

He apologised for his behavior and invited suggestions for some changes he might make. Everyone agreed to schedule regular check-ins with each team member to discuss their needs and offer support. He also took steps to show his team that he valued their input, by including them in decision-making and taking their suggestions seriously.

Over time, John noticed a significant change in his team’s performance. They were more motivated and more willing to work together to achieve their goals. He realised that by taking the time to listen to his team, involve them and show them that he cared, he was better able to build trust and create a more positive work environment.

In the end, John learned that being a project manager isn’t just about giving orders and expecting people to follow them. It’s about building relationships, understanding the team’s needs, and creating an environment where everyone can thrive.


How to Give Public Advice Without Jeopardising Client Ethics: Navigating the Organisational Therapist Paradox

The Organisational Therapist Paradox is a common dilemma that faces the organisational therapist. It is the challenge of blending giving advice publicly, on platforms like blogs, articles, books, etc. with avoiding giving advice to clients directly. The paradox is rooted in the ethical principle of not giving advice that may compromise the client’s exploration of their issues. However, it’s essential to find a separation between the two to provide value to the public while maintaining ethical standards and the therapeutic alliance with clients.

One means of achieving this separation is seeing advice-giving as presenting aspects of what a healthy state of mind looks like and feels like. Instead of providing direct advice, a therapist can share insights on how to cultivate healthy behaviours, habits and thought patterns. For example, they can provide insight into how to achieve a more productive mindset, how to build healthy communication skills, or how to create and maintain boundaries.

One way to avoid giving direct advice to clients is to use the Socratic method of questioning. This technique involves asking open-ended questions that help clients think through their problems and come up with solutions on their own. It’s a powerful tool that not only helps clients come up with solutions but also helps them develop self-awareness and critical coping skills.

In conclusion, the Organisational Therapist Paradox is a challenge facing the organisational therapist. The key to overcoming it is to find a separation between providing value to the public and maintaining ethical standards when working with clients. Ultimately, navigating the Organisational Therapist Paradox requires a delicate balance of providing public value, building pre-sales relationships and upholding ethical standards.