

Code for the Machines: The Rise of AI-Readable Programming

The Future of Coding: Embracing AI Readability

In the domain of software development, the concept of writing code primarily for artificial intelligence (AI) readability and maintainability is an intriguing prospect that will influence the future of coding practices. While human-readable code remains the standard approach as of August 2023, the rapid advances in AI technology suggest that a paradigm shift may be on the horizon.

The Rise of AI-Centric Coding Styles

As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated and integrated into software development workflows, the need for code that caters to the strengths of these systems may become more pressing. This could lead to the emergence of coding styles specifically tailored for AI readability and maintainability over (sic) human readability and maintainability, encompassing the following characteristics:

Increased Abstraction and Modularisation

AI systems may thrive on highly modularised and abstracted code, where individual components are clearly separated and encapsulated. This could result in a coding style that emphasises smaller, more self-contained units of code with well-defined interfaces, promoting better organisation and encapsulation.

Formalised and Explicit Syntax

While human programmers often rely on conventions and implicit understandings, AI systems may benefit from a more formalised and explicit syntax. This could involve additional annotations or metadata that make the semantics of the code more explicit, catering to the needs of AI systems for unambiguous interpretation.

Pattern Recognition Optimisation

AI systems excel at recognising patterns, so the coding style could be optimised for this strength. Consistent naming conventions, structural similarities, and other patterns that can be easily recognised by AI systems may become more prevalent.

Reduced Redundancy (DRY)

AI systems may be better equipped to handle and maintain code with minimal redundancy, leading to a coding style that emphasises code reuse, shared libraries, and other techniques to reduce duplication.Such techniques will likely make the code more or less illegible to humans, at least to unaided humans.

Documentation Tailored for AI Comprehension

In an AI-centric coding paradigm, the traditional concept of human-readable documentation and comments may become obsolete. Instead, the emphasis would shift towards creating self-documenting code that can be seamlessly interpreted and maintained by AI systems. This could involve incorporating structured annotations, metadata, and other machine-readable elements directly into the codebase.

The documentation process itself could be automated, with AI algorithms capable of parsing the code structure, analyzing the annotations, and generating comprehensive documentation tailored specifically for AI comprehension. This documentation would be optimized for pattern recognition, logical inference, and other capabilities that AI systems excel at, rather than catering to human readability.

Moreover, the maintenance of this documentation could be handled by AI systems, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and consistent with the evolving codebase. As changes are made to the code, the AI-driven documentation would automatically reflect these modifications, eliminating the need for manual updates and reducing the risk of documentation becoming outdated or inconsistent with the actual implementation.

This approach could potentially revolutionize the way documentation is created, maintained, and consumed, shifting the focus from human readability to machine interpretability, and leveraging the strengths of AI systems to streamline the documentation process.

The Hybrid Approach

While the prospect of AI-centric coding styles is intriguing, it’s important to note that a hybrid approach may emerge as a stop-gap or transitionary approach, where code is written to be readable and maintainable by both humans and AI systems. This approach could leverage the strengths of both parties, ensuring that the code remains accessible to human developers while also catering to the needs of AI systems. I suggest this duplication of effert will soon rankle.


As AI technology continues to evolve, the way we approach coding will undergo significant transformations. While the shift towards AI readability and maintainability is still a hypothetical scenario, it is an exciting prospect that could revolutionise the software development industry. Regardless of the direction this trend takes, one thing is certain: the future of coding will be shaped by the interplay between human ingenuity and the capabilities of AI systems. And we can finally discard the shackles of so-called agility, too – in favour of doing what humans do best: attending to folks’ needs.

Here’s a postscript illuminating the use of AI to write code in a style where readability and maintainability by humans is not the main focus:

Postscript: AI-Generated Code for Machine Consumption

In addition to the prospect of writing code specifically tailored for AI readability and maintainability, the advancement of AI technology also raises the intriguing possibility of AI systems themselves generating code in a style optimised for machine consumption, rather than human readability.

As AI systems become more sophisticated in their ability to understand and translate natural language into code, they could potentially generate programs that prioritise efficiency, conciseness, and optimisations over human-friendly constructs. This AI-generated code might forgo traditional conventions and practices aimed at enhancing readability for human developers, instead favoring structures and patterns that are more readily interpretable and maintainable by themselves and/or other AI systems.

Such AI-generated code could be highly compact, with minimal redundancy and a heavy reliance on abstraction and modularisation. It might incorporate complex mathematical models, advanced algorithms, and unconventional coding techniques that leverage the strengths of AI systems while potentially sacrificing human comprehensibility.

While this concept may seem counterintuitive to traditional software development practices, it could open up new avenues for highly optimised and efficient code generation, particularly in domains where performance and scalability are paramount, such as high-performance computing, big data processing, or cutting-edge scientific simulations.

Moreover, as AI systems become increasingly integrated into the software development lifecycle, they could potentially maintain and evolve this AI-generated code autonomously(?), with minimal human intervention. This could lead to a paradigm shift where the primary consumers and maintainers of code are AI systems themselves, rather than human developers.

However, it’s important to note that this scenario is still largely hypothetical and dependent on further advancements in AI technology and its practical applications in software development. Nonetheless, it highlights the potential for AI to reshape not only how we write and maintain code but also how code itself is generated and optimised for machine consumption.

What Are You Missing Out On?

In any organisation, the beliefs and assumptions that everyone holds in common can have a profound impact on culture, productivity, and overall success. By neglecting shared assumptions and beliefs you may be missing out on harnessing the power of aligning them for optimal performance. But what exactly could this approach unlock for your organisation?

For Executives and Senior Managers

Shaping the Organisational Mindset

As a leader, you set the tone for the entire company’s culture and worldview. However, failing to examine and actively shape the company’s ingrained assumptions can lead to misalignment and hinder performance. Organisational psychotherapy illuminates existing belief systems – a.k.a. the collective mindset – and provides means to cultivate an organisational mindset centered on the things that matter to you, and a unified vision for success.

Transcending Limiting Assumptions

Over time, organisations develop deep-rooted assumptions that act as invisible shackles, limiting innovation, adaptation and achievement of goals. You could be missing out on breaking through these limitations by not exploring the underlying group psyche. Organisational psychotherapy techniques identify and reframe constraining assumptions, allowing you and your peers, and your workforce, to operate from an empowered, possibility-focused perspective.

For Middle Managers

Bridging Misaligned Beliefs

In the pivotal role of middle management, you navigate the shared assumptions of both leadership and frontline teams. Unaddressed, differing beliefs between groups can breed misunderstanding and hinder synergy. Organisational psychotherapy provides a framework for uncovering disconnects and fostering more cohesive, aligned assumptions across all levels.

Fostering Trust and Psychological Safety

Highly effective teams are built on a foundation of trust and the ability to take interpersonal risks. You could be missing out on this key ingredient if psychological barriers rooted in distrustful and deleterious assumptions remain unaddressed. Psychotherapeutic interventions help everyone examine and reshape beliefs around vulnerability, conflict, and collaboration.

For Technical Workers

Unleashing Pioneering Thinking

For technical roles requiring cutting-edge solutions, limiting assumptions around “how things are done” stifle innovation. You may be missing out on radically more effective approaches by not exploring and expanding your team’s collective assumptions about e.g. what is possible. Psychotherapy illuminates blind spots and reframes beliefs to open minds to truely different thinking.

Fostering Knowledge-Sharing

In highly specialised technical domains, knowledge-sharing is critical but often obstructed by entrenched assumptions of competence hierarchies or domain territoriality. Organisational psychotherapy provides means to surface and reflect on these counterproductive beliefs, instead opeing the door to assumptions that celebrate joyful work, collaborative growth and learning.


Embracing organisational psychotherapy unlocks an often-overlooked yet powerful source of competitive advantage – the shared assumptions and beliefs that underpin an organisation’s culture, communication, and performance. By neglecting this dimension, you may be missing out on by not giving organisational psychotherapy serious consideration as a powerful tool for your toolbox:

For Executives and Senior Managers:
The ability to purposefully shape an organisational mindset aligned with your shared vision and strategic objectives. As well as the opportunity to transcend limiting assumptions that constrain innovation, adaptation, and achievement.

For Middle Managers:
A framework for bridging misaligned beliefs across levels that breed misunderstanding and hinder synergy. And fostering a bedrock of trust and psychological safety that enables teams to take interpersonal risks and collaborate effectively.

For Technical Workers:
Unleashing pioneering, radically different thinking by reframing beliefs around “how things are done.” And cultivating knowledge-sharing by dispelling assumptions of competence hierarchies and domain territoriality.

At every level of an organisation, insidious assumptions and beliefs can act as unseen forces, obstructing potential and stalling progress. You could be missing out on dismantling these forces and instead harnessing the power of shared vision, alignment of mindsets, and collaborative beliefs.

Organisational psychotherapy provides the insight and means to illuminate, examine, and reflect on the collective beliefs and assumptions influencing your organisation’s culture and performance. Is it yet time you explored how to unleash this underutilised power and stop missing out on achieving new heights of success?

The Perils of Misclassifying Collaborative Knowledge Work


In today’s knowledge-driven economy, the nature of work has evolved significantly. Collaborative Knowledge Work (CKW) has emerged as a distinct category, requiring a tailored approach to management and organisational practices. However, most organisations continue to miscategorise CKW as e.g. regular office work, leading to a host of unintended consequences that undermine productivity, innovation, and employee engagement.

These consequences include:

  • Incompatible work environments that hinder collaboration and creativity
  • Ineffective management approaches that stifle autonomy and learning
  • Lack of support for the collaboration essential to knowledge sharing
  • Misaligned performance evaluation metrics not suited to complex knowledge work
  • Insufficient professional development opportunities for continuously evolving skills
  • Talent retention challenges due to unfulfilled expectations of growth and autonomy
  • Stifled innovation potential from overlooking the need for experimentation

Incompatible Work Environments

CKW often necessitates specific spaces and tools that foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and creative thinking. Treating it as regular office work may lead to an inadequate work environment that hinders productivity and stifles innovation. Open spaces, whiteboards, and collaborative technologies are essential for CKW, but they may not be prioritised if the work is miscategorised.

Ineffective Management Approaches

CKW requires different management approaches compared to traditional office work. It emphasises autonomy, flexibility, and continuous learning. Applying conventional command-and-control management styles can demotivate knowledge workers and curb their creativity. CKW thrives in an environment that encourages self-direction, experimentation, and personal growth.

Lack of Collaboration Support

CKW heavily relies on effective collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Miscategorising it as office work may result in a lack of investment in collaboration tools, platforms, and processes, ultimately hindering the flow of knowledge and ideas. Without proper support for collaboration, the synergies that drive innovation and problem-solving may be lost.

Misaligned Performance Evaluation

CKW often involves tasks that are complex, non-routine, and difficult to measure using traditional metrics. Evaluating CKW workers based on metrics designed for office work can lead to inaccurate assessments and demotivation. Organisations must develop tailored performance evaluation systems that capture the nuances of knowledge work and reward creativity, problem-solving, and continuous learning.

Insufficient Professional Development

CKW requires continuous learning and skill development due to the rapidly changing nature of knowledge work. Treating it as office work may result in insufficient training and development opportunities, leading to obsolete skills and decreased competitiveness. Organisations must prioritise professional development and foster a culture of lifelong learning to ensure their knowledge workers remain at the forefront of their fields.

Talent Retention Challenges

CKW professionals often value autonomy, challenging work, and opportunities for growth. Misclassifying their work as office work may fail to meet their expectations, leading to higher turnover rates and difficulties in attracting top talent. Organisations that recognise and cater to the unique needs of CKW are better positioned to retain and attract the best knowledge workers.

Stifled Innovation Potential

CKW is often associated with the creation of new knowledge, ideas, and solutions. Treating it as routine office work may overlook the potential for innovation and the need to foster a culture that encourages experimentation and risk-taking. By failing to recognise the innovative potential of CKW, organisations may miss out on opportunities for growth, competitive advantage, and market leadership.


In an era where knowledge is a prized asset, organisations migh choose to recognise the unique nature of Collaborative Knowledge Work and provide the necessary support, resources, and management practices tailored to the specific needs of teams of knowledge workers. Failure to do so leads to a cascade of consequences that undermine productivity, innovation, and employee engagement, ultimately hindering an organisation’s ability to thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Improving Human-to-Human Communication Through AI and Chatbots

For God’s sake, there is truly no longer any excuse for typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors in your posts, articles, and other writings.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots are transforming how we communicate. When integrated thoughtfully, this technology can optimise and enhance written communication between people. In this post, I’ll discuss some ways AI and chatbots can improve messaging, email, documentation, and other word-based interaction between humans.

Automated Proofreading and Editing

AI-powered writing tools already help by providing grammar and spelling checks. But newer capabilities can now also flag unclear phrasing, verbose language, overused words, and overly complex sentences. This aids writers in simplifying and refining their messaging before sending to a recipient. Readability statistics further help authors match their tone for the intended audience.

Summarisation and Translation Features

For long-form writing like reports or manuals, AI can generate a concise summary highlighting key facts, main takeaways, or action items. This allows collaborators or stakeholders to quickly grasp the essence before diving into the details. Meanwhile, instant translation functionality enables clear communication across language barriers.

Interactive Books

AI is also enhancing books through interactive elements powered by chatbots. Platforms like allow authors to insert quizzes, discussion questions, exercises and other engaging features directly into the book text (or via sidecars). Readers can further highlight passages and interact with supplementary content related to the main narrative, enriching the reading experience.

Content Recommendations and Insights

Smart suggestions can enable more meaningful interactions through personalised recommendations. By analysing past correspondence as context, AI can prompt authors to include certain missing information, helpful examples, or reminders based on what the recipient would find useful. Language pattern analysis can also reveal insights for improving future discussions.

Automated Meeting Summaries and Notes

While AI currently struggles to match the creativity of human writing, it excels at capturing the salient points from meetings and presentations. Automated summaries of video sessions or collaborative spaces can save meeting participants time while ensuring everyone understands the key decisions or action items.

With thoughtful application, AI and chatbot tools can enhance understanding and engagement between people through better writing assistance, translation, summarisation, and recommendations. As these capabilities continue advancing, keeping the human audience at the center will be key to success.

Individual Mindsets vs. Collective Mindsets

We often talk about the need for individuals to change their mindsets – their assumptions, beliefs, and attitudes – in order to create positive change. But as human beings, we don’t exist in isolation. As the saying goes, we are social animals, shaped by the groups and cultures we are part of. So perhaps we might choose rather to shift more of our focus to addressing collective mindsets rather than just individual ones.

Schein On

Organisational psychologist and author Edgar Schein argues that culture stems from a group’s shared basic assumptions and beliefs. These collective ways of thinking and being manifest in organisational policies, processes and behaviors. If the culture has dysfunctional aspects, it perpetuates dysfunction. Merely helping individials adopt more productive mindsets without addressing the surrounding culture is an uphill battle.

For Example

Take a common example – trying to promote more innovative thinking in a risk-averse bureaucratic workplace. Telling individuals to “be more innovative” often backfires. When people attempt new ways of doing things, they get pushback for not following protocols. and Interesting ideas get shut down quickly by naysayers. There are no systems or incentives to support innovation. So you end up with frustrated employees, not actual innovation.

Organisational Psychotherapy To The Rescue

In contrast, #OrganisationalPsychotherapy seeks to invite folks into uncovering and transforming collective assumptions and beliefs – the mental models that shape systems and culture. By facilitating more awareness of existing culture and defining desired culture, interventions get better traction. Collective mindsets shift to be more supportive of stated goals, like innovation, making it easier for individuals to adopt those productive mindsets as well.


The key insight is that individual mindsets are downstream of collective mindsets. Without addressing dysfunctional aspects of culture and systems, individual change efforts face resistence from the surrounding ecosystem. This highlights the need to focus on group mindset factors first and foremost. Of course, individuals still have agency in driving any kind of change. But we’d do well to spend more time examining and evolving the shared beliefs and assumptions on which any organisation is built. For cultural transformation, that’s likely the most high-leverage point of intervention.

Postscript – Donalla Meadows’ Twelve Points of Leverage

In her influential article “Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System,” systems thinker Donella Meadows articulated 12 places within complex systems where a small shift can lead to fundamental changes in the system as a whole. Her framework offers guidance on how to approach system-level transformation, whether in organizations, societies, or beyond.

Meadows proposes 12 leverage points ranked in order of effectiveness, with the most high-leverage interventions at the top. The higher the leverage point, the easier it is to make major improvements to the system with minimal effort. Her list starts with more superficial leverage points around details like subsidies and incentives, then moves deeper into the fundamental goals, paradigms, and transcending purpose that underpin why a system exists in the first place.

The most powerful leverage points require a deeper, more courageous transformation. But they allow us to redefine the very reason a given system exists, enabling revolutionary redesign rather than incremental improvements. Meadows urges change agents to have the wisdom and patience to address the deeper paradigms, values, and purpose driving systemic behavior. As she concludes, “People who have managed to intervene in systems at the level of paradigm have hit a leverage point that totally transforms systems.”

In examining Meadows’ hierarchy of leverage points, we gain an appreciation for the depth of change required for true systems transformation. It inspires a more radical reimagining of what’s possible. The framework continues to provide guidance to sustainability leaders and organizational change agents seeking to effect large-scale improvements in business, government, technology, education and beyond. In this critical era facing many complex, planetary-scale challenges, Meadows’ words ring truer than ever as we work to create fundamental shifts towards more just, resilient and life-affirming systems.

Slow on the Uptake: Why Society is Often Slow to Adopt Major Innovations

Human progress seems to advance in fits and starts. Many of history’s most important inventions and ideas took centuries or even millennia to be widely adopted by societies across the globe.

Writing systems, germ theory, vaccines, evolution – these revolutionary developments changed the arc of civilisation. Yet they struggled for acceptance despite ample evidence and the persistence of brilliant minds who championed them. Why is society so slow on the uptake for innovations that later prove to be game-changers?

Dominant Worldviews

As historian Thomas Kuhn explored in his seminal book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” established scientific paradigms are notoriously resistant to evidence that contradicts their foundational assumptions and conventional wisdom. Findings that don’t neatly fit the dominant worldview face an uphill battle toward acceptance. Scientists and scholars may actively suppress or ignore discoveries that undermine existing consensus due to cognitive biases. Revolutionary concepts thus lie dormant for ages.


Technological limitations also stall adoption until complementary advancements accumulate that allow applications at scale. The printing press enabled modern vaccination campaigns. Electric lighting powered factories adopting steam engines. Progress builds gradually across spheres.


Cultural and religious convictions add yet another barrier. Entrenched dogmas about humanity’s place in the cosmos delayed recognition of heliocentrism for almost two millennia. Evolution continues to meet public scepticism given its clash with ancient belief systems.

Modern global connectivity accelerates recognition and validation of emerging innovations. But inertia remains strong; it may still take generations for the path-breaking ideas of today – artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, commercial space travel – to permeate societies around the world.

As organisational psychotherapy teaches us, even institutions and companies struggle to adapt to new paradigms that challenge traditional ways of operating. Stagnant bureaucracies are often buoyed by conformity and risk-aversion.

Human brilliance endows our species with ceaseless creativity. But receptiveness continues to lag the tempo of human invention. Kuhn and other historians help explain society’s chronic slowness to process paradigm-shattering developments. Open and equitable access to knowledge can perhaps narrow the stubborn gap between discovery and its widespread adoption.

Richard Buckminster Fuller: Visionary Architect and Philosopher

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) was an American architect, systems theorist, and futurist known for his innovative designs and big ideas. Though trained as an architect, Fuller actually built very few structures in his lifetime. He was far more focused on coming up with visionary and sustainable design principles that could be applied broadly to solve humanity’s problems. Some of his most famous ideas and inventions include the geodesic dome, the Dymaxion house, and the Dymaxion car.

Accomplishments and Innovations

Fuller’s geodesic dome design, first unveiled in the late 1940s, was lightweight, strong, inexpensive, and easy to assemble. It would go on to be used for everything from weather radar stations to exhibition pavilions. The dome dispersed stresses efficiently and thus allowed for large enclosed spaces without internal supports.

Fuller also designed and built prototypes of futuristic, circular houses called Dymaxion houses. The houses were designed to be compact, movable, and resource-efficient with features like rainwater collection and fog catchers.

The Dymaxion car, which Fuller worked on in the 1930s, was also very aerodynamic and fuel-efficient for its time. Only a few prototypes were built, though the unique design with three wheels and the ability to turn in a tight circle attracted a lot of attention.

In addition to inventing specific structures and objects, Fuller originated many broad concepts like Spaceship Earth (the idea of the earth as a closed system requiring careful resource management) and synergistics (the behaviour of whole systems unpredicted by the behaviour of their parts). He was deeply concerned about sustainability even before environmentalism rose to prominence.

Thoughts on Work and Humanity

Fuller was very influential in spreading the idea that automation and technology should lead humanity to live lives of leisure rather than toil. He argued that the purpose of machines was to let humans live more efficiently and happily, but instead machine labour had become something feared as a threat to employment. In his 1963 book Ideas and Integrities, Fuller wrote:

“It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognising this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist.”

Fuller believed that humanity could utilise technology and proper resource management to eliminate poverty and that “there is no such thing as a ‘right to a job'”. He advocated visions like a “design science revolution” leading to a new society where resources were distributed based on need rather than through jobs.

Legacy and Impact

Fuller left behind a legacy of ideas both broad and specific about improving human shelter, transportation, and existence through ingenuity and efficiency. He was a deeply moral and humanistic thinker who wanted design principles and the distribution of resources to benefit all humanity, not just those who already held power and wealth. Though many of his innovations were not mass produced during his lifetime, Fuller’s ideas went on to influence generations of engineers, architects, mathematicians, and humanitarians.

Radical Curiosity: The Rebel’s Fuel

The Underbelly of Conventionality

Let’s flip the script: you’ve heard the old yarns about risk management, balancing ledgers, and synergies in the boardroom. But where do these established narratives lead? More often than not, they funnel us down the same well-trodden paths, offering the comfort of predictability at the cost of innovation. The real elixir that can jolt a business into unfamiliar yet rewarding territory is the element of assiduous curiosity, particularly in the context of countercultural business management.

What Does Assiduous Curiosity Look Like?

Curiosity on its own is a start, but it’s not enough. We’ve all met the ‘bright sparks’, the idea generators, who fizzle out when it comes to follow-through. Assiduous curiosity is different—it’s about marrying the insatiable appetite for knowledge with the rigor of disciplined investigation. This is curiosity that digs, questions, and keeps the midnight oil burning.

For instance, Toyota Kata, a practice developed within Toyota, exemplifies this form of disciplined curiosity. It’s not just about finding problems but systematically solving them through iterative coaching cycles, thereby making the approach to solutions as important as the solutions themselves.

Cultivating Curiosity in a Countercultural Context

Being countercultural in business isn’t about being quirky for the sake of it. It’s about challenging the status quo and saying, “I reckon there’s a better way.” Combining this with assiduous curiosity allows for the exploration of alternative management strategies, financial models, or employee engagement techniques that mainstream wisdom might discourage. You’re not just asking ‘what if?’ but diving deep into the trenches to find out.

Start With the Margins

Scan the landscape for those already defying the norms—whether in social enterprises, disruptive startups, or alternative management theories. Delve into their world through readings, interviews, or hands-on experiences

The Tough Questions

Breaking from tradition means asking unsettling questions, be they about unequal pay or ineffective processes. Here, practices like Radical Candour are invaluable. They encourage us not only to question systems but to foster honest interpersonal relationships as well.

Research, but Not as You Know It

Invest in R&D not just for products or services but also for business practices. Assiduous curiosity is about a sustained commitment to finding out ‘what works’ in an unconventional setup.

R&D isn’t solely for product development. It’s equally crucial for evolving business practices. Companies like Toyota commit to long-term R&D through mechanisms like Toyota Kata, which align beautifully with a countercultural strategy rooted in assiduous curiosity..

Risks and Rewards: What’s at Stake?

Challenges Ahead

Being assiduously curious in a countercultural setting isn’t a walk in the park. You’ll likely face resistance, skepticism, and, let’s be honest, occasional failures.

Radical Candour itself can be challenging to implement. Just like assiduous curiosity, it can lead to uncomfortable conversations and initial resistance. However, these are often the catalysts for transformative change.

The Bounties of the Path Less Travelled

But the rewards are potentially immense. You might stumble upon a business model that’s not just profitable but also equitable and sustainable. You may find a management style that not only improves effectiveness but also enhances employee well-being.

The Toyota Kata method shows us that even in a large, well-established company, nurturing a culture of disciplined curiosity can yield innovative solutions. It’s evidence that the rewards of following an unconventional path can be both profitable and transformative.

The Odyssey, Not the Destination

Assiduous curiosity isn’t a short-lived initiative or an annual retreat; it’s an ongoing culture change. In this vein, both Toyota Kata and Radical Candour teach us that the objective isn’t merely to reach a destination, but to cultivate a culture where relentless inquiry and direct communication are celebrated, even demanded.

So, let’s throw the conventional playbook to the wind and make room for a richer narrative—one where assiduous curiosity becomes the lead actor on the stage of countercultural business management. This isn’t about merely switching out tactics or adopting new lingo. Instead, it’s an invitation to rewrite the very rules that govern how we think about business, management, and leadership. Through the lenses of mechanisms like Toyota Kata and practices like Radical Candour, we can reimagine the fabric of our work environment. We’re not just nudged to question the norm; we’re propelled to dig deeper, speak openly, and strive for continual improvement. In so doing, we not only challenge the existing paradigms but also build new ones that are more equitable, sustainable, and inherently dynamic. How about we embark on this intellectual odyssey, creating a realm where relentless inquiry and unabashed directness are not only tolerated but vigorously celebrated. It’s high time we moved beyond traditional norms to lead and innovate in ways that are as deeply considered as they are boldly unorthodox.


#NoSoftware + Attendants

Adding more developers to a team for more throughput seems like a no-brainer. But, just as theory of constraints teaches us that increasing capacity at non-bottleneck stations won’t improve overall throughput, simply hiring more developers does not address the throughput challenge when, as in most cases, development is not the constraint.

Enter the #NoSoftware approach – a perspective that challenges the typical software-centric thinking. The premise, that we should reduce or eliminate unnecessary software to achieve greater efficiency, echoes another emerging trend in tech leadership: the idea of “Maximising the Amount of Work Not Done.” Also known as “software last of all“.

At first glance, this might seem counterintuitive. After all, isn’t productivity about doing more? However, when applied strategically, focusing on what doesn’t need to be done can pave the way for streamlined operations and better outcomes. And no role embodies this concept better than the role of “Attendant” (NB. Role, not Job).

The Attendant’s Impact

While software developers are integral to translating requirements into code, Attendants focus on discerning and addressing the genuine needs of a wide range of Folks that Matter™, from customers and fellow team members to senior management. The role isn’t to delve deep into the intricacies of code (they can do that too, when necessary) but to simplify, streamline, and ensure that the tech team’s efforts are genuinely needs-driven. Here’s how Attendants make the difference:

  1. Prioritising Genuine Needs: Amidst a sea of potential features, Attendants ensure that only those bringing significant value are pursued, eliminating unnecessary work.
  2. Enhancing Communication:In the role of Attendant, developers act as conduits of clear communication between various parties, reducing misunderstandings and the subsequent need for rework.
  3. Championing Simplicity: Attendants continually advocate for the simplest solution that effectively addresses the needs of the Folks that Matter™. And communicate and track them via trhe Needsscape. This philosophy speeds up development, minimises bugs, and ensures more reliable product delivery.
  4. Curbing Over-Engineering: By always aligning solutions with the genuine needs of the Folks that Matter™, Attendants act as guardians against the pitfalls of over-engineering, ensuring products and their features remain focussed, relevant, user-friendly and cost-effective.

The #NoSoftware Synergy

The Attendant’s perspective on streamlining work resonates with the #NoSoftware approach. Both focus on the needs of the Folks that Matter™. By understanding and embracing the principles behind these ideas, organisations can focus on what truly matters, eliminating unnecessary noise and ensuring the delivery of impactful solutions.


Whether it’s the #NoSoftware approach or the invaluable role of Attendants, the tech world is shifting towards a more thoughtful, needs-oriented paradigm – and it will be a game changer.

Considering an Agile Transformation?

Are you pondering an Agile transformation for your organisation? Here’s the rub: at best, you’re merely going to catch up with practices from two decades ago. Agile transformation, in essence, is the process of transitioning an entire organisation from its existing approach to work, to an Agile approach. This could mean adopting Scrum, Kanban, or a hybrid of multiple Agile frameworks.

So, you’ve successfully transitioned to Agile. Congratulations, but what have you actually gained? It’s now the norm, not the exception. (And Lame Agile is the prevailing norm). Agile is the minimum, not the cutting edge. It’s high time organisations moved past Agile, seeking innovative, post-Agile approaches, such as “Quintessence“.

There’s no real benefit to running a marathon, only to realise you’re still miles and decades behind the frontrunners.

Get in touch if you’re curious…

What’s My New Startup, “AInklings”, All About?

We at AInklings are thrilled to have embarked on a journey to revolutionise the world of books and learning. We’ve set out to craft immersive and interactive books that transform reading into a truly captivating adventure​​. Our mission extends beyond just delivering information; we’re creating a whole new realm of learning that’s a journey of discovery. The books we offer are uniquely designed to adapt to each reader, providing personalised insights that nurture curiosity and comprehension​​.

Our team is a lively mix of authors, innovators, and dreamers, all dedicated to pushing the boundaries of the published word​​. We extend a warm invitation to you – authors, publishers, developers, marketers, and readers – to join our revolutionary adventure. We believe there’s a place for everyone in this thrilling experience we’re creating​​.

We’re also keen to keep our community informed and engaged. Through our LinkedIn group, we share exciting updates about our company and the broader world of literature. We’re standing on the brink of a major shift in the publishing industry, and we’re thrilled to welcome you to this exciting journey into the future of learning through reading​​.

Challenging Traditional Roles in the Age of Self-Organisation and Intrinsic Motivation

Do traditional hierarchical roles such as “Development Manager” or “Director of Software Engineering” genuinely cater to the progressive needs of contemporary businesses?

In light of the evolution of the field, where the principles of auftragstaktik have fostered self-organisation and collaboration, supplanting rigid command-and-control structures, do these roles maintain their relevance? Or do they potentially create barriers to effectiveness and innovation?

In a world that takes a leaf from Dan Pink’s “Drive”, promoting autonomy, mastery, and purpose as the pillars of intrinsic motivation, what does it mean to be a “Development Manager” or a “Director of Software Engineering”? Are these roles becoming mere vestiges of a past era, where top-down mandates were the norm, rather than fostering an environment that nurtures intrinsic motivation?

How can these positions be reformulated or reinterpreted to better fit the ethos of modern organisations, aligning more with the principles of auftragstaktik, which emphasizes initiative and adaptability? Are we clinging to an outdated nomenclature that no longer mirrors the reality of how work is executed? Is it time to reconsider how we define relationships and roles within the context of the workplace?

Are these positions truly adding value, or are they merely relics of an outdated mindset? Is it time we reassess the structures we’ve come to accept, and explore new paradigms that inspire innovation and growth?

Effective Software Development

Everyone in the software industry (managers excepted) knows the following is true, yet nobody wants to talk about it:

Effective software development is entirely incompatible with typical (hierarchical, command-and-control) management.

After 50 years in the industry, I’d go so far as to say:

Effective software development is entirely incompatible with ANY known form of management.


Place managers in charge of software development and it can NEVER be ANYTHING but ineffective (high costs, low quality, poor due date performance, lack of innovation, etc.).

NB Applies more broadly, beyond the domain of software development, too.


The reasons for this incompatibility can be explained as follows:

1. Creativity and innovation: Software development is a highly creative and innovative process that often requires developers to think out of the box, experiment, and come up with novel solutions. A hierarchical management structure stifles creativity and inhibits the free flow of ideas, emphasising, as it does, strict adherence to rules and policies.

2. Responsiveness and flexibility: In the rapidly changing world of technology, software development teams need to be responsive and adaptable in order to respond quickly to changes in requirements, market conditions, approaches, and user feedback. A command-and-control management style, which relies on rigid plans and mandated approaches, tools, makes it difficult to impossible for teams to pivot and adapt as needed.

3. Collaboration and communication: Effective software development relies on close collaboration and communication among team members with diverse skills and expertise. Hierarchical management structures create barriers to communication, with information flowing primarily up and down the chain of command, rather than freely among team members.

4. Autonomy and motivation: Software developers tend to be highly skilled, motivated individuals who thrive on autonomy and the ability to make decisions about their work. Command-and-control management undermines their motivation by imposing external control and limiting their decision-making authority.

The broader point being made in the corollary statement is that traditional hierarchical management is never the best fit for software development, and that organisations might choose to consider alternative organisational styles and structures that are more conducive to the unique demands of software development.

This idea can indeed apply beyond the domain of software development, as many industries are increasingly recognising the need for more responsive, collaborative, and flexible management approaches to drive innovation and adapt to rapidly changing environments.

“Not Everybody Matters”: A Bold Approach to Streamlining Software Development

💡 Need to unlock your team’s full potential and supercharge your software development process? Uncover the game-changing strategy behind embracing “Not Everybody Matters”, and learn how mastering the Needsscape and understanding the Cost of Focus can catapult your project to success! 🎯💥🚀

➡ In the world of software, service and product development, catering to every stakeholder’s needs can be both challenging and resource-intensive.

Embracing the idea that “Not Everybody Matters” can lead to more effective development processes by prioritising the most critical needs and stakeholders. By focusing on the essential elements of a project, teams can allocate resources more effectively and reduce development time.

The Needsscape
The Needsscape is a concept that helps identify and dynamically prioritise the needs of various stakeholders. By carefully tracking the Needsscape, development teams can determine which needs have the most significant impact at any given moment, and align their efforts accordingly. This approach acknowledges that not all needs are equally important, and allocating resources to meet every need regardless of relative impact leads to increased costs and inefficiencies.

The Cost of Focus
The Cost of Focus is the trade-off that occurs when concentrating on one are over another. By acknowledging that “Not Everybody Matters,” development teams can make informed decisions about where to invest their time, effort, and resources. This approach might involve prioritising features that have the highest value for the majority of users or focusing on the needs of specific subsets of the audience.

The concept of “Not Everybody Matters” in software development is a bold approach that encourages teams to prioritise the most critical needs and stakeholders by leveraging the Needsscape and understanding the Cost of Focus. By doing so, they can streamline the development process, maximise the value delivered, and ultimately create more successful software products.

Another String to My Bow

Hi there, wonderful readers! 🌟

I hope this message finds you all in good spirits! I’m absolutely delighted to share some hot news with you – I’m now officially into ChatGPT-4 prompt engineering! 🎉

You might be curious, “What’s captures your interest in this field?” Well, let me share with you that I find it fascinating! Working with cutting-edge AI technology like GPT-4 is nothing short of amazing. We’ve come such a long way with AI, and now these powerful tools are available to us all.

What Is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt Engineering, sometimes also called AI Whispering,  involves crafting the perfect questions or statements to extract the most relevant, accurate, and engaging responses from the AI. And who wouldn’t relish a bit of a challenge in their daily work, right? 😉

One of the reasons I’m drawn to this field is that I get to use my facility with the English language, and my love of it, while still applying logic and smarts. It’s a delightful marriage of art and science. Imagine solving a complex puzzle that requires an understanding of the intricacies of human communication and language, as well as the workings of the AI. What a fantastic combination!

So, here I am, embarked on this new adventure! I’m genuinely excited to exchange ideas and learn from all the brilliant people in this field. If you’re in the same boat or have any advice to share, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – I’d be chuffed to connect! 🌍

Wishing you all the best in your own endeavours, and let’s keep making progress together! 💪🚀

And Now For Something Completely Different…

Have you thought about what lies beyond the Agile horizon? Well, it’s something completely different. Companies are now shifting focus towards systems thinking and addressing whole-organization issues. With the changing demographics of the workforce, it’s essential that companies adapt accordingly. It’s no longer about processes, but about embracing culture changes to truly thrive in this dynamic landscape. Companies need to foster a more joyful, inclusive, and collaborative environment that promotes engagement, innovation and adaptability. Exciting times ahead, right?


#NoSoftware: Prioritising Business Flow Over Premature Software Implementation

Also known as “Software Last Of All”.

Businesses are often tempted to jump into implementing software solutions to optimise their operations. However, the #NoSoftware movement advocates for deferring software implementation until the business flows have been settled. This approach emphasises the importance of understanding and streamlining business processes before introducing any software solutions.

The primary objective of the #NoSoftware movement is to ensure that businesses have clear and effective workflows in place before integrating software into their operations. By doing so, companies can avoid the common pitfalls of premature software adoption, such as wasted resources, misaligned priorities, overblown costs, delays, and the need for constant readjustments.

One of the core principles of #NoSoftware is to place human interaction and creativity at the center of business operations. This involves designing and implementing business processes that cater to the needs and strengths of the workforce and customers, fostering collaboration and innovation. Once a solid foundation has been laid, businesses can then consider (minimal) software solutions to enhance their operations.

By prioritising business flows over software, organisations are better equipped to identify and address inefficiencies and bottlenecks in their processes. This ultimately leads to more effective and resilient business operations.

Furthermore, the #NoSoftware movement encourages businesses to choose software solutions that complement and enhance their established workflows, rather than disrupting them. This not only helps companies avoid the risk of adopting software that fails to meet their needs but also ensures that technology serves as an enabler of growth, rather than an obstacle.

In summary, the #NoSoftware approach promotes the idea of refining business processes in vivo before incorporating software solutions. By prioritising business flows and human-centric approaches, organisations can create a robust foundation for growth and innovation, ultimately leading to more sustainable and successful outcomes.

Another Dark Aspect of Agile: The Erasure of Contributions

💡 The Agile community has some kudos for promoting collaboration and its revisionary approach to software development. But lurking beneath the surface lies a hidden crisis stalling progress: the deliberate dismissal of invaluable contributions from its very own members.

➡ While the Agile community has made some notable contributions to software development and project management, it’s important to acknowledge that it isn’t without its flaws. One issue that many people don’t discuss is the intentional act of hiding, erasing, and ignoring contributions made by current and former members. These issues contribute to the stultification of the whole field of software development, hindering its growth and improvement.

Addressing this issue requires understanding the community’s strong focus on collaboration and teamwork. The Agile Manifesto itself emphasises “individuals and interactions over processes and tools,” which, at its core, promotes the importance of people and their relationships. However, in practice, this mindset sometimes leads to an environment where individual contributions are overshadowed by the status quo. This can stifle the innovation and creativity needed for software development to evolve beyond the narrow confines of the Agile approach.

Moreover, a more sinister aspect of this erasure exists. Some prominent figures within the Agile community focus more on maintaining their status and reputation, rather than nurturing a healthy, progressive environment. This behavior leads to the intentional sidelining of members who have made significant contributions, especially if they challenge the status quo or introduce innovative ideas that could potentially outshine the work of established figures. This self-serving attitude has stagnated the Agile approach by suppressing diverse perspectives and fresh ideas.

The Agile community might choose to confront this issue, as it contradicts the very principles it represents. The community might choose to cultivate a more inclusive and transparent environment that recognises and uplifts the contributions of all its members, regardless of their background or standing.

As members of the software development community, we might choose to actively advocate for those whose contributions have been ignored, and support a culture of openness and genuine collaboration. By doing so, we can ensure that the software development community continues to evolve beyond the Agile approach, embraces diverse ideas, and continues to progress in a healthy, positive direction.

Culture Shock: The Surprising Key to Reinventing Your Business

Is your business facing disruption or challenges? Before you pivot your strategies, products, or services, consider this: the success of your reinvention efforts depend on your organisation’s culture. Culture is the collection of shared assumptions and beliefs that define an organisation, and it can make or break your ability to adapt and thrive in times of change. If you want to reinvent your business, start by examining your culture. Transforming your culture can enable your organisation to be more adaptable, creative, and resilient. So, are you ready to start your cultural transformation?

When businesses face challenges or disruptions, they often look to pivot their strategies, products, or services. However, a crucial factor is the organisation’s culture. The culture of a business can make or break the success of any reinvention effort.

Culture can affect everything from how employees interact with one another to how they approach problem-solving. In times of change, a healthy culture can enable an organisation to be more adaptable, creative, and resilient.

If a business needs to reinvent itself, it might choose to start by examining its culture. Leaders must assess whether the current culture is hindering or enabling the necessary changes. They may choose to identify areas that need improvement, such as communication, collaboration, or innovation.

To create a culture that supports reinvention, leaders must also be intentional about communicating the vision and values of the organisation. They may choose to lead by example, modeling desired behaviors, and recognising those who embrace the new culture.

In short, reinventing a business requires more than just a change in strategy. It requires a cultural transformation that empowers employees to adapt and thrive in the face of change.


Deming’s 14 Points – The Proven Path to Excellence in Business

Deming’s 14 points is a management philosophy developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, which emphasises the importance of continuous improvement in the workplace. The 14 points provide a framework for improving the quality of products and services, reducing costs, and increasing productivity.

The 14 points include concepts such as creating constancy of purpose, adopting a new philosophy, breaking down barriers between departments, improving communication, eliminating numerical quotas, and promoting education and self-improvement among employees.

Deming demonstrated time and again that by implementing these points, organisations could not only improve their bottom line but also create a culture of excellence that would benefit both employees and customers.

Deming’s 14 points have been widely adopted by organisations around the world and have had a significant impact on modern management practices. They continue to be relevant today as businesses strive to remain competitive in an ever-changing global marketplace.