Taking Wings

Taking Wings

In line with my previously announced intention, our fledgling Organisational Psychotherapy community is moving to a new wordpress.com site at noon today (Monday 16 November 2015).

It’s open to read-only access for anyone. For those who would like editing access, you’ll need a) a WordPress login and b) to drop me a line or post a comment to that effect, with your WordPress id.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those fellows who provided advice regarding this move.

I’d also like to thank my regular blog readers for their forbearance over the past few weeks. This blog’s editorial will now resume to something approaching normal. Please do drop in to our new site from time to time and catch up on our progress if you have any interest in the emergence of a self-organising community of principle.

– Bob


  1. Hi Bob. I’m excited to be part of this. 🙂 My wordpress account is prodgic, I’d like to contribute in the near future.

  2. Hi, my WordPress i.d is rajalakshmi and I would like to participate in the discussions here. Please add me . Thank you

  3. Hi Bob. I’d like to contribute at some point soon. My WordPress ID is andrewrolphblog

    • Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for stepping up. Do you have any preferences on how you might like to contribute, or where to start? If no, then no worries – keep reading future posts (via the new site now at https://organisationalpsychotherapy.wordpress.com ) and some ideas may come up?

      It would help me greatly if you would be willing to express how you feel about the whole idea of organisational psychotherapy (e.g. as defined across many previous posts on this blog), and how you might define it?

      Also, would you be willing to say what kind of contributions you anticipate making?

      – Bob

  4. Michael Arnoldus said:

    I would like editing access. My wordpress id is michaelarnoldus.

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