A Cook’s Tour

A Cook’s Tour

With over 650 posts on this blog, I hardly expect readers to have seen every post here. Nor, I expect, will you have time or inclination to read everything. Accordingly, I’ve put together a brief summary, with some links to key posts on various long-running themes.

In no particular order:

Antimatter Principle

Do you have worries over engagement (of staff) and with keeping those people who regularly go the extra mile for you? Are you trying to create and sustain an environment where joy, passion and discretionary effort are palpable, ever-present and to-the-max?

I propose the Antimatter Principle, “attending to folks’ needs”, as an effective, psychology-led and nonviolent means to creating an environment where relationships between people can thrive and flourish. And as the basis for a coherent approach to the engineering of products, too.

The Folks That Matter™️

The Folks That Matter™ updates the idea of stakeholders, and their needs. And promotes the question of “who actually matters?”, and how to decide. Related: The Cost of Focus.

Product Development

The theory and practice of product development, and in particular software product development, has been a major focus of mine for more than thirty years. FlowChain is an whole-organisation approach for product development. Subsidiary ideas include Prod•gnosis, Flow•gnosis and Product Aikido.


Shifting organisations towards being more effective was the focus of my work when I started blogging (circa 2009). I’ve written much on the topic since. One entry point into this topic is “The Rightshifting Ethos“.

The Marshall Model

The Marshall Model emerged from my work with organisational effectiveness (cf Rightshifting). the model provides a formal model for organisational effectiveness – a model also useful for interventionists (consultants, enterprise coaches and the like) akin to the Drefus Model of Skills Acquisition.

Organisational Psychotherapy

What is the prime determinant of organisational effectiveness, productivity, quality of life at work, profitability, and success?

Rightshifting attributes these benefits to the things people, collectively believe about how organisations should work. Organisational Psychotherapy provides a means to “shift” the organisation’s mindset, its collective beliefs, assumptions and tropes, to a more healthy and effective place. One more aligned with the organisation’s desired results.


Emotioneering presents an engineering approach to creating the emotional responses we wish to evoke in our customers and markets (and more broadly, in all the Folks That Matter™).

I hope this Cook’s tour helps you find you way around the various themes on this blog.

Do share any thoughts you might have which others might find useful.

– Bob

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