Traders or Traitors

Traders or Traitors

I’ve been listening to lots of audiobooks of late. Mostly narrated by folks with American accents. Current listening is Asimov’s Foundation Series (maybe for the fourth time around).

Aside: I find Zachary Quinto’s narrations of e.g. John Scalzi books just awesome.

[ trey-der ]


a person who trades; a merchant or businessperson.



a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.


In an American accent, I find the words “trader” and “traitor” indistinguishable. Setting aside the question “are all traders traitors (to their customers)?” it got me to thinking “are all Agile traders traitors to their customers.” I’m pretty sure that – from the perspective of Agile Transformation outcomes – the answer is “yes”

How about you? Do you find that folks “delivering” Agile transformations are simple traders, or actually traitors to their customers and their customers’ cause?

– Bob


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