Quickie: Feedback or Flattery?

Musing on the above, I just found this interesting (to me) article:

Flattery isn’t feedback – it rarely encourages or inspires genuine confidence

And then there’s the whole issue of the judgmentalism inherent in praise (however sincere).

“In Nonviolent Communication, we consider praise and compliments a violent form of communication.“

~ Marshall B. Rosenberg

(Feeling a bit like being punched in the gut is my response to receiving praise or compliments).

Damning with Fulsome Praise

See also:

Nonjudgmental Feedback


1 comment
  1. Dear Bob,

    I’ve never thought about this angle/proposition before. And I do get the point you are making.

    I share a ’trait’ with you, that trait being that I pour out a lot of thoughtful stuff (in my case in the form of articles). I can do so because unlike a lot of people, I’ve had the luxury of time to read and think about things.

    I’m especially overjoyed by your outpourings now because I have finally have found a way to convert such outpourings into a legal contract application format. In short, the objective of Swift Hub is to change the culture of contract usage. And it’s going to happen via pizza and pizza topping imagery.

    I’m pleased as punch about this. I’ve spent most the week chatting about my pizza thoughts with the other Swifties. AND I confidently believe now that we’ve found something that will work and will be persuasive. Yippee!

    My ‘problem’ to date has been that I was inviting people to think who didn’t want to have to think for themselves – and/or didn’t know how to. They want to be told what to think and do. Your blog outpourings take the same approach – you want people to think for themselves.

    I’m probably most grateful to you because I can see some of me in you. Reading your stuff has also helped me greatly, because I could look at your outpourings more dispassionately that I could my own and this has significantly helped me to progress along the route of wondering how the hell can this valuable stuff be converted into a format that people are more likely to embrace.

    Fingers crossed that pizza is an effective solution!




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