Elevating the Folks That Matter™: A Key to Justice and Organisational Success

Elevating the Folks That Matter™: A Key to Justice and Organisational Success

We can all see the problem with our organisations: they’re built to pamper the egos and well-being of members of the Core Group, not for the many more people that work in them or, as customers, suffer their products and services (profit is generally used as the means of keeping score).

However, the irony is that when we include customers and employees in the set of the Folks That Matter™, it not only leads to a more just and fair society, but it is also more profitable for the organisation. And also, let’s mention that this benefits members of the Core Group as well, in terms of their emotional well-being.

As individuals, we can see the negative effects of this narrow focus on profit and the wellbeing of Core Group members. Employee engagement, loyalty and satisfaction suffer, leading to high turnover rates and poor performance. Additionally, the impact of the organisation’s products and services on the community and the environment is often disregarded. Furthermore, members of the Core Group may, directly and indirectly, experience stress and burnout from discounting the needs of their people.

But we also know that when organisations prioritise the needs of their people, productivity and financial performance improve. By considering the impact of their products and services on the community and the environment, organisations build a positive reputation and foster trust with all the Folks That Matter™. Moreover, when the well-being of all the Folks That Matter™ is taken into consideration, members of the Core Group can experience less stress and burnout, leading to better mental well-being.

Is it time for us to shift our focus away from profit as the sole means of keeping score and towards the well-being of all the Folks That Matter™? By prioritising the needs and well-being of employees, customers, the community, and the environment, we can not only create a more just and fair society, but we can also improve the bottom line for the organisation. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

In conclusion, by shifting our focus towards the well-being of all the Folks That Matter, we can not only create a more just and sustainable society, but we can also improve the bottom line for the organisation, and also the well-being of members of the Core Group. Is it time for us to make this shift and create a better future for all?

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