Wealthy Elites’​ Veblen Values: Signalling A Lavish Lifestyle of Exclusivity and Indulgence

Wealthy Elites’​ Veblen Values: Signalling A Lavish Lifestyle of Exclusivity and Indulgence

The term “Veblen values” refer to the set of attitudes and values that are typically associated with wealthy elites. The term is derived from the concept of Veblen goods, which are luxury items that are consumed not for their utility, but for the status and prestige they confer upon the consumer. Similarly, Veblen values are those that are sought after and displayed by wealthy individuals as a means of signaling their social status and prestige.

One of the key Veblen values is a strong sense of exclusivity and elitism. Wealthy elites tend to view themselves as being part of a select group of individuals who are superior to others in terms of wealth, education, and social status. They may view themselves as being above the concerns and problems of the general population, and may hold a sense of superiority over those who are less fortunate.

Another Veblen value is a strong sense of self-indulgence. Wealthy elites tend to view themselves as entitled to a high level of luxury and comfort, and may indulge in lavish lifestyles and high-end consumer goods. They may also view themselves as being entitled to special privileges and perks that are not available to others, such as private jets, luxury cars, and exclusive vacation homes.

A third Veblen value is a strong sense of conspicuous consumption. Wealthy elites tend to view themselves as being in a constant competition to outdo one another in terms of the luxury and status goods they own and display. They may view their possessions as a means of demonstrating their wealth and social status to others, and may go to great lengths to flaunt their wealth and status through their clothing, jewelry, and other consumer goods.

In addition to these values, wealthy elites may also hold a strong sense of individualism and a lack of concern for the common good. They may view themselves as being above the need to conform to societal norms or to consider the needs and concerns of others. They may also view themselves as being above the need to contribute to society in any meaningful way, and may view philanthropy as a means of furthering their own prestige rather than as a means of helping others.

Overall, Veblen values are those attitudes and values that are typically associated with wealthy elites. These values tend to focus on exclusivity, self-indulgence, conspicuous consumption, individualism, and a lack of concern for the common good. While these values may be held by a small minority of individuals, they can have a significant impact on society as a whole, as they may contribute to a culture of elitism and inequality.

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