Embrace the Change, Embrace the Journey: How Improving Our Software Development Approaches Contributes to a Fair and Just Environment for Everyone

Embrace the Change, Embrace the Journey: How Improving Our Software Development Approaches Contributes to a Fair and Just Environment for Everyone

When it comes to the world, and specifically, the world of work, there are countless issues that need to be addressed in order to create a fair and just environment for all everyone. From issues of discrimination and harassment, to the lack of equal pay and opportunities, there are countless ways in which the current system is failing to support and uplift marginalised communities. In the face of such weighty challenges, it can be easy to overlook the importance of something as seemingly trivial as improving our approach to writing software.

However, the truth is that the way in which we create and develop software has a direct impact on how we treat each other in the workplace. The way in which we approach software development can either perpetuate existing inequalities, or it can help to shift our focus towards a more equitable and inclusive work environment.

One of the key ways in which software development can impact the way we treat each other is through the way in which it is managed and organised.

Traditional approaches to software development rely heavily on hierarchical structures, with a single leader or manager calling the shots and making all the decisions. This can lead to a lack of autonomy and ownership among team members, contributing to feelings of disempowerment and disengagement.

In contrast, more collaborative and decentralised approaches contribute to more equitable and inclusive environments. By giving team members more autonomy and ownership over their work, they are able to take more ownership of that work, and are more likely to be engaged and invested. Additionally, truly decentralised approaches can also help to break down existing power imbalances, as everyone is given a voice and a seat at the table.

While the trivialities of improving our approaches to delivery software may seem insignificant when compared to the weighty challenges of creating a fair and just world, let’s remember that the way in which we work together to deliver software has a direct impact on how we treat each other.

By focusing on more collaborative, decentralised, and user-centered approaches, we can help to create a more equitable and inclusive environment for all.

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