Ignoring Culture: Why Senior Managers Miss the Mark and What It Means for Your Business

Ignoring Culture: Why Senior Managers Miss the Mark and What It Means for Your Business

Ignore it, discount it, or embrace it, company culture plays a crucial role in the success of any organisation.

It impacts employee satisfaction, motivation, and performance, and it can also shape the overall reputation of the company. However, in some cases, senior managers may ignore the importance of company culture, leading to negative consequences for the organization.

Reasons for senior managers to ignore company culture include:

  1. Lack of understanding: Some senior managers may not fully comprehend the significance of company culture and how it influences the company’s performance.
  2. Focus on tangible goals: Senior managers may prioritise tangible goals, such as financial targets, as they can be easily quantified and monitored. They may not understand the indirect effect that company culture has on these goals, or they may not view culture as a priority compared to more pressing issues.
  3. Disconnect from employees: Some senior managers may not have regular interaction with employees and may not be aware of how their actions affect the company culture.
  4. Different priorities: Senior managers may have varying priorities and values than the rest of the company, leading to a disconnect in terms of company culture.
  5. Resistance to change: Some senior managers may resist modifications to established practices and processes, even if those changes would enhance the company culture.
  6. Power dynamics: In some cases, senior managers may overlook company culture because they have the power to do so, and there may be a lack of accountability for their actions.


Companies perform better when senior managers understand the value of a strong company culture and make culture a priority in their decision-making processes. Ignoring the culture can result in negative consequences for employee morale, productivity, and overall performance. A strong company culture not only benefits employees, but it also positively impacts the success of the organisation as a whole. Senior managers may wish to strive to create and maintain a healthy company culture that supports and nurtures employees.


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