A Generic Conference Submission On Organisational Psychotherapy

A Generic Conference Submission On Organisational Psychotherapy


Organisational Psychotherapy: Uncovering the Power of Shared Assumptions and Beliefs in Culture Change


Organisational psychotherapy is an emerging discipline that applies the principles and practices of psychotherapy to organisational contexts. It is a powerful tool for cultural transformation, as it recognises the role of shared assumptions and beliefs in shaping organisational culture. In this session, we will explore the principles and practices of organisational psychotherapy and how they can help organisations drive meaningful change.

We will begin by discussing the importance of shared assumptions and beliefs in shaping organisational culture. These assumptions and beliefs are often invisible, yet they determine the norms, values, and behaviours of the organisation. We will explore how these assumptions and beliefs can be uncovered through the use of psychotherapeutic techniques such as observation, reflection, and inquiry.

We will then introduce the principles and practices of organisational psychotherapy and how they can help organisations address cultural challenges. This includes creating a safe and supportive environment for individuals to express themselves, developing a shared understanding of the organisation’s culture, and co-creating a vision for cultural transformation. We will also discuss how organisational psychotherapy can help organisations identify and address the root causes of cultural challenges, rather than merely treating the symptoms.

Through case studies and real-life examples, we will demonstrate how organisational psychotherapy has helped organisations drive meaningful change. We will highlight the importance of cultural transformation in the context of the current business landscape, where organisations need to be agile, innovative, and resilient to thrive.

In conclusion, this session will provide attendees with an understanding of the principles and practices of organisational psychotherapy and how they can help organisations drive cultural transformation. We will explore the power of shared assumptions and beliefs in shaping organisational culture and demonstrate how these can be uncovered and transformed through the use of psychotherapeutic techniques. Attendees will leave with practical insights and tools for driving meaningful cultural change within their organisations, change which will accelerate their adoption of more effective ideas, methods and practices.

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