The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken

Two paths diverged in the business wood,
And I, I took the one less understood,
For I chose Organisational Psychotherapy,
And that has made all the difference to me.

The path of spreadsheets and profit charts,
A well-trodden trail that broke our hearts,
But the path of therapy, less travelled by,
Has helped us find our why.

Through the power of dialogue and reflection,
We’ve transformed our work and our connection,
With our people and our teams,
We’ve brought about some wondrous dreams.

We’ve faced our fears and dared to change,
And through the discomfort, we’ve grown in range,
We’ve learnt to listen, and to truly see,
And that’s made us more agile, and more free.

So, here’s to Organisational Psychotherapy,
To the road less travelled, and the mystery,
For it has brought us to a better place,
And we’re grateful for the journey, and the grace.

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