Traditional Books and E-Books Are a Pain

Traditional Books and E-Books Are a Pain

Traditional books have several pain points that can be addressed by AI-enabled interactive books. Firstly, traditional books are static, providing a one-size-fits-all experience that does not account for the unique needs and preferences of individual readers. Secondly, they lack interactivity and engagement, making it difficult for readers to stay focused and motivated. Lastly, traditional books do not provide real-time feedback, making it challenging for readers to track their progress and adjust their learning approach.

AI-enabled interactive books like Quintessence solve these problems by providing personalised learning experiences, interactivity, and, in the near future, real-time feedback.

They use AI technology like ChatGPT to adapt to the needs and preferences of individual readers, making the learning experience more engaging and effective. Additionally, they will soon be able to provide real-time feedback and assessment, allowing readers to track their progress and adjust their learning approach accordingly. Overall, AI-enabled interactive books represent the future of learning and reading, offering a new level of engagement, interactivity, and personalisation.

And with AInkling’s Sidecar technology, all titles can become AI-enabled, no matter whether new titles or well-loved old ones.

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