A Broader Business Education

A Broader Business Education

In a world where the word “disruption” is rapidly becoming an understatement, it’s apparent that the modern business landscape is vastly different from what many traditional business school curricula might imply. We live in an era where innovation and adaptation are the keys to survival and where the old rules of business are being continually challenged. The question becomes, how does one prepare for a future that is so difficult to predict?


Enter “Quintessence“, a groundbreaking book aimed at revolutionising the way we understand and approach business in the 21st century. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a curious student, or someone entering the world of business, “Quintessence” is an invaluable resource that offers a contemporary viewpoint on the changing world of business.

Preparing For the Future

The core concept of “Quintessence” is that modern business is not like they teach. Rather than relying on outdated models and theories, the book discusses business in the context of rapid technological advances, global interconnectivity, and shifting societal values. “Quintessence” challenges conventional wisdom and encourages readers to think outside the box. It’s about understanding that the norms of yesterday may not necessarily apply today, let alone tomorrow. It’s about embracing change, rather than resisting it.

Know someone who is studying Business and Management at university or will shortly be doing so? Gift them a copy of “Quintessence“. A head start into the real-world dynamics can make all the difference between merely surviving in the world of business and truly thriving.

For businesses, academic institutions, or individuals looking to invest in multiple copies, we are pleased to offer student, gift, and bulk discounts on request. It’s our belief that this modern perspective on business should be accessible to all who wish to learn and grow in today’s dynamic landscape.

An Investment

In a world that is constantly changing, “Quintessence” is more than just a book; it’s an investment in a mindset that can drive success. By viewing business through a modern lens, it presents a roadmap to navigate the complexities of the current business world, preparing its readers for a future that is as exciting as it is unpredictable.

By challenging the status quo and breaking the traditional mould, “Quintessence” truly embodies the spirit of ‘thinking differently’. It provides the tools and insights necessary to not only understand the modern business world but also to thrive within it.

Join us in reshaping the future of business education. Explore the world through a new lens. Challenge the conventional. Think different with “Quintessence“.

Marshall, R. W., (2021). Quintessence – An acme for software development organisations. Leanpub. https://leanpub.com/quintessence

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