Testing the Waters: Open Sourcing the ABC Framework

Testing the Waters: Opensourcing the ABC Framework

The big company world has been swept up in the pursuit of agility at scale, with frameworks such as SAFe, LeSS, and DAD leading the charge. However, a growing number of voices within the community have expressed dissatisfaction with these current approaches, leading some to label it as simply “agility bandwagoning.”

Is this discontent just unfocused griping, or is it emblematic of a community genuinely frustrated with the trend of adopting agility without understanding its core values? The recent decision to open source the ABC framework (Agile Beyond Conformity) is an interesting move that may provide answers by way of a public experiment.

Agility at Scale: The Landscape

Critics argue that the current approaches to agility at scale are more about fitting a trend than delivering on the principles of enterprise agility But is this frustration justified, or merely resistance to change?

A Fresh Approach

The ABC approach aims to offer a unique alternative that bypasses the perceived pitfalls of existing approaches. Open sourcing ABC is a way to allow the community to directly shape its development, providing insight into whether the dissatisfaction with current agility strategies is substantive.

Open Sourcing ABC: Engaging with the Community

Open sourcing is about more than free access. It’s about collaboration and embracing diverse thought. By making ABC available to all, the creators are setting the stage for:

  1. Community Contribution: This invites critics to become part of the solution.
  2. Transparency: Unlike commercial approaches, open sourcing ABC ensures that all discussions and developments are publicly visible.
  3. Experimentation: ABC can become a space for innovation, real-world feedback, and continuous refinement.

Conclusion: A Bold Step or Just a Test?

The open sourcing of ABC is more than just a test of the waters; it’s a bold statement that challenges the current landscape of agility at scale. It’s an invitation to reshape how we think about agility, moving away from mere conformity and towards a more meaningful transformation.

Only time will reveal if ABC becomes a significant force in the industry or merely a probe into the community’s sentiment. Regardless, its open sourcing stands as a symbol of innovation and a break from the trend, potentially guiding the future of agility at scale in a direction truly aligned with the needs of big companies.

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