The Mountain Goat Principle in Agility at Scale Adoptions

The Mountain Goat Principle in Agility at Scale Adoptions

Agility at scale is designed to help organisations respond to the unpredictable nature of today’s business environment. One such approach, the Mountain Goat Principle, takes inspiration from the agility and adaptability of mountain goats, providing insights that can be applied to agility at scale adoptions.

The Mountain Goat Principle is part of Tom Gilb’s methods for evolutionary (Evo) project management. It involves incremental development, rapid adaptation, and constant reassessment of goals, just as mountain goats skillfully navigate challenging terrains.

The Mountain Goat Principle Explained

Mountain goats are known for their ability to climb steep, rugged terrains with grace and precision. This extraordinary skill is the result of their continuous adaptation, ability to assess risks, and immediate response to changes in the environment.

Tom Gilb applied these characteristics to project management, where he proposed an approach of incremental development, focusing on delivering the most valuable increments first. Like the mountain goat’s step-by-step approach, the Mountain Goat Principle encourages tackling a project in smaller, more manageable increments and adapting quickly to any changes or obstacles. And maybe pausing from time to time to evaluate the best path forward.

Applying the Mountain Goat Principle to Agility at Scale

1. Incremental Development

At a larger scale, applying the Mountain Goat Principle means breaking down complex organisational projects into smaller, more manageable parts. By focusing on delivering the most crucial increments first, organisations can achieve greater adaptability and respond swiftly to changes.

2. Constant Assessment and Adaptation

Just as mountain goats continuously assess their terrain, organisations must constantly evaluate their progress and adapt as needed. This involves regular monitoring, feedback, and fine-tuning to ensure alignment with business objectives.

3. Risk Management

Mountain goats expertly navigate risks by assessing and responding to their surroundings. Similarly, organisations may choose to identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. This proactive approach to risk management enables a more resilient and responsive organisation, with less risk of catastrophic failure.

4. Collaboration and Communication

Mountain goats often travel in groups and rely on social cues to navigate their environment. Organisations adopting the Mountain Goat Principle might choose foster a collaborative culture where communication is encouraged, and insights are shared across the organisation.

5. Emphasizing Value

By focusing on the most valuable increments, organisations can deliver high-impact results early in the project. This value-driven approach promotes efficiency and ensures that the most critical objectives take priority..


The Mountain Goat Principle offers a unique perspective on agility at scale, emphasising incremental development, adaptation, risk management, collaboration, and value delivery. By applying these principles, organisations can navigate the complex and often unpredictable business needsscapes with grace and effectiveness, just like the agile mountain goats navigating their rugged landscapes.

In a world where change is the only constant, the Mountain Goat Principle provides an inspiring and practical guide to embracing agility at scale. It encourages us to learn from nature, take calculated risks, and adapt continuously to thrive in the face of uncertainty and bewildering choice.

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