Making Life More Wonderful

Making Life More Wonderful

I bet if I asked you what would make your life more wonderful, you’d be at a loss for anything other than a glib or crass answer. And if someone, such as myself, offered to make your life more wonderful, you’d be suspicious, at least, and reluctant to engage.

It’s natural. We’ve been conditioned to be wary of promises that sound too good to be true. Yet, the essence of this message is not about grand gestures or miracles but the small, intentional actions we can take each day to elevate our experiences and the lives of those around us.

The Rosenberg Imperative

To many, the name Marshall Rosenberg evokes the compassionate framework of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). At its heart, Rosenberg’s work transcends mere communication techniques. It champions an ethos, an imperative if you will: to relentlessly strive towards making life more wonderful for both ourselves and others. This is not just about resolving conflicts or improving dialogue but about cultivating a life that’s imbued with understanding, connection, and shared human experiences. In a world where skepticism and cynicism are often our default settings, embracing the ‘Marshall Rosenberg Imperative’ is a radical act, one that challenges us to see the world, and our place in it, through a lens of compassion and shared humanity. It encourages us to ask not just how we can satisfy our own needs, but how can we make life more joyous, enriching, and meaningful for those around us. As we delve deeper into this concept, we’ll discover the transformative power of living in alignment with this compelling directive.

Actions We can Take

1. Begin with Gratitude

There’s power in appreciating what you have, even as you aspire for more. Gratitude acts as a bridge between the joys of the past, the present’s satisfaction, and the hope of a brighter future. It’s a simple act that magnifies joy and can easily be shared with others.

2. Listen Actively

In our fast-paced world, the act of truly listening has become rare. Lend your ear, offer your full attention, and be present in conversations. The joy of being heard and understood is immeasurable, both for the speaker and the listener.

3. Perform Random Acts of Kindness

From buying a coffee for a stranger to leaving an uplifting note for a colleague, random acts of kindness have a ripple effect. They often inspire recipients to continue the chain, and the joy of witnessing their effects is heartwarming.

4. Self-Care is Not Selfish

Taking care of yourself is foundational to making life wonderful for others. When you’re mentally, emotionally, and physically cared for, you’re better equipped to share kindness and positivity.

5. Share Your Gifts

Everyone possesses unique skills and talents. Whether you’re an artist, a cook, or simply someone with a knack for making people laugh, share these gifts with the world. Your contributions can add color, flavor, and joy to someone else’s day.

6. Practice Empathy

Understanding and sharing the feelings of another can create deep connections. When we understand the struggles and triumphs of others, we can support and celebrate with them more genuinely.

7. Challenge Negativity

While it’s unrealistic to expect a life without challenges, it’s entirely within our power to challenge negative thoughts, words, and actions. By being intentional about promoting positive narratives and actions, we can shape a more optimistic and wonderful environment for ourselves and others.

8. Celebrate Small Wins

Every accomplishment, no matter how minor, is worth celebrating. By rejoicing in the small wins, we cultivate a mindset that focuses on progress over perfection and encourages persistence.


In conclusion, while the challenges of “making life more wonderful” might seem overwhelming, it’s the small, daily actions that accumulate over time, creating a richer tapestry of experiences for us and those we encounter. So, the next time someone offers to make your life a tad more wonderful, maybe lean into the possibility. It might just be a small gesture, but its impact can be profound.

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