Why I Blog

Why I Blog

The Wisdom of Experience: A Vocation for Helping

I discovered years ago that my life’s vocation is to help people. Blogging serves as an extension of that purpose, albeit in a less direct manner. It’s something I can do when not directly interacting with people, in person. Over 50 years in software development and its management have given me a rich blend of experiences. I’ve learned from both triumphs and setbacks, taken on diverse roles, and adapted to technological shifts. This extensive base of lived wisdom forms the foundation of my blog. It’s not merely about underlining what’s essential for success; it’s about offering insights that could, even obliquely, guide someone to make better decisions or reconsider their challenges.

Against the Grain

I find that key topics that have the potential to bring meaningful change in the realm of software development are often sidelined or ignored in mainstream discourse. Whether it’s the weight of soft skills, the dynamics of organisational culture, or novel approaches to the way the work works, these subjects frequently miss the limelight.

Crystalising Thoughts

Writing isn’t just about sharing; it’s also about clarity. The very act of putting thoughts into words enables me to fine-tune my own understanding, making blogging both an external and internal refinement process.

The Loop of Impact

Introducing perspectives that diverge from the norm creates an environment ripe for dynamic feedback. Through interactive elements like comments and discussions, both the reader and I have the opportunity to refine our understanding, thereby fostering continual growth in the software development sector. Whether you avail yourself of these opportunities or not is up to you.

On Being Selective

Topics are chosen for their high potential to promote the surfacing and reflecting on collective assumptions and beliefs within organisations. Although not every reader will align with my specific focus, the ensuing conversation among differing viewpoints contributes to a more nuanced, comprehensive understanding of our field.


To put it simply, the blog opens a space for neglected yet crucial topics in software development and general management. Through it I aim to initiate dialogue and encourage mutual growth, not just deliver a monologue. Although helping people is a core part of my ethos, this blog’s main role is to provoke conversations that enrich us all.

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