Undiscussable Goals

Undiscussable Goals

Why Are Some Goals Undiscussable?

In many organisations, silence often surrounds the most pivotal goals. You’ll find financial targets displayed on every wall, team objectives discussed in meetings, but other vital ambitions seem unspeakable. Why does this happen?

Does Culture Have Significance?

Culture plays a significant role in what gets discussed and what doesn’t. While some companies encourage open dialogue about complex or sensitive topics, others don’t. In more conservative environments, managers may fear speaking openly about topics like personal well-being or ethical considerations, as these are often seen as “soft” or tangential to business.

Are There Methods for Discussing the Undiscussable?

To unearth these hidden goals, more than the usual toolbox of management techniques is required. Tried-and-true methods like SWOT analysis or key performance indicators won’t be enough to delve into these deep-seated, often emotionally charged issues. This is a domain where organisational psychotherapy shows its worth, creating an environment where even the most taboo goals can be talked about constructively.

Is There Risk Involved?

Yes, there’s always a level of risk when discussing formerly undiscussable goals. However, the cost of not addressing these issues is often far greater. Folks can choose to weigh the potential drawbacks against the benefits of bringing these topics into the light.

How to Build Sustained Discussions?

Sustained discussion of these complex goals requires more than just initial courage; it invites a structured approach. Organisational psychotherapy, for example, provides a robust approach for maintaining an ongoing, fruitful dialogue around these hidden goals.

Why Bother?

Ignoring taboo goals doesn’t make them disappear. These goals continue to influence organisational behaviour, decisions, and overall health, whether openly acknowledged or not. By confronting these subjects, you pave the way for a more transparent, joyful, productive, and aligned organisation.

The Path Forward

Is it yet time to break the silence around these critically important but undiscussed goals in your organisation? Address these difficult conversations, and you’ll unlock new dimensions of organisational potential.

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