How to Build an Auftragstaktik Team

How to Build an Auftragstaktik Team

The term “Auftragstaktik”, German for “mission command”, is a military concept that emphasises decentralised command, individual initiative, and flexibility. It’s an idea that has been adopted by various military organisations, including the Prussian Army (1806) and the United States Marine Corps (1980s). But how does this translate to software development? The principles behind Auftragstaktik can be applied to create an agile and responsive software development team.

A Brief History of Auftragstaktik in Military Context

The Prussian Model

The Prussian Army, most notably under Generals Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Helmuth von Moltke the Elder and Karl von Clausewitz, introduced Auftragstaktik in the 19th century. The idea was to empower junior officers to make on-the-spot decisions, enabling rapid response to changing battlefield conditions. This philosophy places significant emphasis on understanding the commander’s intent and empowers subordinates to achieve the desired goals without strict adherence to specific orders. The Prussian success in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) is often attributed to this approach.

USMC Adoption

The US Marine Corps adopted similar principles, particularly during the development of Maneuver Warfare in the latter half of the 20th century. The USMC recognised the importance of adaptability, initiative, and decentralization in executing complex military operations.

Key Principles and Their Application in Software Development

1. Decentralised Command

Military Context: Leaders provide the objective, intent, and necessary resources, allowing subordinates to devise their own approaches to achieving the mission.

Software Development Application: The organisation defines the overall goal and essential parameters (organisaing intent), then trust teams and their members to decide the best way to achieve the objectives. This promotes creativity, flexibility, and a sense of ownership among team members.

2. Individual Initiative

Military Context: Lower-ranking officers and soldiers are encouraged to take the initiative and adapt to the rapidly changing battlefield.

Software Development Application: Team members are empowered to make decisions and act independently to solve problems. This fosters a proactive attitude and allows for quick responses to changes in the Needsscape.

3. Flexibility and Adaptation

Military Context: Being able to adapt to unexpected changes is vital for success on the battlefield.

Software Development Application: In software development, changes are inevitable. An Auftragstaktik team is prepared to pivot and adapt to new requirements, technologies, assumptions, and market conditions.

4. Clear Communication and Understanding

Military Context: Clear communication of the commander’s intent is crucial in Auftragstaktik.

Software Development Application: Clear communication of organising intent, goals, constraints, and progress is essential for team alignment and collaboration.

5. Trust and Collaboration

Military Context: Trust between commanders and subordinates is fundamental in Auftragstaktik.

Software Development Application: Mutual trust between management and development teams fosters a positive working environment, enabling collaboration and innovation.


Building an Auftragstaktik team in software development involves adapting key principles from military strategy, such as decentralised command, individual initiative, flexibility, clear communication, and trust. By incorporating these principles, software development teams can become more responsive, innovative, and capable of embracing the ever-changing landscape. The lessons learned from the Prussian and USMC military’s adoption of Auftragstaktik provide a valuable roadmap for creating resilient and effective software development teams.

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