

In an attempt to create a more dynamic relationship with and between the readers of this blog, I’m experimenting with an idea I’m calling “Quickies” – posts that are short enough and frequent enough to evoke the tweeting vibe.

“Why not just rejoin Twitter?” I hear you ask. A fair question. My response: Because I’m forsworn of Antisocial media. Let’s see how you like Quickies.

Look out for these Quickies: they’ll be short posts with the title prefix “Quickie:”. Let me know if they irk or delight.

Feedback on the idea welcomed. And please feel free to comment on quickies like you would reply to e.g. tweets.

– Bob

  1. Brent Grazman said:

    Love the quickie idea and thank you for not using Twitter to publish them (I use that word loosely).
    I’m looking forward to reading them.

    • Thanks Brent. Useful feedback and appreciated. 🙂 Most people who have commented seem to like the Quickies idea.

  2. Quickies are so irritating.
    They just take space in my mailbox.

    • So there’s been two so far. I guess experimentation doesn’t suit everyone.

  3. horiaconstantinadmin said:

    Hi Bob, I support the idea of moving away from Twitter and Linkedin and the quickies sound like a good strategy. [RSS feed subthread taken offline – Ed].

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