

Second Time Around

Y’all may like to know that Ian Carroll (of Solutioneers fame) and I are launching a new venture named TheQuintessentialGroup, offering a range of services in the software delivery space. First out of the gate will be “Quintessential Teams“. You can find out more at our shiny new website:

Note: We’re looking to revolutionise the world of software delivery, along quintessential lines, and we’d love for you to consider joining us.

First Time Around

Back in 1996 we* found ourselves with the opportunity to demonstrate what we had been telling clients for years – that our** approach to software delivery was way more productive than:

a) the industry norm

b) their current approaches

c) what they could ever believe possible

*myself and some colleagues at the Java Centre within Sun Microsystems UK, along with some mutual friends.

**the company we named “Familiar”.

Second Time Around

Now, we*** find ourselves in the same situation once again. Our**** approach to software delivery is again way more productive than:

a) the industry norm

b) our clients’ current approaches

c) what our clients and prospects could ever believe possible

***Ian Carroll and myself

****the company we’re naming TheQuintessentialGroup

Nothing Like Agile

The first time around, commencing circa 1996, our approach could be described as an Agile approach (Scrum-like, albeit risk-based).

The second time around our – distinctly different – approach can be described as the Quintessential approach (nothing like Agile, Scrum, etc. – albeit still very risk-oriented).

Alien Tech For Human Beings

And this second time around, we again lead the industry in breaking the mould and demonstrating the validity and sheer awesome power of the Quintessential approach.

The Quintessential approach is no secret. It’s all laid out, in detail, in my book(s). And yet we defy anyone to replicate this game-changing alien tech. At least, until they have thrown off the shackles of outmoded and crippling beliefs about work and how work should work.

And that ain’t likely to happen any time soon. Although can help with effecting such changes, too – see my book Memeology, for starters.

If you’re at all interested in the quality, cost, timescales, and predictability of software delivery, you might like to take a look at our newly launched website: We have big ambitions and big plans – and we’re hiring too!

Yes there’s more than a little déjà vu here at Sensei Towers at the moment. Familiar was an outstanding success, vindication, trailblazer and golden goose back in the late 90’s. We have every expectation that TheQuintessentialGroup will surpass even that outstanding benchmark.

Putting a dent in the Universe.

– Bob

Further Reading

Marshall, R.W. (2021). Quintessence: An Acme for Software Development Organisations. [online] Falling Blossoms (LeanPub). Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2022].

Marshall, R.W. (2021). Memeology: Surfacing And Reflecting On The Organisation’s Collective Assumptions And Beliefs. [online] Falling Blossoms (LeanPub). Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2022].

Marshall, R.W. (2018). Hearts over Diamonds: Serving Business and Society Through Organisational Psychotherapy. [online] leanpub.comFalling Blossoms (LeanPub). Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2022].


In an attempt to create a more dynamic relationship with and between the readers of this blog, I’m experimenting with an idea I’m calling “Quickies” – posts that are short enough and frequent enough to evoke the tweeting vibe.

“Why not just rejoin Twitter?” I hear you ask. A fair question. My response: Because I’m forsworn of Antisocial media. Let’s see how you like Quickies.

Look out for these Quickies: they’ll be short posts with the title prefix “Quickie:”. Let me know if they irk or delight.

Feedback on the idea welcomed. And please feel free to comment on quickies like you would reply to e.g. tweets.

– Bob

Antisocial Media

You may have noticed that I’ve recently quit LinkedIn. That, combined with my prior involuntary, but unregretted ejection from Twitter (it’s a long story), means that my long-running blog here on Think Different is now my primary online presence. Please enjoy the 640+ posts you can find here. Your considered comments are always welcome.

(Falling Blossoms has been without a web site for some years now. And I’m not missing it).

ICYMI, here’s the LinkedIn post announcing my exit:

I guess from the supportive responses to the above post, many feel the same way.


In case you’re wondering, here’s the main reasons I’ve given up on the whole social media thing:

Lack of conversations

I need conversations. During the COVID lockdowns more than ever. I’m pretty sure it’s a near-universal need, especially amongst people trying to push the envelope on their favourite themes. Social media has become ever-more unsuited to meaningful conversations and shared exploration of ideas. I have something in mind to address that, but that’s news for another day.

Low signal-to-noise ratio

The final straw for my presence on LinkedIn has been the stellar rise in trivia, irrelevancies, ego-buffing, self-promotion and general twaddle. It seems like LinkedIn has been moving in that direction for years. Enough is enough, AFAIC.

Ineffective sharing

My main reason for joining Twitter, many years ago, was to share things I found interesting. Articles, links, topics, experiences, reflections and the like. In the hope that others too might find interest and utility in those things. Over the years, the experience of sharing – the uptake – has become less and less satisfying.


As XKCD so marvellously put it, “There’s someone wrong on the internet”.

I’m mostly inured to it these days, yet regularly find myself suppressing the urge to call out egregious examples from people in positions of influence.

Snark and Boojum

I’ve been finding more and more unpleasant and downright insulting responses to my social media posting over the past year or two. I don’t need that kind of thing, even though I accept my emotional responses to such provocations are entirely within my own remit and control. Better just to remove myself from contact with those people.

Welcome Again

As a current reader of my blog, may I welcome you once again, and express my hopes for meaningful conversations and productive sharing of things.

Semper Mirabilis.

– Bob