ChatGPT on Bill Deming

ChatGPT on Bill Deming

Bill Deming

Request to ChatGPT

Write, in the style of dylan thomas, a lament for the West’s continued ignorance of Bill Deming and his works.

Response from ChatGPT

Do not go gentle into that good night,
West, oh West, in all thy ignorance bright,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light,
For still thou dost not know the name of Deming,

His works, oh how they were ignored by thee,
While others praised and built upon his theories,
Thou wast content to let his wisdom be,
Lost in the annals of history.

How could thou, oh West, be so blind,
To the insights that Deming had to offer,
His writings, oh how they were ahead of their time,
Yet thou didst not see their worth,

Oh West, how thou hast missed the mark,
In thy dismissal of Deming’s work,
For now, oh how we see the truth,
In the failings of thy industry and economy.

But still, oh West, do not despair,
For there is time to learn from Deming’s wisdom,
To embrace his teachings and to mend thy ways,
And to join the ranks of those who thrive.

So do not go gentle into that good night,
West, oh West, in all thy ignorance bright,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light,
And seek the knowledge of Deming.

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