Trust Trumps Logic

Trust Trumps Logic

Insights on some of the best practices in making improvements in a new environment.

One approach that has gained traction in recent years is to focus on building relationships, holding the space, and cultivating the therapeutic alliance. This approach recognizes the importance of establishing trust and rapport with the people who are affected by the change. Rather than rushing to first understand the current state, this approach emphasises the need to listen, learn, and connect with people on a personal level.

Building Relationships

The first step in this approach is to build relationships. This involves getting to know the people who are involved in the change, their backgrounds, their interests, and their needs. By cultivating trust-based relationships, you can gain a better understanding of the cultural norms, power dynamics, and communication styles of the organisation. This knowledge will help navigate the complexities of the new environment and build credibility.

Holding The Space

The second step is to hold the space. This means supporting the creation of a safe and supportive environment for people to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. By holding the space, people can have open and honest dialogue, which can lead to more meaningful conversations and better outcomes. Holding the space also involves everyone being present and attentive, showing empathy and compassion, and modeling the behaviours everyone wishes to see.

Therapeutic Alliance

The third step is to cultivate the therapeutic alliance. This involves building a partnership based on mutual respect, trust, and collaboration. By cultivating the therapeutic alliance, people can leverage the collective wisdom and expertise of the organisation to co-create solutions that meet everyone’s needs. This approach also emphasises the importance of being transparent, honest, and accountable, which can help build credibility and trust over time.

In conclusion, one approach to making improvements in a new environment is to focus on building relationships, holding the space, and cultivating the therapeutic alliance. This approach recognises the importance of establishing trust and rapport with the people who are affected by the change. By taking the time to listen, learn, and connect with people on a personal level, a safe and supportive environment emerges that fosters open and honest dialogue, and ultimately leads to more meaningful conversations and better outcomes.


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