Pull Over Push, Organisational Therapy Over Training

Pull Over Push, Organisational Therapy Over Training

Why Choose Pull Over Push?

Pull strategies create environments where employees actively seek out what they need to develop and grow. Unlike push strategies, where management decides what’s important and imposes it, pull lets people align their needs with organisational goals naturally. This fosters better engagement and increased ownership of the learning journey.

Does Pull Enhance Autonomy?

Absolutely. In a pull-based model, organisations empower individuals to take control of their development. When people pull information and resources to themselves, they’re more likely to absorb and apply it. This autonomy is a psychological boost that can lead to a more motivated and agile workforce.

Is Organisational Psychotherapy More Effective Than Training?

Definitely. Many organisations use training programmes to address performance or behavioural issues. However, therapy—especially organisational psychotherapy—addresses the root causes. It’s not about shoddy fixes or one-time solutions.

Can Therapy Lead to Self-Discovery?

The goal of therapy is to foster awareness and introspection, which can often unearth the root causes of organisational issues. Employees and leaders are given the space to explore their collective motivations and behaviours. This reflective process brings about deeper change, as opposed to simply adding a new skill through training.

Why Focus on Whole Organisations?

When it comes to organisational change, zooming out to focus on the whole system offers advantages that focusing on individuals can’t provide. Systemic issues need systemic solutions. (95% of organisational issues are systemic issues).

Does Whole-Organisation Focus Enhance Alignment?

Looking at the organisation as a whole allows people to identify areas where it’s out of sync. By understanding how departments and teams interact, organisations get a better sense of where inefficiencies and conflicts arise. Solutions designed with the entire organisation in mind are more likely to be effective and sustainable.

Final Thoughts

So why pull over push, therapy over training, and a focus on whole organisations? The answer lies in creating a culture of autonomy, digging deep to uncover root causes, and ensuring systemic alignment. These strategies are tailored to the complexities of modern organisations and offer a more sustainable path to improvement.

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