It’s Mutual

It’s Mutual

One of the many cunning aspects implicit in the Antimatter Principle, and one of many that may not be obvious at first glance, is the role of mutuality. By which I mean “things – such as feelings – that we have in common” and also “having the same quality of relationship, each to each other”.

“This world of ours… must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.”

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Antimatter Principle works much less well when we attend to the needs of just some limited subset of “folks”. And much better when everyone has their attention, regularly or continually, on the needs of everyone, themselves included.

In the case of teams adopting the Antimatter Principle, for example, there can be a tendency for the team and its members to see the adoption of the Antimatter Principle as a licence for getting their own needs met. Whilst this can provide some relief and joy for the team and its members in the short term, the novelty may soon begin to wane. And the impact on the team’s relationships with the wider organisation will inevitably suffer, too.

“Relational mutuality can provide purpose and meaning in people’s lives, while lack of mutuality can adversely affect self-esteem.”

~ Judith V. Jordan

– Bob

Further Reading

The Meaning of Mutuality ~ Judith V. Jordan Ph.D. (pdf)

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