

Reflection Demands Self-Examination

Navigating the complex world of software and product development is a journey filled with twists and turns. When it comes to retrospectives, reflection and adaptation are more than just buzzwords; they’re essential tools. But there’s a hidden secret: reflecting without digging deeper into shared beliefs and assumptions is like trying to read a book with 90% of the the pages missing.

The Reflection Trap

Reflecting on what we’ve done is a vital step. Reflection, and acting upon those reflections, is how we learn from our mistakes and our successes. But if we stop at the surface, if we don’t ask ourselves why things happened the way they did, we’re missing a crucial part of the story.

The Missing Piece: Assumptions and Beliefs

Beneath the surface of every decision, every action, and every outcome, there are hidden assumptions and beliefs. These are the unseen forces guiding our choices. They can be our best allies or our worst enemies, depending on whether we recognise them or not.

Why We Need to Adapt

Adapting is more than just changing our actions; it’s about changing our assumptions and beliefs. To truly grow, we need to understand the why behind what we do. We must question our underlying beliefs and confront our assumptions.

Imagine you’re part of a team that keeps missing deadlines. You could tweak your schedules, but if you don’t question why it keeps happening, you might never address the root cause. It could be a belief that everything must be perfect, even if it takes longer. Without confronting that belief, you’ll keep missing those deadlines.

The Road Ahead: Surfacing then Reflecting. Understanding then Adapting

As you explore the world of software and product development, or any path you choose, remember that reflecting is only the first step. Go deeper. Ask why. Understand your assumptions, challenge your beliefs, and then adapt.

The process might be more complex, but the rewards are greater. By engaging with these deeper levels of understanding, you’ll find yourself more aligned with your goals, more resilient in the face of challenges, and more capable of innovative thinking.

Reflecting without understanding what’s beneath is like seeing only part of the picture. Embrace the full journey of reflect and adapt, and you’ll unlock doors to a more fulfilling and successful career in software development or whatever path you choose. It’s not about following a set path; it’s about understanding your path and shaping it as you go. Are you ready for the adventure?

Retrospectives In Context

The goal of retrospectives (an Agile ceremony) is *improvement*. If no one on the team needs to improve the way their work works, then their retrospectives are BOUND to be totally lame (and a pointless waste of everyone’s time).

I’ve never seen a team with the motivation / need to improve (out of hundreds of teams). Hence, I’ve never seen a retrospective provide any value.

Maybe one day…