Lucky Thirteen

Lucky Thirteen

It’s been thirteen years now since I first published my work on Rightshifting. In that time, some select few folks have embraced the idea, and incorporated it into their practice.

The industry in general however remains blithely unaware of the idea, and continues to fail to deliver software effectively, on a regular basis. C’est la vie.

In case a recap might assist some folks in better understanding the relevance of the idea, here’s Rightshifting in a nutshell.

At Its Core

Rightshifting explains the factors which contribute to effective software development. If effective software development is not as issue for you, you can safely ignore the idea.

For those for whom effectiveness is of interest, Rightshifting introduces a variant of Lewin’s Equation for the software industry – and collaborative knowledge work in general:

E = 𝑓(Mindset)

Effectiveness is a function of the collective mindset of the organisation developing the software.

Addressing the Root Causes

Equipped with this explanation, those interested in effectiveness can focus of the root causes of the seemingly perennial Software Crisis.

I guess at least one reason folks ignore this explanation of software development effectiveness is that it’s much easier and more lucrative to sell patent medicines than sell an effective treatment of the root causes. 

– Bob

Further Reading

Ariely, D. (2009). Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. Harper Perennial.
Rightshifting and the Marshall Model – Class 101. (2013, September 15). Think Different.

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