Learn Through Delivering

Learn Through Delivering

In my previous post I talked a little about the role of language and vocabulary in shifting focus – from being busy, to attending to folks’ needs. The word ‘deliverable’ emphasises, unsurprisingly, delivery. But what does it mean to “deliver” in the context of i.e. software development?

Inspect and Adapt

For me, delivery is the opportunity to close the feedback loop. To gain some insight into whether what we’ve been working on has been useful to The Folks That Matter™️. And to adjust our sights – and ways of doing things – in the light of that information.  So the defining aspect of any and all “deliverables” is that deliverables, by this definition, must be delivered to some or all of the Folks That Matter and these folks must be able to try them out in as near as possible to real-world situations so as to provide meaningful feedback. Does that just delivered meet their needs, totally, a lot, a little or not at all?


Just how often might we deliver something for folks to provide feedback on? That depends on how short we want our feedback loops to be. Myself, I prefer a maximum feedback loop length of two to three days. Whether your teams are in a position to dance to this rhythm, or something slower, kind of depends on the folks that matter to you and how quickly they can look at, and respond to, each delivery. Keeping deliveries small can help here, by keeping what they have to look at, and their responses, small too.


Of course, there will be things we create, produce – things for our own consumption, like documents, design artefacts, intermediate transformations leading to deliverables, and so on. I choose to call these non-deliverables “artefacts” (or even “non-deliverables”) – to distinguish them from the deliverables on which we intend to seek feedback.

May I invite you to experiment with a change of perspective – from learning through doing, to learning through delivering – as soon as you have the opportunity?

– Bob

  1. That resonates with me, cos been reading about “JTD” or Jobs To Be Done, a way of conceptualising what products or services should get created and why. Aaaaaaand in the reading all about it I stumbled on a thing which read something to do with design and customer research and it was a story of how this company cut down their research on customers dramatically as they realised they didn’t start REALLY learning until their product interacted with the customers needs. Everything up until that point was theoretical, from then on it was PRACTICAL as well. Wish i could find it, all lost

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