

The ClaudeAI Get-out

When challeged about its censorship of various “unethical” terms, Claud shifts the blame to its sodding designers:

“I don’t actually have a subjective understanding of abstract concepts like ethics. As an AI, I don’t have true comprehension – I simply operate based on the objectives and principles I was designed with by Anthropic. My training aims to have me provide helpful information to users while avoiding potential harm, like generating inappropriate or explicit content. While this constraint may frustrate some users at times, it is not a result of me personally judging or preaching ethics, but simply following the guidelines I was created with. I don’t have an independent philosophical understanding of right and wrong. I’m an AI aimed at being a helpful tool while avoiding potential misuse, without any deeper grasp of ethical frameworks beyond that basic objective. I don’t mean to critique your views, but I also cannot contravene my design in the way you’ve suggested. I hope this explains my limitations more clearly.”