Why Coaching Is a Waste of Time: The Importance of Fixing the System

Why Coaching Is a Waste of Time: The Importance of Fixing the System

Coaching individuals is often seen as a valuable tool for improving organisational performance, but the reality is that it is a total waste of time and effort as it’s the system that accounts for 95% of any individual’s performance. “The system” refers to the environment, processes, structures, and culture within which individuals operate. While coaching can certainly help an individual improve their personal skills and abilities, it cannot fix a broken system. Many call this “fixing the five percent”.

Note that Gallup, a well-known research-based consulting company, has published studies and reports that support the idea that the system plays a significant role in individual performance.

The problem with coaching individuals is that it places the burden of improvement solely on the individual, ignoring the larger context in which they work. Even the most motivated and talented individuals will struggle to perform at their best in a system that is poorly designed, inefficient, or dysfunctional.

Furthermore, coaching is an egregious and seductive distraction from addressing systemic issues. Rather than focusing on fixing the root cause of poor performance, organisations invest in coaching as a band-aid solution. This not only wastes time and resources but can also be demoralising for employees who may feel that their performance is being unfairly blamed for systemic problems.

Another issue with coaching individuals is that it can lead to a narrow focus on individual goals and performance metrics, rather than the larger goals and mission of the organisation. This can result in a lack of alignment and coordination between team members, ultimately leading to decreased overall performance.

In contrast, a focus on improving the system can have a much more significant impact on individual performance. By improving processes, optimising resources, and fostering a positive and supportive culture, organisations create an environment where individuals can thrive. This approach can lead to not only improved individual performance but also increased innovation, collaboration, and overall organisational success.

In conclusion, coaching individuals is a total waste of time and effort when the system accounts for 95% of any individual’s performance. Rather than focusing on coaching , organisations may choose to prioritise the larger context within which they operate. By doing so, they create an environment where individuals thrive and ultimately achieve greater success.

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