Modus Operandi in Software Development

Modus Operandi in Software Development


In my previous post, there was an implict assumption (under option 2) that development teams attend to folks’ needs – at least, the needs of all the Folks That Matter™ as a core aspect of their modus operandi. I’ve only ever seen one team do this, but in principle there’s no reason why every team could not work this way.


The term “modus operandi” describes the standard methods and practices that individuals, teams or organisations use to achieve specific tasks. In the context of software development, it refers to the patterns, tools, and methodologies employed to write, deliver, and deploy code.

Preferred Programming Languages

Developers often specialise in certain programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or C++. The choice of language can dictate other elements of the development process, such as the libraries and frameworks that can be used.

Development Methodologies

The development methodology sets the stage for how a project progresses. Common methodologies include Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall. Each comes with its own set of rules and approaches to tasks such as planning, executing, and reviewing work.


Software development usually involves a suite of tools, ranging from integrated development environments (IDEs) to version control systems like Git. These tools streamline various aspects of the development workflow.

Approaches to Quality

The strategies for producing quality products also form part of a developer’s modus operandi. Some teams may favour prevention (e.g. ZeeDee), others testing-based methods such as Test-Driven Development (TDD), while others again might opt for inspections, or more exploratory forms of testing.

Code Review and Collaboration

The way developers collaborate also speaks to their modus operandi. Some might prefer pair or ensemble programming, while others could lean more towards code reviews (synchronous or asynchronous).


In software development, a modus operandi isn’t just a fixed set of steps but rather a combination of various elements that make up a development approach. This includes the choice of programming languages, methods, tools, and collaboration styles. Understanding a team’s or individual’s modus operandi can be crucial for effective collaboration and synergy.

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