
I like to see folks functioning better, individually and collectively. I love to play a part in making that happen.


I serve as a friend and counsel for all CxOs and staff trying to change their tech organisations for the better, in particular through the discipline and practice of Organisational Psychotherapy. I often play the role of Chaos Monkey or Omega Wolf.

My motto is: “Do nothing that isn’t play.”

Sometimes, when pressed, I might pigeonhole myself as an Organisational Psychotherapist or Digital Transformation specialist.

My Media Presence

You can find me across various media, including:

email: bob.marshall@fallingblossoms.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-marshall-flowchainsensei-3a2a5b164/

My Philosophy and Perspective

“I believe that a Rightshift of collaborative knowledge-work businesses brings improved health, wealth and wisdom for individuals, for the organisations in which they work, and for society at large.”

– Bob Marshall (FlowchainSensei)

You can read more about the Rightshifting Ethos, here.

And for more about my philosophy and perspective on the world of work, you might like to take a look at the NoCV section of this blog, at my Personal Charter, and at the Familiar Credo.

This Blog

Via this blog, I share insights of particular interest to CxOs, other senior business managers, and development folks more generally – into the always exciting, often frustrating and sometimes downright opaque world of knowledge work, i.e. software and product development.

Public Speaking

I speak occasionally – by invitation only – at national and international conferences and other events.


Here’s a collection of links to some of my past presentations (those that remain accessible):

VIdeo of Skillsmatter-hosted presentation 25.08.2009
“Is Lean the Inevitable Future for Software-intensive Product Development?”

Video of Limited WIP Society presentation 13.05.2010
“Why Big-Picture Stuff Matters”

  1. Dear,

    I am writing to you to talk about our work on a driving and very innovative project in the field of wellbeing. I am convinced that this project could interest you because, just like us, your purpose is to bring solutions to improve people’s everyday life and health by teaching them the most efficient relaxation methods.

    This is the reason why I would love to present you our own solution and receive your honest opinion about it. If you do not mind, let me tell you more about who we are at myBrain Technologies and about our unique solution, Melomind.

    Two years ago now, Thibaud Dumas, Yohan Attal – both Ph.D. in neurosciences – and I created our company myBrain Technologies. We decided to take on the issue that affects 76% of the world’s population: stress. Numerous people suffer from physiological troubles such as anxiety, hypertension or sleeping disorders but also physical symptoms such as backache, stomach pain and so on.

    For two years we have been travelling the world in order to have a better understanding of the general public’s daily issues, but also those of health professionals and those of meditation, yoga or mindfulness coaches.

    Thanks to those encounters, Melomind was born and developed in collaboration with the Brain and Spine Institute (ICM) of Paris – one of the most renowned laboratories in neuroscience research in the world.

    Melomind allows its users to teach their own brain how to relax in a long-lasting manner thanks to daily relaxation exercices, which only take a few minutes. Just like a muscle, we can train our brain to relax. Our solution is composed of a headset that includes electrodes which will measure the user’s brain activity and extract their relaxation rate in real time.

    Those information are then sent to the integrated app which will modulate a training audio session that matches the user’s brain results. Both devices – the headset and the phone – communicate in real time to shape the musical journey that leads to relaxation.

    This method called neurofeedback rests upon one of the brain’s main property: its plasticity. This method is used in clinical and scientific fields, has no side-effects, it is completely drug-free and it has proven very effective.

    If I am reaching out to you, it is because – more than ever – we would like you to be a part of our community, which is very involved in our project’s development. We are now ready to mechanize Melomind but, to achieve this goal, we need – in addition to yours – everybody’s support.

    That is why we are launching a collaborative funding campaign on Kickstarter on April 26 in order to finance our first production. We will propose an exceptional offer to our backers that includes our EEG relaxation headset and its app available on iOS and Android for the price of $179 instead of $390. Moreover, we are offering packs of 6 headsets to practice relaxation and follow progress collectively at very attractive prices. I invite you to click on the following link to have a detailed overview of our offers.

    Our Melomind is not only an EEG headset combined with an app that acts like your perso,al relaxation coach but can also be used as regular headphones which quality is comparable to well-known brands like Bose and Sennheiser. Thus, with such an innovative and competitive product, we are exclusively reserving our special offer on Kickstarter to our community for them to get the chance to acquire it for the best price possible before anyone else. However, we are willing to make you and your own community benefit from this offer and let you buy your Melomind(s) for the same knock-down price.

    Would you let us have the immense honor to count on your support? As well, would you agree to help us share our collaborative fund-raising campaign’s communication as much as possible? It can truly make a difference for us, if you would contribute to increasing melamine’s awareness on a global scale.

    MyBrain Technologies is looking forward to having your feedback as soon as possible and I personally am at your disposal if you need any further information.

    Sincerely yours,

    Julien Fiszman – Co-Founders

    96 bis Bd Raspail – 75006 Paris

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