Revolutionising Solution Delivery: The Power of Artefact Driven Delivery

Revolutionising Solution Delivery: The Power of Artefact Driven Delivery

Artefact Driven Delivery is a method of solution delivery, created at Familiar, that focuses on using artefacts as the main unit of progress, instead of tasks. This approach avoids the Cost of Delay, deferred feedback, and other risks associated with traditional approaches to solution delivery. Approaches which delay work on implementing a solution until all requirements, designs, etc. are fully defined. Instead, skeleton standard artefacts are available from the beginning of the solution development process, are based on standard templates. The artefacts are then gradually filled with solution-specific content as they are needed for implementation and delivery.

The standard artefacts used in this approach include the Control Document, Articles of Understanding, Glossary of Terms, Statement of Purpose, Case for Action, Vision, Folks That Matter and their Needs, Risk Parade, Top Risks, Functional Requirements, Non-functional Requirements, Critical Success Factors, Feature Schedule, Quality Plan, Test Plan, Change Control, Cycle Plans, and Cycle Reviews. These artefacts are continually shared with clients and serve as a running history of the endeavour.

The Artefact Driven Delivery approach follows the Antimatter Principle which is covered extensively on my blog. For the curious, the “Javelin” White Paper provides a more in-depth explanation of each of the artefacts.

In conclusion, Artefact Driven Delivery is a method of solution delivery that emphasises the use of artefacts as the main unit of progress. It avoids the risks associated with traditional approaches, by establishing standard artefacts from the beginning of the solution development process and gradually filling them with solution-specific content as needed.

This approach results in a running history of the solution development and better communication between clients and the development team.

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