Why Managers?

Why Managers?

Who’s In Charge?

For years, companies have automatically installed managers at the helm of software development teams. Why? Perhaps it’s because this model has been employed across various other industries with some semblance of success. But is this the right approach for software development?

Does Archaism Matter?

Historically, the concept of a manager has roots in the Industrial Age, where assembly lines were all the rage. These lines seemed like they needed supervision and structure. The manager became the linchpin in ensuring that production flowed more or less smoothly. While this may have worked in a factory setting, software development isn’t assembly work. It’s more akin to crafting a work of art. So why are we still clinging to archaic notions?

What Devs Need

Developers don’t need someone hovering over them, dictating their every move. They need autonomy and space to innovate. Software development is a field that requires creative thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and an in-depth understanding of technologies. These skills can’t be micromanaged into existence. Instead, a supportive, collaborative environment is more beneficial. So, if not managers, then who or what can create such an environment?

Why Not Self-Management?

Self-management or self-organising teams are a game changer in the software development industry. Such teams have no formal manager but work towards a common goal. Every team member is responsible for managing their tasks and collaborating with their teammates. While this model isn’t flawless, it’s more attuned to the needs and work style of software developers, and collaborative knowledge work more generally.

There Are Alternatives

If going manager-free feels too risky, other structures such as ‘servant leadership’ offer a middle ground. In this framework, leaders exist but act as enablers rather than dictators. Their role is to remove obstacles and facilitate, rather than control. This form of leadership suits the collaborative, innovative nature of software development.

What’s the Bottom Line?

Installing managers in software development teams is a practice that’s way outlived its usefulness. While it’s not going to change overnight, there are alternative methods of organisation that better serve the needs of developers and promote a more effective, humane work environment. So, the next time someone suggests that a manager is essential for a software development team, consider whether tradition is clouding better judgement.

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