Implications of Innovations

Implications of Innovations

When exciting innovations emerge, they hold potential to shift our life trajectories in both promising and complex ways. However, in the thrill that accompanies the novel and cutting-edge, people rarely pause to deeply contemplate personal implications. In other words, “What’s in it for me?” (Or for my peers, friends, family, etc.)

Visionaries passionately champion new concepts for their potential to uplift lives, because they see the implications. But whether an emerging idea or philosophy ultimately proves beneficial depends greatly on each person exposed to it.

Given that recipients of a new idea often fail to appreciate the implications of that idea – as it specifically applies to them and their self-interest – is it any wonder that new ideas take so long to see an uptake?

The ideas with the most transformative power invite searching self-inquiry to identify what they could mean for the reader. Recognising that no single innovation holds universal betterment for all people is an act of discernment. Contemplating tough questions about how emerging ideas and philosophies might shape our wellbeing is essential for progress that elevates rather than diminishes life.


I write often about ideas that could revolutionise the worlds of business and software development. I never receive requests for clarification, explanation, implications or further details. If your interest is piqued in any way by what I write, I’d be delighted to respons to your questions.

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