What Do You Believe?

What Do You Believe?

[Tl;Dr Ten questions for the busy executive to prompt self-examination]

By way of illustrating the intersection between current AI and Organisational Psychotherapy, here are ten AI-suggested* reflective questions for the business executive related to collective assumptions and beliefs about work:

  1. What core assumptions do we hold about what motivates employees? How might those impact our leadership style and company culture?
  2. Do we believe work should primarily be about productivity or fulfillment? How does that shape our policies around work-life balance?
  3. What are our beliefs around hierarchy and top-down leadership? Could a more collaborative model unlock more creativity?
  4. Are we open to re-examining traditional perspectives on things like remote work, flexible hours, or results-focused goals?
  5. Do we view employees as expendable assets or vital stakeholders? How does that perspective influence retention and turnover?
  6. Do we believe work requires oversight and control to be done well, or that autonomy drives better outcomes?
  7. Do we assume all employees are motivated by the same things like money or status? How could we better incorporate individual motivators?
  8. Are we clinging to any outdated models of what a successful workplace looks like? What new data or examples contradict our assumptions?
  9. Do we recognise generational differences in perspectives around things like work ethic, loyalty, and fulfillment?
  10. Are any of our beliefs around hard work or merit holding back disadvantaged groups? What biases might we recognise and rethink?

With help from any of the now numerous AI chatbots*, the busy executive can easily and quickly generate such questions to assist in e.g. collective self-reflection.

*The above list was generated via ClaudeAI

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